API Pickup Passphrases

Last modified: 2020 April 7


The API Pickup Passphrases interface allows you to create and manage the pickup phrases to use when you authenticate with your Manage2 account.

Add Pickup Passphrase

To add a new pickup passphrase to your Manage2 account, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the desired privileges to associate with the new passphrase.
  2. Enter the desired passphrase in the Passphrase text box.
  3. Click Add pickup passphrase.

Active Pickup Passphrases

The Active Pickup Passphrases table lists all of your Manage2 account’s current passphrases.

  • To modify an existing passphrase’s privileges, select or deselect the desired privileges and the click Submit passphrase modifications at the bottom of the interface.
  • To delete a passphrase, select the Remove checkbox and click Submit passphrase modifications at the bottom of the interface.

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