Best Practices for cPanel Virtualization Templates

Valid for versions 106 through the latest version



Last modified: 2024 February 22


While we recommend and support the use of the usual cPanel & WHM installation process, it may require more time than is necessary for Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Virtual Machine (VM) hosts. Instead, you can provision VPS or VM systems with a templated cPanel & WHM environment.


If you offer template installations of cPanel & WHM, we recommend that you become a cPanel Partner.

  • cPanel Partners can use our API to automatically provision their own cPanel & WHM, CloudLinux™, and KernelCare licenses through their billing system.
  • cPanel Partners can also enable or disable some very specific options within WHM.
  • For more information, see our Partner NOC requirements.

Create a minimal installation for templating

When you create templates, we recommend:

  • Creating only 64-bit templates. cPanel & WHM does not support 32-bit systems.

  • Keeping templates small (virtual disks of 20 GB or greater). After you convert the template for a customer’s VPS, you can use your virtualization software to automatically expand its virtual disk capacity.

Pre-installation configuration files

  • We provide extensive documentation on preconfiguring cPanel & WHM. For more information, read our Installation Guide.
  • In most cases, preconfiguring these files removes the need to log in to the VPS or VM before you grant access to your customer.

We recommend that you customize the following files:

Update configuration settings — /etc/cpupdate.conf

This file allows you to configure cPanel & WHM’s release tier and other update settings.

Update download location settings — /etc/cpsources.conf

This file determines the locations that your server downloads updates from.

  • By default, cPanel & WHM servers retrieve updates directly from WebPros International, LLC through our pool of update servers.
  • If you are a cPanel Partner with your own FastUpdate server, you can edit the HTTPUPDATE setting to only update from that FastUpdate server:
  • For more information, read our Customize Your Installation documentation.
Basic server settings — /etc/wwwacct.conf

This file contains basic server information for cPanel & WHM, including the IP address, nameservers, and home directory.

cPanel & WHM configuration settings — /var/cpanel/cpanel.config

This file contains extensive configuration options for cPanel & WHM.

  • This includes most of the settings that appear in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings) as well as other settings throughout cPanel & WHM.
  • For more information, read our The cpanel.config File documentation.

cPanel & WHM installation

After you finish preconfiguring your installation, you can install cPanel & WHM. For more information, read our Installation Guide.

Post-installation tasks

After you have successfully installed cPanel & WHM, you can set new defaults. You can also secure SSH or update your security configuration.


Do not shut down the VM to create the template until after you perform these steps.

Prevent locked licenses

To ensure that WebPros International, LLC doesn’t lock your development license, we strongly recommend that you create your template on an unlicensed IP address. This will ensure that WebPros International, LLC doesn’t lock your license or licenses.

To prevent instances created from your template from sharing the same credentials, you must run the following snapshot preparation script:


This script destroys some configuration and user data. Never use this script on an active production server with customer data.

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/snapshot_prep --yes

After running the script, review the output. Check for the following items:

  • There are no failed tasks
  • The last line of the output reads System is ready for snapshotting.

If this is the case, you can safely create an image.

If you choose to create your template on a licensed IP address, we strongly recommend creating one VM per template and maintaining it. This will prevent WebPros International, LLC from locking your license.

Remove copied files

The snapshot_prep script saves copies of some configuration files on your server. You can use these copies to restore lost data if you accidentally run the snapshot_prep script on an active production server.

If the copies remain on your server, they will also exist on any images created from the server. To delete the copies before creating an image, run the following script:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/snapshot_prep --delete-saved-copies

If the script succeeds, the output reads Deleted saved copies of configuration files.

Configure your template

Your templates must meet, and we recommend that they exceed, our system requirements. Most providers offer a few different templates.


Each VPS or VM needs a swap file or partition. Partitions must have at least 256 MB.

Deployment tasks

When you deploy the customer’s VPS, you must automatically update some files. The snapshot_prep and post_snapshot scripts only configure cPanel & WHM on your VM. We strongly recommend that you use a separate utility to configure the rest of your VM.

  • If you use the libguestfs virt-sysprep command, you can do this via the --firstboot or --firstboot-command options.

    If you use a tool such as libguestfs virt-sysprep to help finalize your template, ensure that you do not accidentally remove any user accounts or cron jobs.

  • If you do not use the libguestfs command, consult your hypervisor’s documentation for an alternative option to run scripts or commands upon first boot.

Updating your templates over time

As WebPros International, LLC releases updates, you will need to update your templates. We recommend that you plan regular updates for all of your templates.

To run a cPanel & WHM update on your template, run the following commands:

yum update -y

Before you shut down the VM or VPS to recreate the template, run the same commands from the Prevent locked licenses section above.

Common OpenVZ and Virtuozzo issues

You may experience some common issues when you use OpenVZ or Virtuozzo.


On some supported operating systems, your server’s hostname may not meet the requirement for a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

  • Virtuozzo controls the hostname via the VPS configuration (the --hostname option for the vzctl or prlctl commands).
  • If you set the hostname manually, Virtuozzo will reset the hostname on the next reboot. Make sure to set up the full hostname correctly after you provision the VM. cPanel & WHM requires an FQDN.


OpenVZ and Virtuozzo require you to enable second-level quotas, which can cause quota-initiation issues. For more information, read:


Jailshell requires specific steps to enable a full proc mount. For more information, read our How to Troubleshoot Jailshell Problems on a Virtuozzo or OpenVZ VPS documentation.

Additional Documentation