Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges
Valid for versions 98 through the latest version
Last modified: 2024 June 13
Looking for this interface?
Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).
This interface allows you to modify reseller permissions. You can set cPanel account creation limits and quotas for resellers. You can also select which privileges a particular reseller can access. You control these privileges with Access Control Lists (ACLs). For example, you can perform the following actions:
- Limit a reseller’s ability to create cPanel accounts.
- Assign nameserver IP addresses for cPanel accounts that the reseller creates. This setting also adds A entries for those addresses.
To modify limits and privileges, select the reseller that you wish to modify, then click Submit.
If only one reseller exists, the interface automatically selects that reseller. Alternatively, use the Reseller Actions for menu in WHM’s Reseller Center interface (WHM » Home » Resellers » Reseller Center).
Account Creation Limits
This interface uses three methods to limit a reseller’s ability to create cPanel accounts. A server that contains many cPanel accounts can deplete resources and cause it to run slowly. Use any of the following methods to prevent resource depletion:
Total number of accounts
To limit the total number of cPanel accounts that a reseller can create, perform the following steps:
- Select the Limit the total number of accounts reseller can create checkbox.
- Enter the maximum number of cPanel accounts to allow the reseller to create in the text box.
Limit by resource usage
- Resource limits only function on cPanel accounts that you assign to packages. If a cPanel account does not use a hosting package, resource limits do not apply. To limit resellers in this way, you must require them to assign all of their cPanel accounts to a package. To do this, deselect all of the checkboxes under the Super Privileges heading in the reseller’s feature list.
- If you select this setting, you cannot select the following privileges:
- Create Packages with Unlimited Disk Usage.
- Create Packages with Unlimited Bandwidth.
To limit cPanel accounts by resource usage, select the Limit accounts that reseller can create by Resource Usage checkbox. This setting allows you to specify a maximum amount of disk space, bandwidth, or both, in megabytes (MB).
To limit a reseller account by resource usage, perform the following steps:
- Select the Limit accounts that reseller can create by Resource Usage checkbox. The Resource Usage Limits settings will appear.
- Enter the quotas, in megabytes, in the Maximum Allowed Disk Space and Maximum Allowed Bandwidth text boxes. You cannot enter an unlimited value in these text boxes.
You must provide values in both of these text boxes. However, if you want to limit a single setting, enter a very large numerical value in the opposite setting’s text box. For example, enter a
value in the Maximum Allowed Disk Space text box. Then, enter a1024
value in the Maximum Allowed Bandwidth text box to limit the bandwidth to1024
MB. - Select the Allow Overselling checkbox next to each resource that you wish to allow your reseller to oversell.
Overselling combines the actual disk space used by a reseller’s cPanel accounts. If you do not enable overselling, resellers can only assign quotas that add up to the amount that you set.
Specify packages
Packages allow your reseller to specify settings for cPanel accounts. For example, a reseller can limit a cPanel account’s amount of monthly bandwidth or the number of subdomains. For more information about packages, read our Add a Package documentation.
- To reset a package for a reseller, read our Reset Resellers documentation.
- If you choose to limit a reseller by package, you cannot enter an unlimited value.
- Some packages do not comply with resource limits.
- You cannot apply a resource limit to cPanel accounts with an unlimited bandwidth or disk space quota.
To specify which packages a reseller can use to create cPanel accounts, perform the following steps:
- Select Specify which packages reseller can use for account creation. The Package Limits settings will appear.
- Select the Creation Allowed checkbox for each package that you wish to allow the reseller to use.
You must select the desired Creation Allowed checkboxes to allow the reseller to use that package.
- To set a maximum number of cPanel accounts per package, select Limit the number of accounts that a reseller can create per package. Enter the number of packages that you wish to allow this reseller to sell for each package in the Number Allowed text box.
Account Enhancement Assignment Limits
- If you have not installed any third-party applications that use Account Enhancements, the Account Enhancement Assignment Limits section will not appear.
- You must enable the Use Root Account Enhancements ACL to set Account Enhancement limits.
Use this section to set limits for how many Account Enhancements that a reseller can assign to the cPanel accounts they own.
To update the reseller’s Account Enhancement limit, perform the following steps.
- Locate the Account Enhancement ID that you wish to edit in the table.
- Set the Account Enhancement limit:
- Enter the maximum number of Account Enhancements in the Assignment Limit text box.
- To allow unlimited Account Enhancement assignments, select the Unlimited option.
- To disallow Account Enhancement assignments, enter
in the Assignment Limit text box.
- Click Save All Settings.
Feature Limits (ACL Lists)
You can use ACLs to manage your resellers’ privilege to access certain WHM features. For example, you can grant or deny the privilege to use WHM’s List Accounts interface (WHM » Home » Account Information » List Accounts). By default, the system assigns the Initial Privileges settings to newly-created reseller accounts.
- You must correctly configure your Super Privileges and Root Access privileges. Carefully read the warnings for each ACL before you grant a reseller a particular ACL. Many of the Super Privileges ACLs allow resellers to circumvent the limits that you impose.
- Granting
-level access to a reseller will grant the same privileges as theroot
You can also edit ACL settings with one of the following methods:
- Set the privileges with the WHM API 1
function. - Create an ACL list that contains these privileges with the WHM API 1
function. Then, assign that ACL list to the account. For more information, read our Guide to WHM Plugins - ACL Reference Chart documentation.
Load an ACL List
To load a preconfigured ACL list, select that list from the Load an ACL List menu. To add ACLs for the current reseller, select the checkbox for each ACL to add to the reseller account.
Only root
or resellers with root
-level access can modify ACLs for other resellers.
Basic Privileges
These ACLs grant access to basic cPanel account information. The ACLs also allow resellers to perform session management. The server enables these privileges by default.
Initial Privileges
ACL | Description | API value |
Account Summary | Allows resellers to view their cPanel accounts’ information. | acct-summary |
Basic System Information | Allows resellers to retrieve basic system information. | basic-system-info |
Basic WHM Functions | Allows resellers to access basic cPanel & WHM options in WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Basic WebHost Manager Setup). | basic-whm-functions |
Configure connected external applications | Allows resellers to configure connected external applications. | connected-applications |
Allow CORS HTTP Requests | Allows resellers to perform Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests. | cors-proxy-get |
Perform cPanel API and UAPI functions through the WHM API | Allow resellers to execute cPanel API 1, cPanel API 2, and UAPI functions via WHM. | cpanel-api |
Manage cPanel Integration Links | Allows resellers to manage integration links in the cPanel interface. | cpanel-integration |
Create User Session | Allows resellers to create a temporary user session. | create-user-session |
Digest Authentication | Allows resellers to enable or disable Digest Authentication in cPanel’s Web Disk interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Web Disk). | digest-auth |
Generate Mobile Email Configurations | Allows resellers to generate email account configurations for a specific mail client. | generate-email-config |
List Packages | Allows resellers to view existing packages. | list-pkgs |
Manage API Tokens | Allows resellers to create, list, update, and revoke API tokens. | manage-api-tokens |
Manage DNS Records | Allows resellers to manage DNS records. | manage-dns-records |
Manage OpenID Connect | Allows resellers to manage their server’s OpenID Connect-compliant identity providers. | manage-oidc |
Manage Styles | Allows resellers to manage their cPanel accounts’ style information. | manage-styles |
MySQL Information | Allows resellers to view information about their MySQL® databases. | mysql-info |
Nameserver Configuration | Allows resellers to manage nameserver records. | ns-config |
Public Contact Information | Allows resellers to manage where to direct hosting provider contact information requests. | public-contact |
SSL Information | Allows resellers to view detailed SSL resource information. | ssl-info |
Track Email | Allows resellers to view a report about the delivery route for their cPanel accounts. Resellers can use this report to find problems with email delivery. | track-email |
Standard Privileges
These ACLs allow resellers to view their cPanel accounts and the bandwidth that they use. The Standard Privileges ACLs include the following groups:
- Account Information
- Account Management
- Packages
- Third-Party Services
- Troubleshooting
- cPanel Management
- Account Enhancements
Account Information
ACL | Description | API value |
List Accounts | Provides access to WHM’s List Accounts interface (WHM » Home » Account Information » List Accounts). | list-accts |
View Account Bandwidth Usage | Allows the reseller to view bandwidth usage through WHM’s View Bandwidth Usage interface (WHM » Home » Account Information » View Bandwidth Usage). | show-bandwidth |
Account Management
ACL | Description | API value |
Create Accounts | Allows resellers to create new cPanel accounts. | create-acct |
Terminate Accounts | Allows resellers to terminate cPanel accounts that they own. | kill-acct |
Suspend/Unsuspend Accounts | Allows resellers to suspend and unsuspend cPanel accounts that they own. | suspend-acct |
Upgrade/Downgrade Accounts | Allows resellers to upgrade or downgrade cPanel accounts that they own. | upgrade-account |
SSL Site Management | Allows resellers to manage keys, CSRs, and certificates for their sites. | ssl |
Purchase SSL Certificates | Allows resellers to purchase third-party SSL certificates. | ssl-buy |
SSL CSR/Certificate Generator | Allows resellers to access and generates certificates. | ssl-gencrt |
Edit MX Entries | Allows resellers to edit MX (mail exchanger) entries. MX entries specify how the server routes mail. | edit-mx |
Change Passwords | Allows resellers to change passwords for cPanel accounts that they own. | passwd |
File and Directory Restoration | Allows resellers to restore items from local backup sources. | file-restore |
ACL | Description | API value |
Add DNS Zones | Allows resellers to add DNS zones. | create-dns |
Remove DNS Zones | Allows resellers to remove DNS zones. | kill-dns |
Park DNS Zones | Allows resellers to park domains. | park-dns |
Edit DNS Zones | Allows resellers to edit DNS zones. | edit-dns |
ACL | Description | API value |
Add/Remove Packages | Allows resellers to add and remove cPanel user packages. | add-pkg |
Edit Packages | Allows resellers to edit existing cPanel user packages. | edit-pkg |
Third-Party Services
ACL | Description | API value |
Manage Third-Party Services | Allows resellers to manage addon services such as plugins and cPAddons.
These privileges only appear if third-party software plugins exist on your WHM account.
thirdparty |
ACL | Description | API value |
Troubleshoot Mail Delivery | Allows resellers to use WHM’s Mail Troubleshooter interface (WHM » Home » Email » Mail Troubleshooter). | mailcheck |
cPanel Management
ACL | Description | API value |
News Modification | Allows resellers to add news in WHM’s Modify cPanel & WHM News interface (WHM » Home » cPanel » Modify cPanel & WHM News). | news |
Account Enhancements
ACL | Description | API value |
Use Root Account Enhancements | Allows resellers to assign and unassign Account Enhancements to their cPanel accounts. | assign-root-account-enhancements |
Package Privileges
The following ACLs allow resellers to create, use, and modify cPanel account packages.
ACL | Description | API value |
Allow Creation of Accounts with Shell Access | Allows resellers to create cPanel accounts that possess shell access. | allow-shell |
Package Access
ACL | Description | API value |
Use Root Packages | Allows resellers to use global packages. Reseller-specific packages contain an underscore ( _ ) in the package name. Global packages do not include an underscore ( _ ) in the package name. |
viewglobalpackages |
Package Creation
ACL | Description | API value |
Create Packages with Addon Domains | Allows resellers to create packages that include addon domains. | allow-addoncreate |
Create Packages with Parked (Alias) Domains | Allows resellers to create packages that include parked domains (aliases). | allow-parkedcreate |
Create Packages with Dedicated IP Address | Allows resellers to create packages that include a dedicated IP address. | add-pkg-ip |
Create Packages with Shell Access | Allows resellers to create packages that grant shell access. | add-pkg-shell |
Create Packages with Unlimited Features | Allows resellers to set an unlimited quota on one or more package settings. | allow-unlimited-pkgs |
Create Packages with Custom Email Limits | Allows resellers to create packages with custom email quotas. | allow-emaillimits-pkgs |
Create Packages with Unlimited Disk Usage | Allows resellers to create packages with an unlimited disk quota. | allow-unlimited-disk-pkgs |
Create Packages with Unlimited Bandwidth | Allows resellers to create packages with unlimited bandwidth. | allow-unlimited-bw-pkgs |
Global Privileges
The following ACLs grant access to server-level information and configurations. The Global Privileges ACLs include the following groups:
Server Information
ACL | Description | API value |
View Server Status | Allows resellers to view all of the features in WHM’s Service Status interface (WHM » Home » Server Status » Service Status). | status |
View Server Information | Allows resellers to view WHM’s Server Information interface (WHM » Home » Server Status » Server Information). | stats |
ACL | Description | API value |
Restart Services | Allows resellers to restart cPanel & WHM services. | restart |
ACL | Description | API value |
Resynchronize FTP Passwords | Allows resellers to access WHM’s Synchronize FTP Passwords interface (WHM » Home » cPanel » Synchronize FTP Passwords). | resftp |
Super Privileges
The following ACLs grant root
-level access configurations.
These privileges allow resellers to bypass cPanel account package limits if you do not also use resource limits.
Account Management
ACL | Description | API value |
Account Modification | Allows resellers to change an existing cPanel account in WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Modify an Account).
This privilege grants shell access unless you explicitly disallow it. However, it does not allow resellers to change a cPanel account’s IP address. |
edit-account |
Bandwidth Limiting Modification | Allows resellers to change a cPanel account’s bandwidth usage limit in WHM’s View Bandwidth Usage interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » View Bandwidth Usage). | limit-bandwidth |
Quota Modification | Allows resellers to change a cPanel account’s disk space quota in WHM’s Quota Modification interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Quota Modification). | quota |
Set an Account to be a Demo Account | Allows the reseller to enable a demonstration mode for a cPanel account. | demo-setup |
Advanced Account Management
ACL | Description | API value |
Rearrange Accounts | Allows resellers to move cPanel accounts between folders and hard drives. Select this privilege to optimize disk usage across disk drives. | rearrange-accts |
ACL | Description | API value |
DNS Clustering | Allows resellers to access WHM’s DNS Cluster interface (WHM » Home » Clusters » DNS Cluster).
This privilege allows a reseller to bypass many DNS zone modification restrictions.
clustering |
ACL | Description | API value |
Modify & Create Locales | Allows resellers to access WHM’s View Available Locales interface (WHM » Home » Locales » View Available Locales). | locale-edit |
Root Access
-level privileges on the server.
ACL | Description | API value |
All Features | Allows resellers complete access to the entire system. | all |
Save the ACL List
You can save an ACL list and apply the same privilege configuration to other resellers. To do this, perform one of the following actions:
- Save selections as a new ACL list — Saves the ACL list for future use. Select the option, enter an ACL list name, then click Save All Settings to save.
- Save selections as an existing ACL list — Updates an existing ACL list. Select the option, select the list to update from the menu, then click Save All Settings to save.
- Do not save selections — Applies privileges to the current reseller, but does not save any changes, and does not update any ACL lists. Select this option and click Save All Settings to save.
Use this section to set the default nameserver IP addresses. The server assigns these addresses to new cPanel accounts that the reseller creates. Available IP addresses must exist on your server to use this feature.
No available IP addresses
You may currently be using all of your IP addresses. If so, then you must purchase more from your internet service provider (ISP) or hosting provider. Add them to the server before you set up nameserver IP addresses. We recommend that you select Inherit Nameservers from root to use the same nameservers as the root
Custom nameservers
You can enter custom nameservers for your primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary nameservers. To do this, select Explicitly Set the Nameservers and then enter the appropriate information.
A and AAAA entries
A entries allow your nameserver to resolve to an IP address. To add an A entry or a AAAA entry for a nameserver, select Explicitly Set the Nameservers and perform the following steps:
- Click Configure Address Records. A new window will appear.
- In the new window, enter an IPv4 address to create an A record. You may additionally enter an IPv6 address to create a AAAA record.
- Your nameservers require A entries to work properly.
- Your nameservers require AAAA entries to work over IPv6 properly.
- Click Configure Address Records.
You must register your nameserver’s domain names. The server uses the
prefix, and a positive whole number to describe nameservers. For example,ns1.example.com
Save settings
To save your changes, you must click Save All Settings.