Link Server Nodes

Valid for versions 98 through the latest version



Last modified: June 13, 2024

Looking for this interface?

Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).


The Link Server Nodes interface allows you to create linkages (connections) from this server to another server. You can use these links to perform certain functions on a different server. For example, you can create a linkage to a child server that uses the Mail server profile. The child server would handle all of the services related to mail for any new cPanel accounts.

  • This interface only appears on a server that uses the Standard profile.
  • You can only link to a child node that uses the Mail or Standard server profile.

The Create a New Connection interface

This interface allows you to create a new linkage. Enter your remote server information in the following text boxes:

  • Hostname — The hostname of the linked server.

    You can only create one linkage per hostname.

  • Friendly Name — Create a name for the linkage.
  • Remote root Password — Enter the root password for the child node.

To create a cPanel account that uses this linkage, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Create a New Account that Uses this Connection.
  2. WHM’s Create a New Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Create a New Account) will appear.
  3. Select the Mail Child Node option in the Mail Routing Settings menu.

After you successfully create a linkage, the Link Server Nodes list will appear. This interface displays all of the linkages that exist on the server. The table displays the following information:

  • Friendly Name — The name that you create for the linkage.
  • Hostname — The hostname of the linked server.
  • TLS Verified — Whether the system used TLS verification to create the linkage.
    We do not recommend sending information over non-TLS (insecure) connections.
  • Manage — Click Manage to view all the cPanel accounts that use this linkage. The Manage Settings interface will appear.
  • Unlink — Click Unlink to remove the linkage.
    • When you click Unlink, the system will display a dialog box asking you to confirm your action.
    • The radio buttons in this dialog box control what the system does with the API token that was used to link the parent and child nodes.
    • The API token’s default behavior is to expire in 24 hours. We strongly recommend that you do not change this default setting.

Click Create a New Connection to create a new linkage.

The Manage Settings interface

This interface displays all of the distributed cPanel accounts for a linkage. The table displays each account by name.



Only update the hostname of the child node to match the hostname on the linkage.

You can update the hostname of the child node. Use this operation to make sure the linkage and child node’s hostname match.

Manage Distributed Accounts

  • Performing the following action will result in account data loss.
  • Only use this procedure in an emergency situation, (for example, if the child node is permanently down).
  • We strongly recommend that you use WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Modify an Account) instead.

You can select accounts and click Force Dedistribute Accounts to move any offloaded mail functionality to the local server.

Additional Documentation