Basic WebHost Manager Setup

Valid for versions 108 through the latest version



Last modified: June 13, 2024


This interface allows you to configure basic settings for cPanel & WHM, such as contact information or nameservers. The system displays all available setup settings by default.

Contact Information

This section allows you to configure the following settings:

Enter one or more email addresses to contact in case a problem arises with this server

An email address to serve as your contact address if problems occur. The system also uses this address to create the RNAME field in the Start of Authority (SOA) record in the DNS record zone. For example:

  • Use a comma-separated list of email addresses to designate multiple contacts.

  • If you do not enter an email address, cPanel & WHM sends the following notifications to the root user:

    • Installer notifications.
    • Update (upcp) notifications.
    • New and terminated account notifications.
    • Errors from the check_cpanel_pkgs script.
    • Failed service notifications (for example, IMAP or the httpd daemon).
  • The system will use the reseller’s email address in SOA records for cPanel accounts that the reseller creates.


We recommend that you enter an email account that does not exist on the server.

Enter the sender’s name you would like to appear on the notification email’s “From:” line. This value defaults to “cPanel on”, followed by your server’s hostname.

Notification emails will display the information you enter in this text box as coming from that sender. The sender’s name will appear in the notification email’s “From:” line. For example:

DO NOT REPLY - cPanel Notifications

If you leave this text box blank, the default sender’s name will appear as “cPanel on”, followed by your hostname. For example:

cPanel on DarkOrb Hosting

Enter an email address that accepts replies to notification emails. This setting ensures that customers’ responses to do-not-reply emails will not be lost.

An email address that recipients can reply to when they respond to notification emails. This address defaults to a do-not-reply address. However, you can set this value to a different address to allow recipients to reach customer assistance. For example:

Enter one or more cellular phone or pager email addresses to message via email in case a problem arises with this server

A comma-separated list of cell phone or pager email addresses that can receive notifications if problems occur. For example:

An API Token for the Pushbullet API

A comma-separated list of Access Tokens for the Pushbullet™ accounts that you wish to receive notifications if problems occur. For example:

a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0, z0y9x8w7v6u5t4s3r2q1

The ICQ ID that this server should use for login to ICQ when sending alerts

An ICQ number that your server can use to send notifications if problems occur. For example:

  • To disable or fine-tune ICQ notifications, use the Contact Manager interface (WHM » Home » Server Contacts » Contact Manager).
  • To register for an ICQ number, visit ICQ’s website.

The ICQ ID password for sending alerts

The password for your server’s ICQ number. For example:


Enter one or more ICQ user identification numbers (comma delimited) you can be reached at in case a problem arises with this server

A comma-separated list of the ICQ numbers at which you wish to receive notifications if problems occur. For example:

1234568, 11223344, 1020304

A comma-separated list of http:// or https:// URLs of a system to which you want to send POST notifications as form data with the keys “hostname”, “subject”, and “body”

The URL for a form handler or ticket system that you wish to send the alert information. The system automatically sends the parameter’s hostname, subject, and body with the relevant data from the alert. For example:

  • To send additional parameters, include those keys after the URL. For example, to send the apikey parameter with a value of XXXXX, append ?apikey=XXXXX to the URL.

  • To add additional parameters and values, separate those additional values with the ampersand character (&) instead of the question mark character (?). For example, to include a state parameter of Texas and a status parameter of CRITICAL, append ?apikey=XXXXX&state=Texas&status=CRITICAL to the URL.

  • If you enter a secure URL (https://), that site must possess a valid certificate.

Slack WebHook URL

The URL of a Slack® WebHook. The system will use the WebHook’s configuration to send the message to the desired workspace and channel.

To specify multiple Slack WebHooks, separate each URL with a comma (,). To obtain your own Slack WebHook, please read Slack’s Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks documentation

Basic Config

This section allows you to configure the following settings:

The IPv4 address (only one address) to use to set up shared IPv4 virtual hosts

A single IPv4 address to function as the server’s shared IPv4 address. All of the accounts on your server that do not require a dedicated IPv4 address may use this IP address. For example:

If you change this IP address, the change will not affect accounts that use the previous value. To change the IP address for these accounts, use WHM’s IP Migration Wizard interface (WHM » Home » IP Functions » IP Migration Wizard).

The IPv6 address (only one address) to use to set up shared IPv6 virtual hosts


Due to networking requirements, you cannot run an IPv6-only cPanel & WHM server. You must have at least one IPv4 address.

A single IPv6 address to function as the server’s shared IPv6 address. All of the accounts on your server that do not require a dedicated IPv6 address may use this IP address. For example:

  • An IPv6 address range cannot contain a server’s shared IP address. The system does not allow you to set a shared IP address that exists within any configured IPv6 address range.

  • You must add the IPv6 address that you added to the IPV6ADDR line in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file.

    • After you do this, restart the network. To do this, run the /usr/bin/systemctl restart network command.
  • If you change this IPv6 address, the change will not affect accounts that use the previous value. To change the IPv6 address for these accounts, use WHM’s Assign IPv6 Address interface (WHM » Home » IP Functions » Assign IPv6 Address).

  • For all of cPanel & WHM’s features to function properly on IPv6, the cpsrvd daemon must listen on IPv6 addresses. To enable this functionality, select On for the Listen on IPv6 Addresses setting in the System section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings).

  • You cannot add this IPv6 address to any IPv6 range that you add through WHM’s IPv6 Ranges interface (WHM » Home » IP Functions » IPv6 Ranges).

  • When you configure this setting, BIND automatically starts to listen for DNS requests via IPv6.

The ethernet device onto which new IP addresses are added

Select which detected Ethernet device to add new IP addresses for your server, or enter a new device in the Other text box. For example:


When you install cPanel & WHM, the system attempts to detect your ethernet device.

Enter the location where you wish for new users’ home directories to be created

A location in your server’s file system to contain all of your cPanel users’ home directories or enter one in the text box. For example:


If you use more than one directory to store cPanel accounts, the directory with the most free space automatically stores new accounts.

This setting defaults to /home.

Additional home directories matching the following value will also be used for new home directory creations.

An additional directory that you wish to use to store your cPanel users’ home directories or enter one in the text box. You must enter a mount point for this setting’s value. This setting only accepts one value. For example:


If you use more than one directory to store cPanel accounts, the directory with the most free space automatically stores new accounts.

This setting defaults to home.

Select the Webmail default theme.

The default theme for the Webmail interface from this menu. This menu displays all of the Webmail themes that your server offers. For example:

  • The system uses the default theme whenever an account’s configuration does not specify a theme or uses a theme that does not exist on the server.
  • If you do not select a default Webmail theme, cPanel & WHM uses the system default theme.

This setting defaults to jupiter.

Automatically create a cgi-bin script alias.

Whether the Apache web server software automatically aliases scripts in the httpd.conf file. For more information, read the Apache web server documentation about the ScriptAlias directive. For example:


This setting can be individually overridden during account creation.

This setting defaults to Yes.

This value defines the caching time for host name lookups for domains hosted on this server.

A Time To Live (TTL) value, in seconds, for DNS records. For example:

  • Shorter TTL values can cause heavier loads on the nameserver, but return more accurate information for zones that contain records that change frequently.
  • Specify a value in seconds between 0 and 2147483647.
  • cPanel users that have the Zone Editor (AAAA, CAA, SRV, TXT) feature can override this value when they create or edit a DNS zone record.
  • cPanel users that only have the Zone Editor (A, CNAME) feature or the MX Entry feature can override this value when they create or edit a DNS zone record via UAPI’s DNS::mass_zone_edit function.

This setting defaults to 14400.

This value is similar to the previous setting, but is specifically the value used for newly created zone file’s authoritative nameserver entries.

A TTL value, in seconds, for a newly-created zone file’s authoritative nameserver entries. For example:


This setting defaults to 86400.

Enter the style in which you wish to receive your Apache logs.

The style in which you wish to view Apache log files. You may select either of the following settings:

  • combined — This setting displays Apache log files with all of a request’s information. This includes referers, user agents, and requested files.
  • common — This setting only displays Apache log files with information about requested files.

This setting defaults to combined.


You must specify nameservers for the server or you will not be able to create new accounts.

This section allows you to specify your server’s nameservers. Enter the nameservers that you wish to use as your primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary nameservers in the appropriate text boxes.

  • A entries allow your nameserver to resolve to an IP address.
  • Your nameservers require A entries to work over IPv4 properly.
  • Your nameservers require AAAA entries to work over IPv6 properly.

To add an A entry or an AAAA entry for a nameserver, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Configure Address Records. A new window will appear.

  2. The system will perform a DNS lookup on the nameserver that you entered and list the results in the IP Addresses table.

    • To enter a different IPv4 address, change the entry in the Enter an IPv4 address to create an A record text box.
    • To enter a different IPv6 address, change the entry in the Enter an IPv6 address to create an AAAA record (optional) text box.

      Your system will use the DNS resolvers that you configured in WHM’s Resolver Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Networking Setup » Resolver Configuration). You should check the configuration if you have problems with any nameserver IP resolution.

  3. The system will display the results of your changes. Click Close.

Save your changes

To save your changes to the server’s settings, click Save Changes.

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