The restartsrv Script

Valid for versions 100 through the latest version



Last modified: July 9, 2024


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv script restarts a service. If a service won’t restart from WHM, use this script to restart a service from the command line.

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format, where service is the service’s name:




Some options my be unavailable for certain services.

Use the following options with this script:

Options Description Example
check Checks whether the service is running. --check
graceful Gracefully restart the service. --graceful
hard Perform a hard stop and restart for the service. --hard
notconfigured-ok The unconfigured service will exit with a non-fatal error. --notconfigured-ok
reload Reload the service. --reload
restart Perform a soft restart for the service. --restart
start Start the service. --start
stop Stop the service. --stop
help Display the script’s help documentation. --help


This script restarts the following services:

  • apache or httpd — The Apache® web server daemon.
  • apache_php_fpm — The Apache PHP-FPM service.
  • bind — The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) nameserver daemon.
  • chkservd or tailwatch — cPanel & WHM’s TailWatch log processing service.
  • clamd — The ClamAV® antivirus daemon.
  • cpanalysticsd — The cPanel Analytics daemon.
  • cpanellogd — The cPanel log and bandwidth processor daemon.
  • cpanel_ccs — The cPanel Calendar and Contacts server service.
  • cpanel_dovecot_solr — The Apache Solr™ service.
  • cpanel_php_fpm — The cPanel PHP-FPM service.
  • cpdavd — cPanel & WHM’s WebDAV daemon.

    In cPanel & WHM version 120 and later, this daemon also allows users to access and manage their calendars and contacts. For more information, read our cpdavd Service Replaces CCS Plugin documentation.

  • cpgreylistd — cPanel’s Greylisting.
  • cphulkd — The cPHulk service.
  • cpipv6 — Binds or rebinds the server’s IPv6 addresses.
  • cpsrvd or cpanel — The cPanel server daemon.
  • crond — The Cron daemon.

    While Debian® systems (Ubuntu®) use the cron daemon, you can use crond as the service name when running the script.

  • dnsadmin — The cPanel Domain Name System (DNS) admin cache service.
  • dovecot — The Dovecot mail server.
  • exim — The Exim mail exchanger.
  • ftpd, ftpd, ftpmagic, or ftpserver — The configured FTP service (ProFTPD or Pure-FTPd).
  • imap, pop, or pop3 — The Dovecot Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) daemon.
  • ipaliases — The IP address aliasing software.
  • lmtp — The Local Mail Transport Protocol (LMTP) service.
  • mailman — The Mailman service.
  • mysql or mysqld — The MySQL® service.
  • named — The BIND nameserver daemon.
  • nscd — The Name Service Cache service.
  • p0f — The passive OS fingerprinting service.
  • pdns or powerdns — The PowerDNS service.
  • postgres or postgresql — The PostgreSQL® database service.
  • proftpd — The ProFTP server daemon.
  • pureftpd — The Pure-FTPd server daemon.
  • queueprocd — The TaskQueue Processor daemon.
  • rsyslog or rsyslogd — The system log service that monitors the web server and system activity.
  • spamd — The Apache SpamAssassin™ daemon.
  • sshd or openssh — The Secure Shell (SSH) daemon.
  • tailwatchd or chkservd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing daemon.

For more information about these services, read our cPanel & WHM Service Daemons documentation.


To perform a hard restart for a service, use the restart and hard options. For example, to perform a hard restart for the named service:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_named --restart --hard

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