Site Quality Monitoring — Settings

Last modified: October 16, 2024


The Settings tab allows you to configure your monitored website’s root domain, monitored URLs, contact email addresses, and the frequency of alert emails.

Monitored website manager

You may set your monitored website’s name, location, protocol, and root domain.


Your root domain is a combination of your domain name and the top-level domain.

  • Your monitored URLs will inherit your root domain information. For example, if you enter into the Domain text box, you can only monitor URLs within that root domain.
  • If you enter a new value into the Domain text box, the Site Quality Monitoring feature will update your monitored URLs to contain the new root domain. For example, if you update your Domain value to from, your monitored URLs will automatically update to use instead of

The Location menu allows you to select the location of the servers sending monitoring checks to your monitored website. To minimize the time checks take to perform, we recommend that you select the location closest to your monitored website’s server.

To update your monitored website information, add the updated information to this tab, then click Save.

To delete your monitored website information from the Site Quality Monitoring feature, click Delete. The Delete monitored website menu will open.

Delete monitored website

The Delete monitored website menu allows you to remove your monitored website from the Site Quality Monitoring feature and delete all its associated monitoring data.

To confirm that you want to remove your monitored website from the Site Quality Monitoring feature and permanently delete its associated monitoring data, enter your monitored website’s Name value in the Please enter example for confirmation. text box.

If your monitored website has an associated subscription, you may select the Optional checkbox to cancel it as well. Otherwise, you may reassign the subscription in the User settings interface.


For more information about how to manage a Site Quality Monitoring subscription, read our How to Manage a Site Quality Monitoring Subscription documentation.

Click Delete. You will return to the All monitored websites section.

To return to the Monitored website manager tab without removing your website from Site Quality Monitoring and deleting its associated data, click Cancel.

Monitored URL manager

The Monitored URL manager tab allows you to add URLs from your monitored website to the Site Quality Monitoring feature. These URLs receive specific monitoring checks based on their information. For example, a URL that you have designated as an XML sitemap will receive monitoring checks in the Sitemap and mobile optimization tab.

To add a new URL to monitoring, click Add new monitored URL (number free), where number is the number of URLs you can monitor. The Add new monitored URL menu will open.


If the value of number is 0, you will not be able to click this button or add new monitored URLs.

The Currently monitored URLs list displays all the individual URLs from your monitored website that you are specifically monitoring. Monitored URLs display their Name, Page Type, and URL, along with a screenshot. To edit a currently monitored URL or remove it from URL-specific monitoring, click the pencil icon in the lower right corner of that URL’s list entry. The Edit monitored URL menu will open.

Add new monitored URL

To add a new URL to monitoring, enter the following information into the Add new monitored URL menu’s text boxes:

Input Description
Name The name of the URL to monitor. Most likely, this will be the name of the corresponding page on your monitored website. For example, you may name a URL that links to your website’s shop page Products.
Url* The full URL to be monitored, including the domain and protocol. For example, to monitor the URL, enter into the Url* text box.

Your monitored URLs will inherit your domain information. If you change your domain information in the Manage website manager tab, your monitored URLs will automatically update as well.

Page type* Whether the URL connects to an HTML page or an XML sitemap. An XML sitemap helps search engines like Google understand how your website is constructed, while an HTML page contains content for your users.

Click Save to save the URL’s information and begin URL-specific monitoring. You may also click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Monitored URL manager tab.

Edit monitored URL

To edit a monitored URL, click the pencil icon (A pencil icon) underneath that URL’s screenshot, then update the information in any of the Edit monitored URL menu’s text boxes:

Input Description
Name The name of the monitored URL.
Page type* Whether the monitored URL connects to an HTML page or an XML sitemap.
URL The full monitored URL path, including the domain and protocol.

Click Save to update the monitored URL’s information.

You may also click Delete to remove the monitored URL from URL-specific monitoring. The menu will ask you to confirm that you wish to remove the URL. Click Yes to remove the URL. Click No to return to the original Edit monitored URL menu configuration.

Click Cancel to discard all changes to the monitored URL’s information and return to the Monitored URL manager tab.

Configure alert emails

The Configure alert emails tab allows you to configure how you receive alert emails when the Site Quality Monitoring feature detects common website issues.

This tab lists all email addresses that you have configured to receive monitoring alerts along with the following information:

  • The address that the feature will email.
  • Language — The language for the email alert.

To add a new alert email address, click Add new alert email address. The Alert Email Settings menu will open.

You may also use this menu to edit the information of a specific email address. To open the Alert Email Settings menu to configure alerts for a specific email address, click that list entry’s pencil icon.

Alert Email Settings

The Alert Email Settings menu allows you to configure how email addresses receive alerts when the Site Quality Monitoring feature detects common website errors.

To add or edit an alert email address, enter the correct information in the following text boxes:

Input Description
Email address* The email address to receive Site Quality Monitoring error alerts.
Notification for critical errors Select when you want to receive alerts about critical errors. Critical errors are errors that prevent customers from using your website. For example, your homepage not loading information in a browser would cause a critical error.
Notification for non-critical errors Select when you want to receive alerts about non-critical errors. Non-critical errors do not prevent users from using your website, but may negatively impact their experience. For example, your homepage not loading an image in a browser would cause a non-critical error.
Select language Select the language for the alert email.

Click Save to update these settings and return to the Configure alert emails tab.

If a user receiving alerts clicks the unsubscribe link in an alert email, their information will be removed from this menu. To receive more alerts, you must add their information again.