
Valid for versions 82 through the latest version



Last modified: June 25, 2024


The Awstats interface displays traffic statistics from the Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) software. This software compiles information about how users access your website.

View AWStats data

To view AWStats traffic statistics for a domain, click View for the domain that you wish to view. A new interface will appear that displays the AWStats traffic statistics for that domain.

This interface displays the following details about your website’s visitors:

  • Monthly, daily, and hourly averages in graphs and tables.

    The color of a graph item matches the color of the header whose data it represents. For example, in the Monthly history section, the yellow bar in the graph represents the data in the Number of visits column.

  • The links through which visitors access your website.
  • HTTP codes.
  • Operating systems.
  • Browser information.
  • Locales of origin.

To customize your AWStats configuration, contact your hosting provide to enable the configuration include file in WHM’s Statistics Software Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Statistics Software Configuration).

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