API Pickup Passphrases
Last modified: 2020 April 7
The API Pickup Passphrases interface allows you to create and manage the pickup phrases to use when you authenticate with your Manage2 account.
Add Pickup Passphrase
To add a new pickup passphrase to your Manage2 account, perform the following steps:
- Select the desired privileges to associate with the new passphrase.
- Enter the desired passphrase in the Passphrase text box.
- Click Add pickup passphrase.
Active Pickup Passphrases
The Active Pickup Passphrases table lists all of your Manage2 account’s current passphrases.
- To modify an existing passphrase’s privileges, select or deselect the desired privileges and the click Submit passphrase modifications at the bottom of the interface.
- To delete a passphrase, select the Remove checkbox and click Submit passphrase modifications at the bottom of the interface.