cPanel PHP

Valid for versions 120 through the latest version




Last modified: June 24, 2024


cPanel & WHM includes PHP 8.3 and its modules as a set of packages. This includes the associated PEAR and PECL packages and PHP loaders.

  • PEAR and PECL packages are software components from the PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) and the PHP Extension Community Library (PECL).
  • A PHP loader allows PHP to execute encoded applications. Loaders ensure that others cannot access your PHP code.

These are cPanel & WHM’s internal PHP packages. To view EasyApache 4’s PHP packages, read our PHP Options documentation.

PHP modules

The PHP binary includes the following PHP modules:

  • bcmath
  • bz2
  • Core
  • ctype
  • curl
  • date
  • dom
  • fileinfo
  • filter
  • ftp
  • gd
  • gettext
  • hash
  • iconv
  • imap
  • intl
  • json
  • ldap
  • libxml
  • mbstring
  • mysqli
  • mysqlnd
  • openssl
  • pcntl
  • pcre
  • PDO
  • pdo_mysql
  • pdo_pgsql
  • pdo_sqlite
  • pgsql
  • Phar
  • posix
  • Reflection
  • session
  • SimpleXML
  • soap
  • sockets
  • SPL
  • sqlite3
  • standard
  • sysvsem
  • sysvshm
  • tidy
  • tokenizer
  • xml
  • xmlreader
  • xmlwriter
  • xsl
  • zip
  • zlib

PEAR and PECL modules

cPanel & WHM includes the following PEAR and PECL modules:

  • Auth_SASL2
  • Cache
  • Console_Color
  • Console_Table
  • Content
  • Date
  • Date_Holidays
  • Date_Holidays_Australia
  • Date_Holidays_Austria
  • Date_Holidays_Brazil
  • Date_Holidays_Croatia
  • Date_Holidays_Czech
  • Date_Holidays_Denmark
  • Date_Holidays_EnglandWales
  • Date_Holidays_Finland
  • Date_Holidays_Germany
  • Date_Holidays_Iceland
  • Date_Holidays_Ireland
  • Date_Holidays_Italy
  • Date_Holidays_Japan
  • Date_Holidays_Netherlands
  • Date_Holidays_Norway
  • Date_Holidays_PHPdotNet
  • Date_Holidays_Portugal
  • Date_Holidays_Romania
  • Date_Holidays_Russia
  • Date_Holidays_SanMarino
  • Date_Holidays_Serbia
  • Date_Holidays_Slovenia
  • Date_Holidays_Spain
  • Date_Holidays_Sweden
  • Date_Holidays_Turkey
  • Date_Holidays_Ukraine
  • Date_Holidays_UNO
  • Date_Holidays_USA
  • Date_Holidays_Venezuela
  • File
  • File_Find
  • File_Fstab
  • HTML_Template_IT
  • HTTP
  • HTTP_Request
  • HTTP_WebDAV_Server
  • Log
  • Mail
  • Mail_Mime
  • MDB2
  • Net_DNS2
  • Net_FTP
  • Net_IMAP
  • Net_SMTP
  • Net_Socket
  • Net_URL
  • Net_UserAgent_Detect
  • PEAR_Command_Packaging
  • Services_Weather
  • SOAP
  • Text_Figlet
  • XML_Parser
  • XML_Serializer

Removed modules

We removed the following modules, which do not support PHP 8 or higher:

  • All Horde-provided modules. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan documentation.
  • The Auth_SASL PEAR module. Use the Auth_SASL2 PEAR module.
  • The Console_GetOpt PEAR module.
  • The DB2 PEAR module. Use the MDB2 PEAR module.
  • The xmlrpc PHP module. Use the XML_RPC PEAR module.

PHP loaders

cPanel & WHM includes the following PHP loaders:

  • ioncube
  • sourceguardian

For more information about the cPanel PHP loader option, read the PHP section of our Tweak Settings documentation.

PHP and SQL libraries

The PHP binary links to both the PostgreSQL® and SQLite libraries.

The php.ini file

cPanel & WHM PHP uses a php.ini file to customize internal PHP settings.

  • If you edit the cPanel & WHM php.ini file directly, the system will overwrite your changes. Use the PHP section of the Tweak Settings interface to retain changes to cPanel & WHM’s php.ini file.
  • This file is not the EasyApache 4 php.ini file. To learn more about your EasyApache 4 php.ini files, read our Introduction to PHP documentation.

Additional Documentation