58 Release Notes

Last modified: February 22, 2024

Upgrade blockers

Perl 5.14

If the perl514 RPM target’s state is installed or unmanaged in any .versions file in the /var/cpanel/rpm.versions.d/ directory, the upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 58 will fail.

Apache’s suEXEC module

If Apache’s suEXEC module is out of date, the Mailman RPM will not update. To fix this issue, you must either rebuild Apache with EasyApache 3 or migrate to EasyApache 4.

CentOS version 5, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 5, and CloudLinux version 5 unsupported

You cannot install or upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 58 on a server that runs CentOS 5, RHEL 5, or CloudLinux 5.

64-bit systems only

cPanel & WHM version 58 is only available for 64-bit systems. You cannot install or upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 58 on a 32-bit system.

New features


We added the AutoSSL feature, which automatically installs domain-validated SSL certificates on users’ domains for the Apache and Dovecot services.

cPanel & WHM version 58 ships with cPanel (powered by Comodo) as an AutoSSL provider. To install the Let’s Encrypt AutoSSL provider plugin, read our The Let’s Encrypt Plugin documentation.

When you enable a provider, the autossl feature controls whether AutoSSL provisions certificates for a user’s domains. However, you can use WHM’s Manage AutoSSL interface (Home » SSL/TLS » Manage AutoSSL) to override the feature list settings.

For more information about this feature, read our Manage AutoSSL documentation.

  • Each AutoSSL provider may have a specific domain rate limit. For example:

    • Certificates that WebPros International, LLC provides through AutoSSL can secure a maximum of 200 domains per virtual host.

    • Certificates that Let’s Encrypt™ provides can secure a maximum of 100 domains per virtual host.

  • AutoSSL will only include domains and subdomains that pass a Domain Control Validation (DCV) test, which proves ownership of the domain.

  • AutoSSL includes corresponding www. domains for each domain and subdomain in the certificate, and those www. domains count towards any domain or rate limits.

    • For example, if your domain is example.com, AutoSSL will automatically include www.example.com in the certificate.

    • If the corresponding www. domain does not pass a DCV test, AutoSSL will not attempt to secure that www. domain.

    • This affects Let’s Encrypt’s limit of 20 certificates per week that may contain a domain or its subdomains.

  • AutoSSL does not secure proxy subdomains or wildcard domains.

  • Each AutoSSL provider may wait for a specific amount of time to replace an AutoSSL-provided certificate before it expires. For example:

    • AutoSSL will attempt to renew certificates that WebPros International, LLC provides when they expire within 15 days.

    • AutoSSL will attempt to renew certificates that Let’s Encrypt provides when they expire within 29 days.

    • Due to rate limits, AutoSSL prioritizes new certificates over the renewal of existing certificates.

  • AutoSSL will not attempt to replace pre-existing certificates that it did not issue.

  • AutoSSL will replace certificates with overly-weak security settings (for example, RSA modulus of 512-bit or less).

  • If a virtual host contains more than the provider’s limit of domain names, AutoSSL uses the following conditions to determine the priority of domains to secure:

    1. Whether the domains are currently secured.

    2. Shortest domain name length.

    3. Domain name alphabetical order.

For example, the following table demonstrates these limitations for the cPanel (powered by Comodo) provider:

Virtual Host 1 Virtual Host 2 Result
200 domains AutoSSL will generate one certificate for the account which secures all 200 domains.
202 domains AutoSSL will generate one certificate for the account which secures the 200 domains with the shortest names.
100 domains 100 domains AutoSSL will generate a certificate for each virtual host that secures all of its domains.
100 domains 102 domains AutoSSL will generate a certificate for each virtual host that secures all of its domains.
100 domains 202 domains AutoSSL will generate two certificates:
  • Virtual Host 1 — Secures all of its domains.
  • Virtual Host 2 — Secures its 200 domains with the shortest names.

Dovecot’s mdbox format available for mailbox storage

We expanded the mail system to allow your server to use Dovecot’s dbox format for storage. The previous mail storage system only allows you to use maildir flat files, which caused systems with large mail archives to exhaust their inode resources quickly.

The mdbox format stores multiple messages in a file and uses a better indexing scheme. This requires fewer files, reduces inode usage significantly, and saves some disk space.

  • To convert your maildir archives to mdbox, you can use WHM’s Mailbox Conversion interface (Home » Services Configuration » Mailbox Conversion) or run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/convert_maildir_to_mdbox script at the command line.

  • You can monitor the progress of the conversion via WHM’s Review Transfers and Restores interface (Home » Transfers » Review Transfers and Restores). cPanel & WHM version 58 will continue to use the current maildir format for new accounts by default. To change this setting, use the The storage format for new accounts setting in the Mail section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings).


Unlike the maildir format, the mdbox format does not support symlinks.

For example, when a cPanel account owner uses Webmail on their own cPanel account that uses the maildir format, the system will display every mailbox of the account’s email users. This is because of the symlink structure in the maildir format.

However, on a cPanel account that uses the mdbox format, the system will only display the cPanel account’s mailbox and not the mailboxes of the account’s other email users.

For more information about symlinks in Dovecot, read Dovecot’s Symlinks documentation.

Dovecot as local mail delivery agent

cPanel & WHM now uses Dovecot as the local mail delivery agent. Exim receives inbound messages, connects to Dovecot via LMTP (Local Mail Transport Protocol), and Dovecot delivers the message. If LMTP is unavailable, the system uses the dovecot_lda mail delivery agent to deliver messages.

In earlier versions of cPanel & WHM, Exim acted as both the mail transfer agent and the local delivery agent.

This may cause some performance issues with BoxTrapper-protected mailboxes, but overall mail server performance should improve.


The system enables Dovecot by default. If you disable Dovecot, your server will disable IMAP and POP3 message delivery services, but Dovecot’s authentication system and local mail delivery (LMTP) will continue to run.

Email subaddresses

This feature, also known as plus addressing, allows senders to route a message directly to the folder of a mailbox.

Email subaddresses use the username+folder@domain format, where username represents the username of the mailbox and folder represents the folder’s name.

For example, if you send a message to [email protected], the mail server will route the message to the Important folder in the [email protected] mailbox.

  • If the folder does not already exist, the system will create that folder.

  • You must subscribe to the folder in your email or webmail client for the folder to appear.

MailHealth TailWatch driver

To monitor the mail log for errors and issues, we added the MailHealth TailWatch driver to WHM’s Service Manager interface (Home » Service Configuration » Service Manager).

New Tweak Setting

We added the I/O priority level at which dovecot_maintenance is run to the System section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings) to allow you to set the Dovecot maintenance script’s priority.

Mailserver configuration options

We added the following options to WHM’s Mailserver Configuration interface (Home » Service Configuration » Mailserver Configuration):

  • MDBOX rotation size (MB) — The maximum size to which an mdbox mailbox file may grow before the system rotates it.

  • MDBOX rotation interval (Weeks or Days) — The maximum time that an mdbox mailbox file may exist before the system rotates it.

  • Disk Quota Delivery Failure Response — How Dovecot will handle delivery to a mailbox that reaches it mailbox quota or when the cPanel account reaches its system disk quota.

In cPanel & WHM version 58.0.19, we added the following options:

  • LMTP Process Limit — This option determines the maximum number of processes the system will allow the LMTP server to run.

  • Minimum Available LMTP Processes — This option determines the minimum number of processes for the system to reserve in order to accept client connections.

In cPanel & WHM version 58.0.20, we added the following option:

  • Include Trash in Quota — This option determines whether the system will count email messages in the Trash folder against the user’s quota.

And in cPanel & WHM version 58.0.24, we added the following option:

  • Process Memory Limit: config (MB) — This option sets the maximum virtual memory size (VSZ) of Dovecot’s internal “config” service, in megabytes.

New notification templates

In cPanel & WHM version 58, we added more notifications to the new system. The following alerts are now available in WHM’s Contact Manager interface (Home » Server Contacts » Contact Manager):

  • Mail Server Out of Memory — The mail server ran out of memory while it processed mail for an account.

  • System Out of Memory — The system ran out of memory.

For the full list of available alerts, read our Contact Manager and Notification Templates documentation.


We strongly recommend that you review your Contact Manager settings to ensure that you will receive important server notices.

New mail filter character restrictions

In cPanel & WHM 58.0.25 and later, you cannot create a mail filter that routes mail to an invalid mailbox in a Save or Deliver filter.

Mailbox names may not:

  • Contain a dollar sign ($), quotation mark ("), or an at symbol (@).

  • Start with a tilde character (~). For example, the /home/username/mail/.~my_mailbox name is invalid, but the /home/username/mail/.my.~mailbox name is valid.

cPanel Hardened Kernel

You can now download the cPanel Hardened Kernel from the cPanel repository. Symlink race condition protection is enabled by default in the cPanel Hardened Kernel.

In cPanel & WHM version 78, we removed the cPanel Hardened Kernel

EasyApache 4 Migration interface

In cPanel & WHM version 58, we added WHM’s EasyApache 4 Migration interface (Home » Software » EasyApache 4). This interface allows root-level users to migrate and revert their systems between EasyApache 3 (EA3) and EasyApache 4 (EA4). If EA3 is enabled, the system displays this interface when a root-level user visits WHM’s EasyApache 4 Migration interface (Home » Software » EasyApache 4). If EA4 is enabled, then WHM’s EasyApache 3 interface displays WHM’s EasyApache 4 Migration interface (Home » Software » EasyApache 4). This allows root-level users to revert their server back to EA3.

Extended PHP-FPM support

In cPanel & WHM version 58, we enabled WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface (Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager) the ability to set up and manage MultiPHP FPM pools. These pool options enable site configuration and for PHP-FPM to handle any incoming PHP requests that their domain receives. PHP-FPM increases the performance of the site with additional server resources. WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface (Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager) now prompts a user to install specific packages if their system does not contain the appropriate FPM dependencies.


In cPanel & WHM version 58, you can now selectively enable PHP-FPM for specific accounts.

EasyApache 4 and Amazon Linux AMI

EasyApache 4 now supports Amazon Linux AMI through el6 packages. This grants Amazon Web Services (AWS), secure configurations, access to package repositories, and security updates to a user. The Amazon Linux AMI provides lightweight assistance and AWS support.

Service Transfer Tool

WHM’s Transfer Tool interface (Home » Transfers » Transfer Tool) now supports the transfer of MySQL® configurations.

(PHP) Composer

In cPanel & WHM version 58, we have installed (PHP) Composer. For more information about how to use Composer, read our How to Set Up (PHP) Composer documentation.

EasyApache 4 now supports PEAR and PECL

EasyApache 4 now supports PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) and PECL (PHP Extension Community Library).

EasyApache 4 by Default

We now install EasyApache 4 by default on fresh installations. If you install EasyApache 4 by default, you cannot revert to EasyApache 3.

If you prefer to use EasyApache 3 instead with your fresh installation, you must create the /etc/install_legacy_ea3_instead_of_ea4 touch file before you begin the cPanel & WHM installation process. For more information, read our Installation Guide - Customize Your Installation documentation.


If your system runs CloudLinux™, the system installs the CloudLinux EasyApache 4 repository and the default CloudLinux profile. Systems that do not run CloudLinux install cPanel & WHM’s EasyApache 4 repository and default profile.

Preconfigure EasyApache 4

You can preconfigure your EasyApache 4 profile. If you wish to preconfigure your EasyApache 4 installation, you must create the /etc/cpanel_initial_install_ea4_profile.json file. This file must be a valid JSON file and must be a valid EasyApache 4 profile. The installation process will install this profile and then copy it to the /etc/cpanel/ea4/profiles/custom/ directory when it finishes. For more information, read our EasyApache 4 - Create a profile documentation.

Sync Internal and External OBS

We created a system to sync our internal and external OBS to ensure they remain up-to-date.

New Tweak Settings

We added the following options in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings):

  • Log successful logins — This setting causes your server to record successful login events for cPanel, Webmail, WHM, and DAV to their respective log files in the /usr/local/cpanel/logs/ directory.

Updated features

Manage2 interface

Manage2 now includes a setting to disable free cPanel-signed 90-day certificates. You can configure this setting in Manage2’s Update Company Information interface (Dashboard » Company » Update Company Information).

Roundcube RPM conversion

We now ship the Roundcube webmail client as an RPM.


This change alters the way in which server owners can customize their Roundcube installations.

  • Previous Roundcube customizations will not function in cPanel & WHM version 58 and later.

  • To customize your Roundcube installation, you must modify and rebuild the Roundcube source RPM (SRPM). For more information, read our How to Build and Install Custom RPMs on Red Hat Systems documentation.

Updated the Mailman RPM

We updated the Mailman RPM. The RPM package now adds the mailman user if one does not exist and sets that user’s home directory during each installation or upgrade.

Users who wish to configure Mailman settings manually must edit the /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py file instead of the /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py file. The system overwrites any changes to the Defaults.py file during upgrades.

The Mailman RPM is incompatible with systems that run CentOS 6 64-bit with EasyApache 3 (EA3) and the suEXEC v1 patch. Users on these systems must rebuild EA3 or convert to EasyApache 4 to run Mailman.

Whenever you install or upgrade the Mailman RPM, the system removes the Mailman crontab file, and overwrites any changes to the /etc/cron.d/mailman file.

Updated the fixmailman script

The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixmailman script no longer fixes permissions for the Mailman script files. The fixmailman script will continue to fix permissions for archives and mailing lists only.


In cPanel & WHM version 58, we upgraded the Munin plugin from version 1.4.7 to 2.0.25.

dovecot_auto_expunge_trash script changed to dovecot_maintenance

We changed the name of the /scripts/dovecot_auto_expunge_trash maintenance script to /scripts/dovecot_maintenance, and it now also checks whether usernames in the database table are valid.

Update to Custom cPanel Market Providers

We removed the url_after_checkout parameter from the create_shopping_cart provider method. The set_url_after_checkout function replaces this functionality.

For more information, read our Guide to cPanel Market Provider Modules documentation.

Transfers now use SQLite database

In previous versions of cPanel & WHM, transfers and restores used MySQL or MariaDB to store information about each transfer or restore session.

In cPanel & WHM version 58, we changed the transfer system to use SQLite instead of MySQL or MariaDB to store session information. We made this change because the Configurations option in WHM’s Transfer Tool interface (Home » Transfers » Transfer Tool) allows system administrators to transfer MySQL configuration information between servers. This might cause corruption in a transfer session’s session data.

Each transfer session stores its data in a separate SQLite database. If the system corrupts the data, it will delete the session. This will remove the session from the session history in WHM’s Review Transfers and Restores interface (Home » Transfers » Review Transfers and Restores).

Transfer Tool session expiration change

Transfer Tool sessions now expire 48 hours after the last update for an item in the queue. Previously, Transfer Tool sessions expired 48 hours after they started, but this caused timeouts during mdbox conversion.

Transfer Tool delays updates to system

The system will disable system and cPanel & WHM updates while there is an active session in the Transfer queue. This applies to both account transfers and configuration transfers.

Defined and undefined API filters

We added the defined and undefined filters to UAPI - Filter Output and cPanel API 2 - Filter and Sort Output.

Changes to background spam filter of piped email deliveries

The system now performs spam filter scans in the background for email that a user or script pipes to sendmail or Exim. This prevents PHP timeouts when a script sends mail.

Reject SPF Failures enabled by default in Exim.

The Reject SPF failures option is now always enabled in Exim, and we removed the option from WHM’s Exim Configuration Manager - Basic Editor interface (Home » Service Configuration » Exim Configuration Manager).

The /etc/exiscandisable touch file

If the clamd daemon exists on the server, the system will also enable the exiscan utility. To disable the exiscan utility, run the touch /etc/exiscandisable command at the command line. Previously, you had to remove the clamd daemon to disable exiscan.

Updated cPanel’s internal PHP

We have updated cPanel’s internal PHP from version 5.4 to 5.6.

In cPanel & WHM version 58, we have updated many of Horde’s modules. You can find the complete list of module versions in this document’s Appendix A section.

In addition, we have improved the update_horde_config script’s performance when migrating from more recent versions of cPanel & WHM. This improvement decreases the creation time of address books and calendars during account transfers and backup restores for accounts that contains many email accounts.

Streamlined New Subaccount Invites

We have improved the new Subaccount invite process. The new invite process contains less steps and allows new Subaccount users to access their account faster. For more information about the new Subaccount invite process, read our Subaccount Initial Password Guide documentation.

Updated cPanel Home interface

cPanel now displays general and statistics information in the cPanel Home interface. For more information, read our The cPanel Interface documentation.

  • The new General Information section includes basic information about your account, and the ability to switch between multiple cPanel accounts and themes.

  • The new Statistics section displays color-coded usage statistics for your cPanel account, with an icon to resolve quota issues for items with high use percentages.

Due to these changes, we have removed cPanel’s Dashboard interface entirely and have also removed the Statistics and Dashboard icons from the cPanel interface’s sidebar.

Moved configuration file for Site Publisher websites

Due to security concerns, we have changed the way in which the system stores Site Publisher website configuration files for newly-created or newly-updated Site Publisher websites. Previously, we stored configuration files as the configurations.json file within the Site Publisher website’s target directory. Now, whenever you create or update a Site Publisher website, the system will store the configuration file as the home-user-public_html-example.com.json file, where home-user-public_html-example.com represents the Site Publisher website’s target directory, with hyphens (-) instead of slashes (/).

  • These files will exist in the /home/user/site_publisher/configurations/ directory, where user represents the cPanel account’s username.

  • The upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 58 will not alter the locations or names of existing configurations.json files. However, the system will replace that file the next time that a user uses cPanel’s Site Publisher interface (Home » Domains » Site Publisher), UAPI’s SiteTemplates::publish function, or the /scripts/process_site_templates script to edit or create a Site Publisher website in that target directory.

Site Publisher backup tarballs

cPanel’s Site Publisher interface (Home » Domains » Site Publisher) now automatically backs up the previous contents of the target directory when you create or update a Site Publisher website. Users and system administrators can access and restore this file from the site_publisher/backups/ directory within the user’s home directory.

For more information about the publication process, read our The /scripts/process_site_templates Script documentation.

Several daemon logfiles now have ‘append only’ attribute set

The append-only filesystem attribute is now set on many of the daemon log files in the /usr/local/cpanel/logs/ directory. The update to the cPanel & WHM log processing subsystem ensures that logfiles with this attribute will work correctly with cPanel & WHM. If you need to manually remove or truncate these files, you will need to remove the append-only attribute before doing so with the following command:

chattr -a /path/to/logfile

Updates to Convert Addon Domain to Account

We updated WHM’s Convert Addon Domain to Account (Home » Transfers » Convert Addon Domain to Account) feature to include multiple additions:

  • We renamed the Document Root section to Website Configuration and added the ability to copy VirtualHost include files and an installed SSL certificate.

  • The Email section now allows you to copy webmail data (SquirrelMail and Horde), which includes address books, calendars, and signatures.

  • We added a new Subaccounts section that allows you to copy FTP and Web Disk accounts.

  • We added a Conversion History view to the interface that allows you to view the details of completed or in-progress conversions.

Updated the WHM Module Installers for PEAR and PECL to support multiple PHP versions

We updated the WHM Module Installers interface (Home » Software » Module Installers) for PEAR and PECL to recognize multiple PHP versions. You can now specify the PHP version on which you install or modify modules.

Prevent “nobody” from sending mail setting enabled on fresh installs

In cPanel & WHM version 58, the system enables the Prevent “nobody” from sending mail setting by default. This change will not affect existing installations of cPanel & WHM. You can adjust this setting in the Mail section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings).

Subdomain creation restricted to hostnames

In previous versions of cPanel & WHM, the system did not allow you to create a subdomain of an account’s root domain. For example, you could not create the sub.domain.com subdomain.

As of cPanel & WHM version 58, the system does allow you to create a subdomain of an account’s root domain. However, you cannot create a subdomain of a server’s hostname. For example, you can create the sub.domain.com subdomain, but you cannot create the sub.hostname.domain.com subdomain.

This change affects the following settings in the Domains section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings):

  • Allow users to park subdomains of the server’s hostname

  • Allow cPanel users to create subdomains across accounts

  • Allow WHM users to create subdomains across accounts

Preset MyDNS and MariaDB versions

As of cPanel & WHM version 58, you cannot preset your MyDNS and MariaDB versions before you install cPanel & WHM. If you perform this action, the installation will fail. After you install cPanel & WHM, you can enable MyDNS in WHM’s Nameserver Selection interface (Home » Service Configuration » Nameserver Selection).

Tweak Settings changes

We changed the following options in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings):

  • The Allow cPanel users to install SSL Hosts if they have a dedicated IP setting is now the Allow cPanel users to install SSL Hosts setting.

  • We renamed the public_html subdomains only setting to the Restrict document roots to public_html setting.

    • This setting prevents the creation of addon domains and subdomains outside of a cPanel user’s primary domain’s document root (the public_html directory within the user’s /home directory).

    • For example, if you enable this setting and then create the example.com addon domain, the system creates the /home/username/public_html/example.com directory rather than the /home/username/example.com directory.

New Packages for EasyApache 4

We added the following packages to EasyApache 4:

  • php-imap for PHP 7.0

  • php-litespeed for PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, and PHP 5.6

  • ioncube5 for PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, and PHP 5.6

EasyApache 4 Migrate Script

We added a notification to the EasyApache 4 migration script to warn you if your current version of PHP is unsupported.

EasyApache 4 mod_cgi and mod_cgid Conflicts

We adjusted WHM’s EasyApache 4 interface (Home » Software » EasyApache 4) to properly handle the conflict between the mod_cgi and mod_cgid Apache modules with the mpm_worker and mpm_prefork MPMs.

Bundled GD in EasyApache 4

We updated our PHP packages to the use the GD PHP module that the PHP source code includes.

MultiPHP Manager and Hardened PHP

We added a notification about CloudLinux’s hardened versions of PHP to WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface (Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager).

Global Configuration updated

We added the LogLevel directive to the Global Configuration section of WHM’s Apache Configuration interface (Home » Service Configuration » Apache Configuration » Global Configuration).

Deprecated and removed items

Removed Perl 5.14 RPM target

The /var/cpanel/rpm.versions.d/rpm.versions file now marks the perl514 RPM target as obsolete. You cannot install the Perl 5.14 RPM on cPanel & WHM version 58 and higher, and we no longer ship it.

Removed stunnel and non-native SSL support

cPanel & WHM no longer uses or supports stunnel or non-native SSL.

  • We have removed the SSL Support for cPanel daemons (no stunnel) setting from the System section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings).

  • We have removed the nativessl and stunnel settings from the /etc/cpanel.config file.

  • We have removed all stunnel-related files from the cPanel & WHM codebase.

Deprecated and removed Mailman scripts

We now ship Mailman as an RPM. Due to this change, we deprecated the following Mailman-related scripts:

  • /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkmailmancron

  • /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkmailmanhome

  • /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dump_mailman_db

  • /usr/local/cpanel/bin/mailman-install

We also removed the following script:

  • /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/reinstallmailman

If you attempt to run these scripts, you will see a deprecation message. To perform the actions that these scripts previously managed, you must use the rpm.versions distribution management system. For more information, read our The rpm.versions System documentation.

Removed Bandmin

We removed the Bandmin feature from WHM and cPanel. You can still use WHM’s View Bandwidth Usage interface (Home » Account Information » View Bandwidth Usage) or cPanel’s Bandwidth interface (Home » Metrics » Bandwidth) to monitor bandwidth.

  • We removed Bandmin as an RPM target in the /usr/local/cpanel/etc/rpm.versions file.

  • We removed the Bandmin Password feature in WHM’s Service Configuration interface (Home » Service Configuration).

Removed Mailserver Selection interface

We removed WHM’s Mailserver Selection interface (Home » Mailserver Configuration » Mailserver Selection) because we only provide the Dovecot mail server with cPanel & WHM.

cPanel Account Forgot Password Request notification

We removed the cPanel Account Forgot Password Request option from WHM’s Contact Manager interface (Home » Server Contacts » Contact Manager). The Reset Password for cPanel accounts and Reset Password for Subaccounts options in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings) now controls whether the system sends this notification.

cPanel Feature Showcase

The Feature Showcase section will not display in cPanel’s Home interface in cPanel & WHM version 58.

Removed angular-ui-utils RPM

Throughout the cPanel, WHM, and Webmail interfaces, we have replaced support for angular-ui-utils directives (for example, the ui-keydown directive) with the AngularJS ngKeyup, ngKeydown, and ngKeypress directives. For this reason, we will no longer ship the angular-ui-utils RPM with cPanel & WHM.


If you use custom code that relies on this RPM, you must update that code.

Removed jQuery libraries

We have removed and no longer ship the following jQuery libraries:

  • jQuery 1.7

  • jQueryUI

  • jQuery-UI-Themes

If your custom code requires any of these libraries, you must update it.

Deprecated PHP Magic User Loaders for Easy Apache 4

We deprecated the PHP Magic User Loaders when you run EasyApache 4 in cPanel & WHM.

Removed deprecated values from sysinfo.config file

Because we removed support for 32-bit architecture and Centos, RHEL, and CloudLinux 5 in cPanel & WHM version 58, the sysinfo.config file no longer allows you to manually enter these values in their respective keys.

Removed port key in the cpanel.config file

We removed the port setting from the /var/cpanel/cpanel.config file. This setting allowed you to specify a custom port number through which your users could log in to the cPanel interface. You can only log in to cPanel via the following ports:

  • 2082 — Unencrypted login.

  • 2083 — Encrypted login.

For more information, read the following documentation:

Appendix A: Provided third-party applications


cPanel & WHM version 58 includes the following third-party applications:

Third-party application Version Source
analog 6.0 RPM
AngularJS 1.4.4 RPM
AngularJS for Bootstrap 1.2.5 RPM
AWStats 7.4 RPM
Bootstrap 3.1.1 RPM
Bootstrap RTL 0.9.16 RPM
cgiemail 1.6 RPM
Chosen 1.5.1 RPM
CKEditor™ 4.5.8 RPM
ClamAV 0.99.2 RPM
cPanel Common Licenses RPM 1.0.0 RPM
cpanel-ace-editor 1.1.9 RPM
cpanel-angular-chosen 1.4.0 RPM
cpanel-angular-growl-2 0.7.3 RPM
cpanel-bindp 1.0.0 RPM
cpanel-chosen-1.1.0 1.1.0 RPM
cpanel-d3-js 3.5.6 RPM
cpanel-dnspython 1.12 RPM
cpanel-gridstack 0.2.4 RPM
cpanel-jquery-ui-touch-punch 0.2.3 RPM
cpanel-jstz-js 1.0.4 RPM
cpanel-lodash 4.8.2 RPM
cpanel-lodash-3.10.1 3.10.1 RPM
cpanel-mailman 2.1.21 RPM
cpanel-moment 2.9.0 RPM
cpanel-php-composer 1.1.1 RPM
cpanel-phpmyadmin RPM
cpanel-qrcodejs 0.0.1 RPM
cpanel-roundcubemail 1.1.4 RPM
Dovecot 2.2.24 RPM
elFinder 2.1.11 RPM
Exim 4.87 RPM
FontAwesome 4.3.0 RPM
Git 2.9.0 RPM
HTML Tidy 1.1 RPM
ImageMagick® 6.9.0 RPM
IMAP 2007f RPM
jQuery 1.11.3 RPM
Libmcrypt 2.5.8 RPM
libspf2 1.2.10 RPM
libsrs_alt SRS library 1.0 RPM
MariaDB Native Client library 1.0.1 RPM
MindTerm v121 src/3rdparty/gpl
Mongrel 1.1.5 src/3rdparty/ruby/gems
MySQL® 5.1.73 RPM
MySQL® 5.0 5.0.96 RPM
MySQL® 5.1 5.1.73 RPM
MySQL® 5.5 5.5.50 RPM
MySQL® 5.6 5.6.31 RPM
NSD 3.2.18 RPM
Open Sans 1.0 RPM
p0f 3.09b RPM
phpPgAdmin 5.0.4 src/3rdparty/gpl
phpPgAdmin 5.1 src/3rdparty/gpl
PigZ 2.3.3 RPM
PostgreSQL 9.0.18 RPM
ProFTPD 1.3.5b RPM
Pure-FTP 1.0.42 RPM
PuttyGen 0.64 RPM
Rack 1.1.6 src/3rdparty/ruby/gems
re2c RPM
RequireJS 2.1.14 RPM
rpm_is_working 1.0 RPM
RRDs v1.5.5 RPM
rrdtool 1.5.5 RPM
splitlogs 1.0 RPM
squirrelmail client for webmail 2012.12.09 RPM
User::Perl 1.0 RPM
Webalizer 2.23_05 RPM
wwwcount 2.5 RPM
yui (Yahoo User Experience Tools) 2.9.0 RPM

PHP Modules

Third-party application Version Source
Auth_SASL 1.0.6 RPM
Cache 1.5.6 RPM
Console_Color 1.0.3 RPM
Console_Table 1.1.5 RPM
content 2.0.5 RPM
cpanel-php56 5.6.20 RPM
Date 1.4.7 RPM
Date_Holidays 0.21.8 RPM
Date_Holidays_Australia 0.2.1 RPM
Date_Holidays_Austria 0.1.5 RPM
Date_Holidays_Brazil 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Croatia 0.1.1 RPM
Date_Holidays_Czech 0.1.0 RPM
Date_Holidays_Denmark 0.1.3 RPM
Date_Holidays_EnglandWales 0.1.5 RPM
Date_Holidays_Finland 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Germany 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Iceland 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Ireland 0.1.3 RPM
Date_Holidays_Italy 0.1.1 RPM
Date_Holidays_Japan 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Netherlands 0.1.3 RPM
Date_Holidays_Norway 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_PHPdotNet 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Portugal 0.1.0 RPM
Date_Holidays_Romania 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Russia 0.1.0 RPM
Date_Holidays_SanMarino 0.1.1 RPM
Date_Holidays_Serbia 0.1.0 RPM
Date_Holidays_Slovenia 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_Spain 0.1.3 RPM
Date_Holidays_Sweden 0.1.3 RPM
Date_Holidays_Turkey 0.1.1 RPM
Date_Holidays_Ukraine 0.1.2 RPM
Date_Holidays_UNO 0.1.3 RPM
Date_Holidays_USA 0.1.1 RPM
Date_Holidays_Venezuela 0.1.1 RPM
DB 1.7.14 RPM
File 1.4.1 RPM
File_Find 1.3.2 RPM
File_Fstab 2.0.3 RPM
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.10 RPM
Horde_Alarm 2.2.7 RPM
Horde_Argv 2.0.12 RPM
Horde_Auth 2.1.12 RPM
Horde_Autoloader 2.1.2 RPM
Horde_Browser 2.0.12 RPM
Horde_Cache 2.5.3 RPM
Horde_Cli 2.0.6 RPM
Horde_Compress 2.1.5 RPM
Horde_Compress_Fast 1.1.1 RPM
Horde_Constraint 2.0.3 RPM
Horde_Controller 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_Core 2.23.0 RPM
Horde_Crypt 2.7.3 RPM
Horde_Crypt_Blowfish 1.1.1 RPM
Horde_Css_Parser 1.0.10 RPM
Horde_CssMinify 1.0.2 RPM
Horde_Data 2.1.4 RPM
Horde_Date 2.3.0 RPM
Horde_Date_Parser 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Dav 1.1.3 RPM
Horde_Db 2.3.1 RPM
Horde_Editor 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_ElasticSearch 1.0.2 RPM
Horde_Exception 2.0.8 RPM
Horde_Feed 2.0.1 RPM
Horde_Form 2.0.13 RPM
Horde_Group 2.1.1 RPM
Horde_HashTable 1.2.4 RPM
Horde_History 2.3.6 RPM
Horde_Http 2.1.6 RPM
Horde_Icalendar 2.1.4 RPM
Horde_Idna 1.0.4 RPM
Horde_Image 2.3.5 RPM
Horde_Imap_Client 2.29.6 RPM
Horde_Imsp 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Injector 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Itip 2.1.2 RPM
Horde_JavascriptMinify 1.1.3 RPM
Horde_Kolab_Format 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_Kolab_Session 2.0.1 RPM
Horde_ListHeaders 1.2.4 RPM
Horde_Lock 2.1.2 RPM
Horde_Log 2.2.0 RPM
Horde_LoginTasks 2.0.7 RPM
horde_lz4 1.0.10 RPM
Horde_Mail 2.6.3 RPM
Horde_Mail_Autoconfig 1.0.3 RPM
Horde_Mime 2.9.5 RPM
Horde_Mime_Viewer 2.1.3 RPM
Horde_Nls 2.2.0 RPM
Horde_Notification 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_Oauth 2.0.1 RPM
Horde_Pack 1.0.6 RPM
Horde_Pdf 2.0.3 RPM
Horde_Perms 2.1.7 RPM
Horde_Prefs 2.7.6 RPM
Horde_Queue 1.1.3 RPM
Horde_Rdo 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Role 1.0.1 RPM
Horde_Routes 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Rpc 2.1.7 RPM
Horde_Secret 2.0.6 RPM
Horde_Serialize 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Service_Facebook 2.0.5 RPM
Horde_Service_Twitter 2.1.1 RPM
Horde_SessionHandler 2.2.7 RPM
Horde_Share 2.0.10 RPM
Horde_Smtp 1.9.3 RPM
Horde_Socket_Client 2.1.1 RPM
Horde_SpellChecker 2.1.3 RPM
Horde_Stream 1.6.3 RPM
Horde_Stream_Filter 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.3 RPM
Horde_Support 2.1.5 RPM
Horde_SyncMl 2.0.3 RPM
Horde_Template 2.0.3 RPM
Horde_Text_Diff 2.1.2 RPM
Horde_Text_Filter 2.3.4 RPM
Horde_Text_Flowed 2.0.3 RPM
Horde_Timezone 1.0.11 RPM
Horde_Token 2.0.9 RPM
Horde_Translation 2.2.1 RPM
Horde_Tree 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_Url 2.2.5 RPM
Horde_Util 2.5.7 RPM
Horde_Vfs 2.3.2 RPM
Horde_View 2.0.6 RPM
Horde_Xml_Element 2.0.4 RPM
Horde_Xml_Wbxml 2.0.1 RPM
Horde_Yaml 2.0.2 RPM
HTML_Template_IT 1.3.0 RPM
HTTP 1.4.1 RPM
HTTP_Request 1.4.4 RPM
HTTP_WebDAV_Server 1.0.0RC8 RPM
imp 6.2.14 RPM
ingo 3.2.10 RPM
ionCube Loader 5.1.2 RPM
Kronolith 4.2.16 RPM
Log 1.12.7 RPM
Mail 1.2.0 RPM
Mail_Mime 1.8.3 RPM
MDB2 2.4.1 RPM
Mnemo 4.2.10 RPM
nag 4.2.9 RPM
Net_DNS2 1.4.1 RPM
Net_FTP 1.3.7 RPM
Net_IMAP 1.1.2 RPM
Net_Sieve 1.3.2 RPM
Net_SMTP 1.6.2 RPM
Net_Socket 1.0.14 RPM
Net_URL 1.0.15 RPM
Net_UserAgent_Detect 2.5.2 RPM
PEAR_Command_Packaging 0.3.0 RPM
Services_Weather 1.4.7 RPM
SOAP 0.13.0 RPM
SourceGuardian PHP Encoder 10.0 RPM
Text_Figlet 1.0.2 RPM
timeobjects 2.1.2 RPM
trean 1.1.5 RPM
turba 4.2.14 RPM
webmail 5.2.14 RPM
XML_Parser 1.3.4 RPM
XML_Serializer 0.20.2 RPM
Zend Optimizer 7.0.0 RPM

Perl Modules

Third-party application Version Source
ack 2.14 RPM
Acme::Bleach 1.150 RPM
Acme::Damn 0.06 RPM
Acme::Spork v0.0.8 RPM
Algorithm::C3 0.10 RPM
Algorithm::Dependency 1.110 RPM
Algorithm::Diff 1.1903 RPM
aliased 0.34 RPM
Amazon::S3 0.45 RPM
Apache SpamAssassin™ 3.004001 RPM
Apache::LogFormat::Compiler 0.32 RPM
App::Cmd 0.330 RPM
App::CmdDispatch 0.43 RPM
App::Nopaste 1.004 RPM
AppConfig 1.71 RPM
Archive::Any 0.0942 RPM
Archive::Extract 0.76 RPM
Archive::Tar::Builder 2.0000 RPM
Archive::Tar::Streamed 0.03 RPM
Archive::Zip 1.53 RPM
Authen::Libwrap 0.22 RPM
Authen::SASL 2.16 RPM
autobox 2.83 RPM
B::Flags 0.15 RPM
B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.15 RPM
B::Hooks::OP::Check 0.19 RPM
B::Keywords 1.15 RPM
B::Lint 1.20 RPM
B::Utils 0.27 RPM
bareword::filehandles 0.003 RPM
Browser::Open 0.04 RPM
BSD::Resource 1.2908 RPM
Business::ISBN::Data 20140910.002 RPM
Business::ISBN 2.09 RPM
Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet 3.22 RPM
Business::OnlinePayment 3.03 RPM
Business::UPS 2.01 RPM
Cache::Cache 1.08 RPM
Cache::FastMmap 1.43 RPM
Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS 0.01 RPM
Cache::Memcached 1.30 RPM
Capture::Tiny 0.30 RPM
Carp::Always 0.13 RPM
Carp::Clan 6.04 RPM
Catalyst::Action::RenderView 0.16 RPM
Catalyst::Action::REST 1.20 RPM
Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL 0.07 RPM
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class 0.1506 RPM
Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext 0.001001 RPM
Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole 0.17 RPM
Catalyst::Devel 1.39 RPM
Catalyst::Log::Log4perl 1.06 RPM
Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema 0.65 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication 0.10023 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles 0.09 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD 2.200002 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Browser 0.08 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FastMmap 0.9 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache 0.12 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader 0.34 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::HashedCookies 1.131710 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Redirect 0.02 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie 0.17 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap 0.16 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Session 0.40 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace 0.12 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple 0.33 RPM
Catalyst::Plugin::UploadProgress 0.06 RPM
Catalyst::Runtime 5.90103 RPM
Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::BrowserDetect 0.02 RPM
Catalyst::View::JSON 0.35 RPM
Catalyst::View::TT 0.44 RPM
CatalystX::Component::Traits 0.19 RPM
CatalystX::RoleApplicator 0.005 RPM
CDB_File 0.98 RPM
CGI::Session 4.48 RPM
CGI::Simple 1.115 RPM
CGI::Struct 1.21 RPM
CGI 4.22 RPM
Class::Accessor::Chained 0.01 RPM
Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10012 RPM
Class::Accessor 0.34 RPM
Class::Base 0.06 RPM
Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT 0.14 RPM
Class::C3::Componentised 1.001000 RPM
Class::C3 0.30 RPM
Class::Data::Inheritable 0.08 RPM
Class::ErrorHandler 0.04 RPM
Class::Factory::Util 1.7 RPM
Class::Inner 0.200001 RPM
Class::Inspector 1.28 RPM
Class::Load::XS 0.09 RPM
Class::Load 0.23 RPM
Class::Loader 2.03 RPM
Class::Method::Modifiers 2.11 RPM
Class::Singleton 1.5 RPM
Class::Std::Utils v0.0.3 RPM
Class::Std 0.013 RPM
Class::Tiny 1.004 RPM
Class::Unload 0.09 RPM
Class::XSAccessor 1.19 RPM
Clipboard 0.13 RPM
Clone 0.38 RPM
common::sense 3.74 RPM
Compress::Bzip2 2.22 RPM
Compress::Raw::Lzma 2.069 RPM
Config::Any 0.26 RPM
Config::Crontab 1.40 RPM
Config::General 2.60 RPM
Config::GitLike 1.16 RPM
Config::INI 0.025 RPM
Config::MVP::Reader::INI 2.101463 RPM
Config::MVP 2.200010 RPM
Config::Simple 4.58 RPM
Config::Tiny 2.23 RPM
Context::Preserve 0.01 RPM
Convert::ASCII::Armour 1.4 RPM
Convert::ASN1 0.27 RPM
Convert::BinHex 1.124 RPM
Convert::PEM 0.08 RPM
Convert::TNEF 0.18 RPM
Cookie::Baker 0.06 RPM
CPAN::DistnameInfo 0.12 RPM
CPAN::Meta::Check 0.012 RPM
CPAN::SQLite 0.211 RPM
CPAN::Uploader 0.103011 RPM
cpanel-perl-522 5.22.1 RPM
Cpanel::Class v1.0.6 RPM
Cpanel::Cleanup 0.4 RPM
Cpanel::CORE::Dependencies 1.4 RPM
Cpanel::JSON::XS 3.0115 RPM
cPanel::MemTest 0.3 RPM
Cpanel::Optimizer 0.1 RPM
Cpanel::OS 0.6 RPM
Cpanel::POSIX::Tiny 1.3 RPM
cPanel::PublicAPI 2 RPM
cPanel::SyncUtil 0.8 RPM
cPanel::TaskQueue 0.800 RPM
Cpanel::UniqId 0.2 RPM
Crypt::Blowfish 2.14 RPM
Crypt::CAST5_PP 1.04 RPM
Crypt::CBC 2.33 RPM
Crypt::DES 2.07 RPM
Crypt::DES_EDE3 0.01 RPM
Crypt::DSA 1.17 RPM
Crypt::Format 0.06 RPM
Crypt::GPG 1.64 RPM
Crypt::IDEA 1.10 RPM
Crypt::JWT 0.013 RPM
Crypt::OpenPGP 1.12 RPM
Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum 0.06 RPM
Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA 0.15 RPM
Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10 0.15 RPM
Crypt::OpenSSL::Random 0.11 RPM
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA 0.28 RPM
Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 1.804 RPM
Crypt::Passwd::XS 0.601 RPM
Crypt::PKCS10 1.3 RPM
Crypt::Primes 0.50 RPM
Crypt::Random 1.25 RPM
Crypt::RC4 2.02 RPM
Crypt::Rijndael 1.13 RPM
Crypt::Rijndael_PP 0.05 RPM
Crypt::RIPEMD160 0.06 RPM
Crypt::RSA 1.97 RPM
Crypt::SSLeay 0.72 RPM
Crypt::Twofish 2.17 RPM
CryptX 0.034 RPM
CSS::SpriteMaker 0.15 RPM
Curses::UI 0.9609 RPM
Curses 1.33 RPM
Danga::Socket 1.61 RPM
Data::Buffer 0.04 RPM
Data::Compare 1.25 RPM
Data::Dump::Streamer 2.38 RPM
Data::Dump 1.23 RPM
Data::Dumper::Concise 2.022 RPM
Data::MessagePack 0.48 RPM
Data::Munge 0.095 RPM
Data::OptList 0.109 RPM
Data::Page 2.02 RPM
Data::Rmap 0.64 RPM
Data::Section 0.200006 RPM
Data::Serializer 0.60 RPM
Data::UUID 1.221 RPM
Data::Visitor 0.30 RPM
Date::Manip 6.53 RPM
Date::Simple 3.03 RPM
DateTime::Format::Builder 0.81 RPM
DateTime::Format::Pg 0.16011 RPM
DateTime::Format::Strptime 1.60 RPM
DateTime::Locale 1.01 RPM
DateTime::TimeZone 1.94 RPM
DateTime 1.21 RPM
DBD::Mock 1.45 RPM
DBD::mysql 4.033 RPM
DBD::Pg 3.5.3 RPM
DBD::PgPP 0.08 RPM
DBD::SQLite2 0.36 RPM
DBD::SQLite 1.50 RPM
DBI 1.634 RPM
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 0.07043 RPM
DBIx::Class 0.082820 RPM
DBIx::MyParsePP 0.50 RPM
Devel::Caller 2.06 RPM
Devel::Cover 1.21 RPM
Devel::FindPerl 0.014 RPM
Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.13 RPM
Devel::Hide 0.0009 RPM
Devel::LexAlias 0.05 RPM
Devel::NYTProf 6.02 RPM
Devel::OverloadInfo 0.004 RPM
Devel::REPL 1.003027 RPM
Devel::Size 0.80 RPM
Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML 0.14 RPM
Devel::StackTrace 2.00 RPM
Devel::Symdump 2.15 RPM
Diff::LibXDiff 0.05 RPM
Digest::BubbleBabble 0.02 RPM
Digest::HMAC 1.03 RPM
Digest::MD2 2.04 RPM
Digest::MD5::File 0.08 RPM
Digest::Perl::MD5 1.9 RPM
Digest::SHA1 2.13 RPM
Dist::CheckConflicts 0.11 RPM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Config::Git 0.92 RPM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git 2.036 RPM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub 0.41 RPM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Repository 0.20 RPM
Dist::Zilla 5.041 RPM
Email::Address 1.908 RPM
Email::Date::Format 1.005 RPM
Email::MessageID 1.406 RPM
Email::MIME::ContentType 1.018 RPM
Email::MIME::Encodings 1.315 RPM
Email::MIME 1.936 RPM
Email::Simple 2.208 RPM
Email::Valid 1.198 RPM
Encode::Detect 1.01 RPM
Encode::Locale 1.05 RPM
Env::Path 0.19 RPM
Error 0.17024 RPM
Eval::Closure 0.13 RPM
Exception::Class 1.39 RPM
Expect 1.32 RPM
Exporter::Tiny 0.042 RPM
ExtUtils::Config 0.008 RPM
ExtUtils::Helpers 0.022 RPM
ExtUtils::InstallPaths 0.011 RPM
File::BaseDir 0.07 RPM
File::ChangeNotify 0.24 RPM
File::chdir 0.1010 RPM
File::CheckTree 4.42 RPM
File::Comments 0.08 RPM
File::Copy::Recursive 0.38 RPM
File::DesktopEntry 0.12 RPM
File::Find::Rule::Filesys::Virtual 1.22 RPM
File::Find::Rule::Perl 1.15 RPM
File::Find::Rule 0.33 RPM
File::HomeDir 1.00 RPM
File::Listing 6.04 RPM
File::MimeInfo 0.27 RPM
File::MMagic::XS 0.09008 RPM
File::MMagic 1.30 RPM
File::Next 1.12 RPM
File::Path::Tiny 0.7 RPM
File::pushd 1.009 RPM
File::ReadBackwards 1.05 RPM
File::Remove 1.52 RPM
File::Scan::ClamAV 1.93 RPM
File::ShareDir::Install 0.10 RPM
File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir 1.000008 RPM
File::ShareDir 1.102 RPM
File::Slurp::Tiny 0.004 RPM
File::Slurp 9999.19 RPM
File::Tail 1.3 RPM
File::Touch 0.10 RPM
File::Which 1.19 RPM
Filesys::Df 0.92 RPM
Filesys::Notify::Simple 0.12 RPM
Filesys::POSIX v0.9.17 RPM
Filesys::Statvfs 0.82 RPM
Filesys::Virtual 0.06 RPM
Font::AFM 1.20 RPM
forks 0.36 RPM
GD 2.56 RPM
GDGraph 1.49 RPM
GDTextUtil 0.86 RPM
Gearman 1.12 RPM
Geo::IP 1.45 RPM
Geo::IPfree 1.151940 RPM
Geography::Countries 2009041301 RPM
Getopt::Euclid 0.004005 RPM
Getopt::Long::Descriptive 0.099 RPM
Getopt::Param::Tiny 0.5 RPM
Getopt::Param 0.0.5 RPM
Git::Repository 1.315 RPM
Git::Wrapper 0.045 RPM
Graph::Easy::As_svg 0.23 RPM
Graph::Easy::Manual 0.41 RPM
Graph::Easy 0.75 RPM
Graph::Flowchart 0.11 RPM
Hash::Merge::Simple 0.051 RPM
Hash::Merge 0.200 RPM
Hash::MultiValue 0.16 RPM
Hook::LexWrap 0.25 RPM
HTML::Form 6.03 RPM
HTML::Formatter 2.14 RPM
HTML::Parser 3.71 RPM
HTML::StripTags 1.01 RPM
HTML::Tagset 3.20 RPM
HTML::Template 2.95 RPM
HTML::Tree 5.03 RPM
HTTP::Body 1.22 RPM
HTTP::BrowserDetect 2.05 RPM
HTTP::CookieJar 0.008 RPM
HTTP::Cookies 6.01 RPM
HTTP::Daemon::App v0.0.9 RPM
HTTP::Daemon::SSL 1.04 RPM
HTTP::Daemon 6.01 RPM
HTTP::Date 6.02 RPM
HTTP::Headers::Fast 0.19 RPM
HTTP::Message 6.11 RPM
HTTP::Negotiate 6.01 RPM
HTTP::Parser::XS 0.17 RPM
HTTP::Request::AsCGI 1.2 RPM
HTTP::Server::Simple 0.51 RPM
HTTP::Tiny::UA 0.004 RPM
Image::Base 1.17 RPM
Image::Info 1.38 RPM
Image::Magick 6.90 RPM
Image::Size 3.300 RPM
Image::Xbm 1.09 RPM
Image::Xpm 1.12 RPM
Import::Into 1.002005 RPM
indirect 0.36 RPM
IO::AIO 4.32 RPM
IO::Callback 1.12 RPM
IO::CloseFDs 1.01 RPM
IO::HTML 1.001 RPM
IO::Interactive::Tiny 0.2 RPM
IO::Interactive 0.0.6 RPM
IO::Interface 1.09 RPM
IO::Prompt 0.997003 RPM
IO::SessionData 1.03 RPM
IO::Socket::ByteCounter v0.0.2 RPM
IO::Socket::INET6 2.72 RPM
IO::Socket::SSL 2.020 RPM
IO::String 1.08 RPM
IO::stringy 2.111 RPM
IO::Stty 0.03 RPM
IO::TieCombine 1.005 RPM
IO::Tty 1.12 RPM
IP::Country 2.28 RPM
IPC::Pipeline 1.0 RPM
IPC::Run3 0.048 RPM
IPC::Run 0.94 RPM
IPC::System::Simple 1.25 RPM
JSON::Any 1.39 RPM
JSON::MaybeXS 1.003005 RPM
JSON::WebToken 0.10 RPM
Lchown 1.01 RPM
Lexical::Persistence 1.020 RPM
Lexical::SealRequireHints 0.009 RPM
lib::restrict v0.0.5 RPM
libwww::perl 6.13 RPM
libxml::perl 0.08 RPM
Lingua::EN::FindNumber 1.32 RPM
Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number 1.12 RPM
Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase 0.18 RPM
Lingua::EN::Inflect 1.899 RPM
Lingua::EN::Number::IsOrdinal 0.05 RPM
Lingua::EN::Tagger 0.25 RPM
Lingua::EN::Words2Nums 0.18 RPM
Lingua::PT::Stemmer 0.01 RPM
Lingua::Stem::Fr 0.02 RPM
Lingua::Stem::It 0.02 RPM
Lingua::Stem::Ru 0.01 RPM
Lingua::Stem::Snowball::Da 1.01 RPM
Lingua::Stem 0.84 RPM
Linux::Inotify2 1.22 RPM
List::AllUtils 0.09 RPM
List::Cycle 1.02 RPM
List::MoreUtils 0.413 RPM
local::lib 2.000018 RPM
Locale::Maketext::Pseudo 0.6 RPM
Locale::Maketext::Utils 0.41 RPM
Locales 0.33 RPM
Log::Dispatch::Array 1.003 RPM
Log::Dispatch 2.51 RPM
Log::Dispatchouli 2.012 RPM
Log::Log4perl 1.46 RPM
Log::Message::Simple 0.10 RPM
Log::Message 0.08 RPM
LWP::MediaTypes 6.02 RPM
LWP::Protocol::https 6.06 RPM
LWP::UserAgent::Determined 1.07 RPM
Mail::Alias::Reader 0.06 RPM
Mail::DKIM 0.40 RPM
Mail::DomainKeys 1.0 RPM
Mail::SendEasy 1.2 RPM
Mail::Sender::Easy v0.0.5 RPM
Mail::Sender v0.8.23 RPM
Mail::SPF v2.9.0 RPM
Mail::SRS 0.31 RPM
MailTools 2.14 RPM
Math::Base85 0.2 RPM
Math::BigInt::GMP 1.47 RPM
Math::BigInt::Pari 1.23 RPM
Math::BigInt 1.999710 RPM
Math::Fibonacci::Phi 0.02 RPM
Math::Fibonacci 1.5 RPM
Math::Pari 2.010808 RPM
Math::Permute::List 1.007 RPM
Math::Round 0.07 RPM
MD5 2.03 RPM
Memoize::ExpireLRU 0.55 RPM
MIME::Base32 1.02 RPM
MIME::Lite 3.030 RPM
MIME::tools 5.507 RPM
MIME::Types 2.12 RPM
Mixin::Linewise 0.108 RPM
Module::Build::Tiny 0.039 RPM
Module::Build 0.4214 RPM
Module::Extract::VERSION 1.01 RPM
Module::Find 0.13 RPM
Module::Implementation 0.09 RPM
Module::Install 1.16 RPM
Module::Path 0.19 RPM
Module::Pluggable 5.2 RPM
Module::Refresh 0.17 RPM
Module::Runtime::Conflicts 0.002 RPM
Module::Runtime 0.014 RPM
Module::ScanDeps 1.20 RPM
Module::Signature 0.79 RPM
Module::Want 0.6 RPM
Moment 1.3.0 RPM
Moo 2.000002 RPM
Moose::Autobox 0.15 RPM
Moose 2.1604 RPM
MooseX::AttributeShortcuts 0.028 RPM
MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.14 RPM
MooseX::Daemonize 0.20 RPM
MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast 0.00903 RPM
MooseX::Getopt 0.68 RPM
MooseX::Has::Sugar 1.000004 RPM
MooseX::LazyRequire 0.11 RPM
MooseX::MarkAsMethods 0.15 RPM
MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Mooish 0.001 RPM
MooseX::MethodAttributes 0.31 RPM
MooseX::NonMoose 0.26 RPM
MooseX::Object::Pluggable 0.0014 RPM
MooseX::OneArgNew 0.005 RPM
MooseX::Params::Validate 0.21 RPM
MooseX::RelatedClassRoles 0.004 RPM
MooseX::Role::Parameterized 1.08 RPM
MooseX::Role::WithOverloading 0.17 RPM
MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor 0.10 RPM
MooseX::SetOnce 0.200002 RPM
MooseX::SimpleConfig 0.11 RPM
MooseX::Traits::Pluggable 0.12 RPM
MooseX::Types::Common 0.001013 RPM
MooseX::Types::LoadableClass 0.014 RPM
MooseX::Types::Path::Class 0.08 RPM
MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny 0.011 RPM
MooseX::Types::Perl 0.101343 RPM
MooseX::Types::Stringlike 0.003 RPM
MooseX::Types 0.46 RPM
MooX::Types::MooseLike 0.29 RPM
Mozilla::CA 20150826 RPM
Mozilla::PublicSuffix v0.1.19 RPM
MRO::Compat 0.12 RPM
multidimensional 0.011 RPM
munin 2.0.25 RPM
MySQL::Diff 0.43 RPM
namespace::autoclean 0.28 RPM
namespace::clean 0.26 RPM
Net::AIM 1.22 RPM
Net::CIDR 0.18 RPM
Net::Daemon::SSL 1.0 RPM
Net::Daemon 0.48 RPM
Net::DAV::Server 1.305 RPM
Net::DNS::SEC 1.02 RPM
Net::DNS 1.04 RPM
Net::FastCGI 0.14 RPM
Net::FTPSSL 0.30 RPM
Net::HTTP 6.09 RPM
Net::HTTPS::Any 0.11 RPM
Net::HTTPTunnel 0.51 RPM
Net::Ident 1.24 RPM
Net::IDN::Encode 2.300 RPM
Net::IP::Match::Regexp 1.01 RPM
Net::IP 1.26 RPM
Net::IPv4Addr 0.10 RPM
Net::Jabber::Bot 2.1.5 RPM
Net::Jabber 2.0 RPM
Net::LDAP::Server 0.43 RPM
Net::LibIDN 0.12 RPM
Net::OpenSSH 0.66 RPM
Net::OSCAR 1.928 RPM
Net::Server 2.008 RPM
Net::SFTP::Foreign 1.79 RPM
Net::SNMP v6.0.1 RPM
Net::SOCKS 0.03 RPM
Net::SSLeay 1.72 RPM
Net::TCPwrappers 1.11 RPM
Net::Telnet 3.04 RPM
Net::Whois::IANA 0.41 RPM
Net::XMPP 1.05 RPM
NetAddr::IP 4.078 RPM
Number::Compare 0.03 RPM
OAuth::Lite2 0.10 RPM
Object::Accessor 0.48 RPM
Object::Signature 1.07 RPM
OIDC::Lite 0.10 RPM
OLE::Storage_Lite 0.19 RPM
Opcodes 0.14 RPM
Package::Constants 0.02 RPM
Package::DeprecationManager 0.15 RPM
Package::Stash::XS 0.28 RPM
Package::Stash 0.37 RPM
Package::Variant 1.003002 RPM
PadWalker 2.2 RPM
PAR::Dist 0.49 RPM
Parallel::ForkManager 1.16 RPM
Params::Util 1.07 RPM
Params::Validate 1.21 RPM
Parse::RecDescent 1.967013 RPM
Path::Class 0.35 RPM
Path::FindDev 0.5.2 RPM
Path::IsDev 1.001002 RPM
Path::Iter 0.2 RPM
Path::Tiny 0.076 RPM
Perl6::Junction 1.60000 RPM
Perl::Critic 1.126 RPM
perl::ldap 0.65 RPM
Perl::MinimumVersion 1.38 RPM
Perl::PrereqScanner 1.023 RPM
Perl::Tidy 20150815 RPM
Perl::Version 1.013 RPM
Perlbal 1.80 RPM
PerlIO::utf8_strict 0.006 RPM
PHP::Serialization 0.34 RPM
Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect 0.12 RPM
Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride 0.15 RPM
Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody 0.05 RPM
Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy 0.15 RPM
Plack::Test::ExternalServer 0.02 RPM
Plack 1.0037 RPM
Pod::Coverage 0.23 RPM
Pod::Eventual 0.094001 RPM
Pod::LaTeX 0.61 RPM
Pod::Markdown 3.003 RPM
Pod::Spell 1.17 RPM
POSIX::strftime::Compiler 0.41 RPM
PPI 1.220 RPM
PPIx::Regexp 0.042 RPM
PPIx::Utilities 1.001000 RPM
Probe::Perl 0.03 RPM
Proc::Daemon 0.22 RPM
Proc::ProcessTable 0.53 RPM
Quota 1.7.2 RPM
Razor2::Client::Agent 2.84 RPM
Readonly::XS 1.05 RPM
Readonly 2.00 RPM
Regexp::Parser 0.21 RPM
REST::Google::Translate2 v1.0.8 RPM
REST::Google 1.0.8 RPM
Return::MultiLevel 0.04 RPM
Role::HasMessage 0.006 RPM
Role::Identifiable 0.007 RPM
Role::Multiton 0.2 RPM
Role::Tiny 2.000001 RPM
Safe::Hole 0.13 RPM
Safe::Isa 1.000005 RPM
Schedule::Cron::Events 1.95 RPM
Scope::Guard 0.21 RPM
Sereal::Decoder 3.014 RPM
Sereal::Encoder 3.014 RPM
Sereal 3.014 RPM
Set::Crontab 1.03 RPM
Set::Object 1.35 RPM
Smart::Comments 1.06 RPM
Snowball::Norwegian 1.2 RPM
Snowball::Swedish 1.2 RPM
SOAP::Lite 1.19 RPM
Socket6 0.25 RPM
Software::License 0.103010 RPM
Sort::Versions 1.61 RPM
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel 0.65 RPM
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 2.40 RPM
SQL::Abstract 1.81 RPM
SQL::Statement 1.407 RPM
SQL::Translator 0.11021 RPM
Starman 0.4014 RPM
Stream::Buffered 0.03 RPM
strictures 2.000002 RPM
String::BOM 0.3 RPM
String::CamelCase 0.02 RPM
String::CRC32 1.5 RPM
String::Errf 0.007 RPM
String::Flogger 1.101245 RPM
String::Format 1.17 RPM
String::Formatter 0.102084 RPM
String::PerlQuote 0.01 RPM
String::Random 0.28 RPM
String::RewritePrefix 0.007 RPM
String::ShellQuote 1.04 RPM
String::ToIdentifier::EN 0.11 RPM
String::UnicodeUTF8 0.21 RPM
String::Unquotemeta 0.1 RPM
Sub::Exporter::ForMethods 0.100052 RPM
Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter 0.005 RPM
Sub::Exporter::Progressive 0.001011 RPM
Sub::Exporter 0.987 RPM
Sub::Identify 0.12 RPM
Sub::Install 0.928 RPM
Sub::Name 0.14 RPM
Sub::Uplevel 0.25 RPM
SUPER 1.20141117 RPM
superclass 0.003 RPM
SVG::TT::Graph 0.25 RPM
Syntax::Keyword::Junction 0.003008 RPM
syntax 0.004 RPM
Sys::Hostname::Long 1.5 RPM
Sys::Info::Base 0.7804 RPM
Sys::Info::Driver::Linux 0.7903 RPM
Sys::Info 0.78 RPM
Sys::Mmap 0.17 RPM
Sys::SigAction 0.21 RPM
Sys::Statistics::Linux 0.66 RPM
Sys::Syscall 0.25 RPM
Sysadm::Install 0.46 RPM
System::Command 1.115 RPM
Task::Weaken 1.04 RPM
Template::Timer 1.00 RPM
Template::Toolkit 2.26 RPM
Term::Encoding 0.02 RPM
Term::UI 0.46 RPM
TermReadKey 2.33 RPM
Test::Carp 0.2 RPM
Test::CheckDeps 0.010 RPM
Test::CheckManifest 1.29 RPM
Test::Class 0.50 RPM
Test::ClassAPI 1.06 RPM
Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML 0.25 RPM
Test::CPAN::Meta 0.25 RPM
Test::Deep 0.119 RPM
Test::Differences 0.63 RPM
Test::Exception 0.40 RPM
Test::Exit 0.11 RPM
Test::FailWarnings 0.008 RPM
Test::Fatal 0.014 RPM
Test::File::Contents 0.21 RPM
Test::File::ShareDir 1.001001 RPM
Test::File 1.44 RPM
Test::HexString 0.03 RPM
Test::Inter 1.06 RPM
Test::LeakTrace 0.15 RPM
Test::Manifest 2.02 RPM
Test::MinimumVersion 0.101081 RPM
Test::Mock::Cmd 0.6 RPM
Test::MockModule 0.11 RPM
Test::MockObject 1.20150527 RPM
Test::Most 0.34 RPM
Test::NoWarnings 1.04 RPM
Test::Object 0.07 RPM
Test::Output 1.03 RPM
Test::Parallel 0.20 RPM
Test::Pod::Coverage 1.10 RPM
Test::Pod 1.51 RPM
Test::Requires 0.10 RPM
Test::Script 1.10 RPM
Test::SharedFork 0.34 RPM
Test::SubCalls 1.09 RPM
Test::TCP 2.14 RPM
Test::Unit 0.25 RPM
Test::Warn 0.30 RPM
Test::Warnings 0.021 RPM
Test::Without::Module 0.18 RPM
Test::YAML::Meta 0.22 RPM
Test::YAML::Valid 0.04 RPM
Text::CSV 1.33 RPM
Text::CSV_XS 1.20 RPM
Text::Diff 1.43 RPM
Text::Extract::MaketextCallPhrases 0.93 RPM
Text::Fold 0.5 RPM
Text::German 0.06 RPM
Text::Glob 0.09 RPM
Text::Iconv 1.7 RPM
Text::SimpleTable 2.03 RPM
Text::Soundex 3.04 RPM
Text::Template 1.46 RPM
Text::Trim 1.02 RPM
Text::Unidecode 1.27 RPM
Throwable 0.200013 RPM
Tie::DBI 1.06 RPM
Tie::EncryptedHash 1.24 RPM
Tie::IxHash 1.23 RPM
Tie::ShadowHash 1.00 RPM
Tie::ToObject 0.03 RPM
TimeDate 2.30 RPM
Tree::DAG_Node 1.27 RPM
Tree::MultiNode v1.0.13 RPM
Tree::Simple::VisitorFactory 0.12 RPM
Tree::Simple 1.25 RPM
Try::Tiny 0.22 RPM
Types::Serialiser 1.0 RPM
Umask::Local 1.0 RPM
UNIVERSAL::can 1.20140328 RPM
UNIVERSAL::isa 1.20150614 RPM
Unix::PID::Tiny 0.91 RPM
Unix::PID 0.23 RPM
Unix::Processors 2.043 RPM
Unix::Sysexits 0.06 RPM
Unix::Syslog 1.1 RPM
URI::Find 20140709 RPM
URI::ws 0.03 RPM
URI 1.69 RPM
Variable::Magic 0.59 RPM
Version::Next 0.004 RPM
Want 0.26 RPM
Web::Detect 0.05 RPM
WWW::Form 1.19 RPM
WWW::Mechanize 1.75 RPM
WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::Create 1.003 RPM
WWW::RobotRules 6.02 RPM
XML::LibXML 2.0122 RPM
XML::NamespaceSupport 1.11 RPM
XML::Parser 2.44 RPM
XML::RegExp 0.04 RPM
XML::SAX::Base 1.08 RPM
XML::SAX::Expat 0.51 RPM
XML::Simple 2.20 RPM
XML::Stream 1.24 RPM
XML::Writer 0.625 RPM
XML::XPath 1.33 RPM
YAML::Syck 1.29 RPM
YAML::Tiny 1.69 RPM



We use CentOS servers to generate these lists. The specific version numbers and packages may vary slightly on CloudLinux™ and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux servers. 

Third-party application Version Source
at 3.1.10-48.el6 RPM
autoconf 2.63-5.1.el6 RPM
automake 1.11.1-4.el6 RPM
bash 4.1.2-40.el6 RPM
bind 9.8.2-0.47.rc1.el6 RPM
bind-devel 9.8.2-0.47.rc1.el6 RPM
bind-libs 9.8.2-0.47.rc1.el6 RPM
bind-utils 9.8.2-0.47.rc1.el6 RPM
binutils RPM
bison 2.4.1-5.el6 RPM
bzip2 1.0.5-7.el6_0 RPM
bzip2-libs 1.0.5-7.el6_0 RPM
cairo 1.8.8-6.el6_6 RPM
chkconfig RPM
compat-db 4.6.21-15.el6 RPM
coreutils 8.4-43.el6 RPM
cpio 2.10-12.el6_5 RPM
cpp 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
crontabs 1.10-33.el6 RPM
curl 7.19.7-52.el6 RPM
db4 4.7.25-20.el6_7 RPM
db4-devel 4.7.25-20.el6_7 RPM
e2fsprogs 1.41.12-22.el6 RPM
e2fsprogs-devel 1.41.12-22.el6 RPM
expat 2.0.1-11.el6_2 RPM
expat-devel 2.0.1-11.el6_2 RPM
expect RPM
file 5.04-30.el6 RPM
flex 2.5.35-9.el6 RPM
fontconfig 2.8.0-5.el6 RPM
freetype 2.3.11-17.el6 RPM
ftp 0.17-54.el6 RPM
gamin 0.1.10-9.el6 RPM
gamin-devel 0.1.10-9.el6 RPM
gcc 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
gcc-c++ 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
gd 2.0.35-11.el6 RPM
gd-devel 2.0.35-11.el6 RPM
gd-progs 2.0.35-11.el6 RPM
gdbm 1.8.0-39.el6 RPM
gdbm-devel 1.8.0-39.el6 RPM
gettext 0.17-18.el6 RPM
gettext-devel 0.17-18.el6 RPM
ghostscript 8.70-21.el6 RPM
giflib 4.1.6-3.1.el6 RPM
glib2 2.28.8-5.el6 RPM
glibc 2.12-1.192.el6 RPM
glibc-devel 2.12-1.192.el6 RPM
glibc-static 2.12-1.192.el6 RPM
gmp 4.3.1-10.el6 RPM
gnupg >= 0 RPM
gnupg2 2.0.14-8.el6 RPM
grep 2.20-3.el6_7.1 RPM
gzip 1.3.12-22.el6 RPM
hunspell 1.2.8-16.el6 RPM
hunspell-en 0.20090216-7.1.el6 RPM
initscripts 9.03.53-1.el6.centos RPM
iptables 1.4.7-16.el6 RPM
iptables-ipv6 1.4.7-16.el6 RPM
kernel-headers 2.6.32-642.1.1.el6 RPM
keyutils-libs 1.4-5.el6 RPM
krb5-devel 1.10.3-57.el6 RPM
lcms 1.19-1.el6 RPM
less 436-13.el6 RPM
libaio 0.3.107-10.el6 RPM
libaio-devel 0.3.107-10.el6 RPM
libcap 2.16-5.5.el6 RPM
libgcc 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
libgomp 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
libgpg-error 1.7-4.el6 RPM
libidn 1.18-2.el6 RPM
libidn-devel 1.18-2.el6 RPM
libpcap 1.4.0-4.20130826git2dbcaa1.el6 RPM
libpng 1.2.49-2.el6_7 RPM
libpng-devel 1.2.49-2.el6_7 RPM
libstdc++ 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
libstdc++-devel 4.4.7-17.el6 RPM
libtiff 3.9.4-10.el6_5 RPM
libtiff-devel 3.9.4-10.el6_5 RPM
libtool 2.2.6-15.5.el6 RPM
libtool-ltdl 2.2.6-15.5.el6 RPM
libtool-ltdl-devel 2.2.6-15.5.el6 RPM
libwmf RPM
libX11-devel 1.6.3-2.el6 RPM
libxml2 2.7.6-21.el6_8.1 RPM
libxml2-devel 2.7.6-21.el6_8.1 RPM
libXpm 3.5.10-2.el6 RPM
libXpm-devel 3.5.10-2.el6 RPM
libxslt 1.1.26-2.el6_3.1 RPM
libxslt-devel 1.1.26-2.el6_3.1 RPM
lsof 4.82-5.el6 RPM
lynx 2.8.6-27.el6 RPM
make 3.81-23.el6 RPM
nano 2.0.9-7.el6 RPM
ncurses 5.7-4.20090207.el6 RPM
ncurses-devel 5.7-4.20090207.el6 RPM
ncurses-libs 5.7-4.20090207.el6 RPM
net-tools 1.60-110.el6_2 RPM
openssh 5.3p1-118.1.el6_8 RPM
openssh-clients 5.3p1-118.1.el6_8 RPM
openssh-server 5.3p1-118.1.el6_8 RPM
openssl 1.0.1e-48.el6_8.1 RPM
openssl-devel 1.0.1e-48.el6_8.1 RPM
pam 1.1.1-22.el6 RPM
pam-devel 1.1.1-22.el6 RPM
pango 1.28.1-11.el6 RPM
passwd 0.77-7.el6 RPM
patch 2.6-6.el6 RPM
pcre 7.8-7.el6 RPM
perl 5.10.1-141.el6_7.1 RPM
pixman 0.32.8-1.el6 RPM
pkgconfig 0.23-9.1.el6 RPM
popt 1.13-7.el6 RPM
procps 3.2.8-36.el6 RPM
python 2.6.6-64.el6 RPM
python-devel 2.6.6-64.el6 RPM
python-docs 2.6.6-2.el6 RPM
python-setuptools 0.6.10-3.el6 RPM
python-tools 2.6.6-64.el6 RPM
quota 3.17-23.el6 RPM
quota-devel 3.17-23.el6 RPM
rcs 5.7-37.el6 RPM
rdate 1.4-16.el6 RPM
readline 6.0-4.el6 RPM
rsync 3.0.6-12.el6 RPM
screen 4.0.3-19.el6 RPM
sed 4.2.1-10.el6 RPM
shadow-utils RPM
sharutils 4.7-6.1.el6 RPM
Smartmontools 5.43-1.el6 RPM
sqlite 3.6.20-1.el6_7.2 RPM
strace 4.8-10.el6 RPM
sysstat 9.0.4-31.el6 RPM
tar 1.23-14.el6 RPM
tcl 8.5.7-6.el6 RPM
tclx 8.4.0-15.el6 RPM
tcp_wrappers-devel 7.6-58.el6 RPM
tix 8.4.3-5.el6 RPM
tk 8.5.7-5.el6 RPM
tkinter 2.6.6-64.el6 RPM
tmpwatch 2.9.16-6.el6 RPM
traceroute 2.0.14-2.el6 RPM
unzip 6.0-4.el6 RPM
urw-fonts 2.4-11.el6 RPM
util-linux-ng 2.17.2-12.24.el6 RPM
wget 1.12-8.el6 RPM
which 2.19-6.el6 RPM
xz 4.999.9-0.5.beta.20091007git.el6 RPM
xz-libs 4.999.9-0.5.beta.20091007git.el6 RPM
yum-utils 1.1.30-37.el6 RPM
zip 3.0-1.el6_7.1 RPM
zlib 1.2.3-29.el6 RPM
zlib-devel 1.2.3-29.el6 RPM
zsh 4.3.11-4.el6.centos.2 RPM
Third-party application Version Source
at 3.1.13-20.el7 RPM
autoconf 2.69-11.el7 RPM
automake 1.13.4-3.el7 RPM
bash 4.2.46-19.el7 RPM
bind 9.9.4-29.el7_2.3 RPM
bind-devel 9.9.4-29.el7_2.3 RPM
bind-libs 9.9.4-29.el7_2.3 RPM
bind-utils 9.9.4-29.el7_2.3 RPM
binutils RPM
bison 2.7-4.el7 RPM
bzip2 1.0.6-13.el7 RPM
bzip2-libs 1.0.6-13.el7 RPM
cairo 1.14.2-1.el7 RPM
chkconfig 1.3.61-5.el7_2.1 RPM
compat-db 4.7.25-28.el7 RPM
coreutils 8.22-15.el7_2.1 RPM
cpio 2.11-24.el7 RPM
cpp 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
crontabs 1.11-6.20121102git.el7 RPM
curl 7.29.0-25.el7.centos RPM
e2fsprogs 1.42.9-7.el7 RPM
e2fsprogs-devel 1.42.9-7.el7 RPM
expat 2.1.0-8.el7 RPM
expat-devel 2.1.0-8.el7 RPM
expect 5.45-14.el7_1 RPM
file 5.11-31.el7 RPM
flex 2.5.37-3.el7 RPM
fontconfig 2.10.95-7.el7 RPM
freetype 2.4.11-11.el7 RPM
ftp 0.17-66.el7 RPM
gamin 0.1.10-16.el7 RPM
gamin-devel 0.1.10-16.el7 RPM
gcc 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
gcc-c++ 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
gd 2.0.35-26.el7 RPM
gd-devel 2.0.35-26.el7 RPM
gd-progs 2.0.35-26.el7 RPM
gdbm 1.10-8.el7 RPM
gdbm-devel 1.10-8.el7 RPM
gettext RPM
gettext-devel RPM
ghostscript 9.07-18.el7 RPM
giflib 4.1.6-9.el7 RPM
glib2 2.42.2-5.el7 RPM
glibc 2.17-106.el7_2.6 RPM
glibc-devel 2.17-106.el7_2.6 RPM
glibc-static 2.17-106.el7_2.6 RPM
gmp 6.0.0-12.el7_1 RPM
gnupg2 2.0.22-3.el7 RPM
grep 2.20-2.el7 RPM
gzip 1.5-8.el7 RPM
hunspell 1.3.2-13.el7 RPM
hunspell-en 0.20121024-5.el7 RPM
initscripts 9.49.30-1.el7_2.2 RPM
iptables 1.4.21-16.el7 RPM
kernel-headers 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7 RPM
keyutils-libs 1.5.8-3.el7 RPM
krb5-devel 1.13.2-12.el7_2 RPM
less 458-9.el7 RPM
libaio 0.3.109-13.el7 RPM
libaio-devel 0.3.109-13.el7 RPM
libcap 2.22-8.el7 RPM
libdb 5.3.21-19.el7 RPM
libgcc 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
libgomp 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
libgpg-error 1.12-3.el7 RPM
libicu 50.1.2-15.el7 RPM
libidn 1.28-4.el7 RPM
libidn-devel 1.28-4.el7 RPM
libmount-devel 2.23.2-26.el7_2.2 RPM
libpcap 1.5.3-8.el7 RPM
libpng 1.5.13-7.el7_2 RPM
libpng-devel 1.5.13-7.el7_2 RPM
libstdc++ 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
libstdc++-devel 4.8.5-4.el7 RPM
libtiff 4.0.3-14.el7 RPM
libtiff-devel 4.0.3-14.el7 RPM
libtool 2.4.2-21.el7_2 RPM
libtool-ltdl 2.4.2-21.el7_2 RPM
libtool-ltdl-devel 2.4.2-21.el7_2 RPM
libwmf RPM
libX11-devel 1.6.3-2.el7 RPM
libxml2 2.9.1-6.el7_2.2 RPM
libxml2-devel 2.9.1-6.el7_2.2 RPM
libXpm 3.5.11-3.el7 RPM
libXpm-devel 3.5.11-3.el7 RPM
libxslt 1.1.28-5.el7 RPM
libxslt-devel 1.1.28-5.el7 RPM
lsof 4.87-4.el7 RPM
lynx 2.8.8-0.3.dev15.el7 RPM
make 3.82-21.el7 RPM
nano 2.3.1-10.el7 RPM
ncurses 5.9-13.20130511.el7 RPM
ncurses-devel 5.9-13.20130511.el7 RPM
ncurses-libs 5.9-13.20130511.el7 RPM
net-tools 2.0-0.17.20131004git.el7 RPM
openssh 6.6.1p1-25.el7_2 RPM
openssh-clients 6.6.1p1-25.el7_2 RPM
openssh-server 6.6.1p1-25.el7_2 RPM
openssl 1.0.1e-51.el7_2.5 RPM
openssl-devel 1.0.1e-51.el7_2.5 RPM
openssl-libs 1.0.1e-51.el7_2.5 RPM
pam 1.1.8-12.el7_1.1 RPM
pam-devel 1.1.8-12.el7_1.1 RPM
pango 1.36.8-2.el7 RPM
passwd 0.79-4.el7 RPM
patch 2.7.1-8.el7 RPM
pcre 8.32-15.el7_2.1 RPM
perl 5.16.3-286.el7 RPM
pixman 0.32.6-3.el7 RPM
pkgconfig 0.27.1-4.el7 RPM
popt 1.13-16.el7 RPM
psmisc 22.20-9.el7 RPM
python 2.7.5-34.el7 RPM
python-devel 2.7.5-34.el7 RPM
python-docs 2.7.5-2.el7 RPM
python-setuptools 0.9.8-4.el7 RPM
python-tools 2.7.5-34.el7 RPM
quota 4.01-11.el7_2.1 RPM
quota-devel 4.01-11.el7_2.1 RPM
rcs 5.9.0-5.el7 RPM
rdate 1.4-25.el7 RPM
readline 6.2-9.el7 RPM
rsync 3.0.9-17.el7 RPM
screen 4.1.0-0.23.20120314git3c2946.el7_2 RPM
sed 4.2.2-5.el7 RPM
shadow-utils RPM
sharutils 4.13.3-8.el7 RPM
Smartmontools 6.2-4.el7 RPM
sqlite 3.7.17-8.el7 RPM
strace 4.8-11.el7 RPM
sysstat 10.1.5-7.el7 RPM
systemd 219-19.el7_2.9 RPM
tar 1.26-29.el7 RPM
tcl 8.5.13-8.el7 RPM
tclx 8.4.0-22.el7 RPM
tcp_wrappers-devel 7.6-77.el7 RPM
tix 8.4.3-12.el7 RPM
tk 8.5.13-6.el7 RPM
tkinter 2.7.5-34.el7 RPM
traceroute 2.0.19-5.el7 RPM
unzip 6.0-15.el7 RPM
urw-fonts 2.4-16.el7 RPM
wget 1.14-10.el7_0.1 RPM
which 2.20-7.el7 RPM
xz 5.1.2-12alpha.el7 RPM
xz-libs 5.1.2-12alpha.el7 RPM
yum-utils 1.1.31-34.el7 RPM
zip 3.0-10.el7 RPM
zlib 1.2.7-15.el7 RPM
zlib-devel 1.2.7-15.el7 RPM
zsh 5.0.2-14.el7 RPM

Appendix B: New and modified API calls

Modified UAPI calls

New WHM API 1 calls

Additional Documentation