EasyApache 4 Module Updates

Last modified: 2025 March 19


You can use this document to find the most recent version number of an updated module in EasyApache 4.

For a full list of the changes in each release, read the EasyApache 4 Change Log or our Release Notes.


Module Latest version
Apache 2.4.60
APR 1.7.5
APR Util 1.6.3
Brotli 1.0.9
FreeTDS 1.4.9
ionCube 6 6.1.0
ionCube 10 10.4.5
ionCube 11 11.0.1
ionCube 12 12.0.5
ionCube 13 13.3.1
ionCube 14 14.4.0
libcurl 8.12.1
libicu 77.1
libtidy 5.4.0
libuv 1.50.0
libxml2 2.13.6
libzip 1.11.2
Litespeed 8.0.1
Memcache 4.0.3
Memcached 3.3 (PECL) 3.3.0
Memcached 1.6 1.6.37
ModSecurity 2 2.9.7
ModSecurity 3.0 3.0.12
NGHTTP2 1.65.0
NGINX 1.26.3
NGINX headers more 0.38
NodeJS 10 10.24.1 (EOL)
NodeJS 16 16.20.1 (EOL)
NodeJS 18 18.20.7
NodeJS 20 20.19.0
NodeJS 22 22.14.0
Nokogiri 1.11.6
Onigurama 6.9.10
OpenSSL 1.0 1.0.2t
OpenSSL 1.1 1.1.1w
OWASP ModSecurity CRS 3.3.7
Passenger 6.0.26
Pear 1.10.16
Phalcon 3.4.5
PHP 5.6 5.6.40 (EOL)
PHP 7.0 7.0.33 (EOL)
PHP 7.1 7.1.33 (EOL)
PHP 7.2 7.2.34 (EOL)
PHP 7.3 7.3.33 (EOL)
PHP 7.4 7.4.33 (EOL)
PHP 8.0 8.0.30 (EOL)
PHP 8.1 8.1.32
PHP 8.2 8.2.28
PHP 8.3 8.3.18
PHP 8.4 8.4.5
QOS 11.76
Redis 6.2.17
Ruby 2.7 2.7.7
Ruby Rack 2.2.13
Ruby SQLite3 1.4.4
SourceGuardian 16.0.2
Tomcat 8.5 8.5.100 (EOL)
Tomcat 10.1 10.1.39
Valkey 7.2 7.2.8

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