Review Pending Transfers

Last modified: May 7, 2020


The Review Pending Transfers interface allows you to view and cancel any pending license transfers.

Review pending transfers

If you have no license transfers pending, the interface will display a message that there are no pending transfers to your account.

If you have pending transfers, the license transfer requests will appear. Pending transfers will show the following information:

  • Id — The license identification number.
  • IP — The IP address associated with the license.
  • From — The company transferring the license.
  • To — The company receiving the license.
  • Request By — The email address of the transfer request origin.
  • End User Email — The email address associated with the IP address receiving the license.
  • Time — The time of the license transfer request.
  • Source Company Notes — The time stamp when the company added the IP address and when the license comes up for renewal/billing.
  • Responses — Messages regarding the transfer and 48 hour review period which allows time to contact Customer Service about any issues with the transfer.
    • Waiting Response (Time Left=nn) — Waiting for approval or denial of the transfer. (nn = hours left out of 48 hours)
    • Approve (No Response in 48 Hours) — Automatically approved transfer after waiting 48 hours.
    • Approved (Source Company) — Manually approved company transferring the license.
    • Approved (EndUser/SysAdmin) — Manually approved by the user receiving the license.
    • Deny (End User Requested Denial) — Manually denied by the user receiving the license.
  • Action — Click Cancel to cancel the license transfer.

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