The cPanel & WHM Service Daemons

Last modified: July 9, 2024


This document lists the services (daemons) that exist on cPanel & WHM servers. A daemon is a program that runs as a background process, rather than under a user’s control.

  • To view a complete list of daemons on your server, run the WHM API 1 servicestatus function.

  • To view a list of daemons that you can enable and monitor via the interface, use WHM’s Service Manager interface (WHM » Home » Service Configuration » Service Manager).



Certain server profile configurations affect a service’s availability. For more information, read our How to Use Server Profiles documentation.

apache_php_fpm— PHP-FPM service for Apache

This daemon improves the performance of EasyApache 4’s PHP-based internal applications.

  • This option is only available on systems that run EasyApache 4.
  • You cannot install or remove the PHP-FPM daemon in this interface. You must use the EasyApache 4 interface (WHM » Home » Software » EasyApache 4).

The Database, DNS, and Mail server profiles disable this service.

clamd — ClamAV Daemon

This daemon scans your server for malicious programs.


To install or uninstall ClamAV, use WHM’s Manage Plugins interface (WHM » Home » cPanel » Manage Plugins).

cpanel-dovecot-solr — IMAP Full-Text Search (FTS) Indexing (Powered by Apache Solr™).

This daemon provides fast search capabilities for IMAP mailboxes.

  • To install or uninstall IMAP Full-Text Search (Powered by Apache Solr™), use WHM’s Manage Plugins interface (WHM » Home » cPanel » Manage Plugins).

  • The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.

cpanel_php_fpm — PHP-FPM service for cPanel Daemons

This daemon improves the performance of PHP-based internal applications that ship with cPanel & WHM, such as:

  • phpMyAdmin
  • phpPgAdmin
  • Webmail applications
  • Any third-party PHP application that the user installs.

This service will accelerate a maximum of ten concurrent processes per user.

cpanellogd — cPanel Log and Bandwidth Processor

This daemon compresses and archives cPanel & WHM log files at the end of each month into a single file for each type. For more information, read our cPanel Log Rotation Configuration and The cPanel & WHM Log Files documentation.

cpdavd — cPanel DAV Daemon

This daemon enables a set of extensions that allow users to manage their websites remotely.

In cPanel & WHM version 120 and later, this daemon also allows users to access and manage their calendars and contacts. For more information, read our cpdavd Service Replaces CCS Plugin documentation.

  • If you plan to host other people’s websites or email on your web server, do not disable this daemon.
  • The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.

cpgreylistd — cPanel Greylisting Daemon

This daemon manages Greylisting, a service that protects your server against spam from sources that your server does not recognize. For more information, read our Greylisting documentation.


In The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.

cphulkd — cPHulk Daemon

This daemon manages cPHulk Brute Force Protection, a service that provides protection for your server against brute force attacks.

cpsrvd — cPanel Server Daemon

This daemon is the application server for cPanel, WHM, and Webmail services.


When you disable the Web Server role, this daemon listens on ports 80 and 443. For more information, read our How to Configure Your Firewall for cPanel & WHM Services documentation.

crond — Cron Daemon

The cron scheduling daemon. For more information, read our Cron Jobs documentation.


In Debian® systems (Ubuntu®), cron is the daemon’s name. The restartsrv script’s crond service manages Ubuntu’s cron daemon.

dnsadmin — cPanel DNS (Domain Name System) Admin Cache

The dnsadmin daemon runs as a standalone daemon. This improves speed, but increases its memory usage. Deselect this option if you wish to use multiple dnsadmin daemon processes for zone-related actions.

exim — Exim Mail Server

The SMTP mail server daemon is the part of your mail server that sends and receives mail. We recommend that you monitor and enable this feature for most servers.


If you disable this service, the following options do not appear in the Mail section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings):

  • Discard FormMail-clone message with bcc:
  • Email delivery retry time
  • Track email origin via X-Source email headers
  • Max hourly emails per domain
  • The percentage of email messages (above the domain’s hourly maximum) to queue and retry for delivery.
  • Maximum percentage of failed or deferred messages a domain may send per hour
  • Number of failed or deferred messages a domain may send before protections can be triggered
  • Add X-PopBeforeSMTP header for mail sent via POP-before-SMTP
  • Enable BoxTrapper spam trap
  • Enable Email Archiving support
  • Enable Apache SpamAssassin™ spam filter

exim-altport — Exim Mail Server (on another port)

By default, Exim listens to the following ports:

  • 25
  • 465
  • 587

This option allows you to configure Exim to listen to an additional port.


In the text box, enter the additional port number on which you wish to allow Exim to run.

ftpd — FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server

The FTP server daemon runs your FTP server. Enable this feature if you plan to host other people’s websites on your web server.

  • We strongly recommend that you monitor this feature.
  • The Database, DNS, and Mail profiles disable this service.

httpd — Web Server

The web server daemon processes HTTP requests from visitors. Enable this feature to host websites with your web server.

  • When you disable this daemon, the cpsrvd daemon takes over HTTP on the 80 and 443 ports.
  • The Database, DNS, and Mail server profiles disable this service.

imap — IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol) Server

The IMAP daemon for Dovecot processes how your users download their mail.

For more information, read our IMAP vs. POP3 documentation.

  • We strongly recommend that you monitor this daemon.
  • The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.

ipaliases — IP (Internet Protocol) Aliases

The IP Aliases daemon allows you to add more than one IP address to your network adapter. The system stores IP addresses that you add in WHM’s Add a New IP Address interface (WHM » Home » IP Functions » Add a New IP Address) in the /etc/ips file. The ipaliases service activates those IP addresses when the server starts.

Use this configuration to run multiple connections on a single network, where each connection serves an additional purpose.

lmtp — LMTP (Local Mail Transport Protocol) Server

The Local Mail Transport Protocol (LMTP) server allows Exim to connect to the Dovecot mail server.

mailman — Mailman

The Mailman mailing list manager allows your users to create a single email address to send mail to multiple email addresses. For more information, read our Mailing Lists documentation.

  • In The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.
  • The system does not start the Mailman service until the server hosts at least one mailing list.

mysql — MySQL® or MariaDB® Server

The MySQL® database server processes database queries. If you plan to host any content management systems or applications that require a database, enable this feature or the postgresql server.

  • The system monitors this daemon by default.
  • The Mail profile disables this service.

named — DNS (Domain Name System) Server

The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), PowerDNS, MyDNS, or NSD daemon runs the nameservers.

  • You should only enable this daemon if you wish to use your own nameservers. For more information, read our Nameserver Selection documentation.
  • The Database server profile disables this service.

nscd — Name Service Cache Daemon

This daemon manages a cache for name service requests.


We strongly recommend that you only enable this service on servers with at least 1,000 MB of available memory.

p0f — Passive OS (Operating System) Fingerprinting Daemon

The Passive OS Fingerprinting daemon (p0f) reports the visitor’s operating system and other information for email notifications that the system administrator requests in the Contact Manager interface (WHM » Home » Server Contacts » Contact Manager). This information helps a system administrator quickly identify visitors that trigger events that cause alerts. The spam prevention and cPHulk systems use this information to identify potential spammers and brute force attacks.

For example, if a user logs in to a server from multiple locations and uses multiple operating systems, this may indicate that someone has compromised the user’s account.

For more information about this daemon, read the Passive OS Fingerprinting documentation at GitHub.


If you disable this daemon, the notification footers will no longer contain the visitor information.

pop — POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) Server

The POP3 daemon processes how your users will download their mail.

  • We strongly recommend that you monitor this daemon. The system does not monitor this daemon by default.
  • The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.

postgresql — PostgresSQL® Server

The PostgreSQL® database server processes database queries. If you plan to host any content management systems or applications that require a database, enable this feature or the mysqld server.


The Mail profile disables this service.

queueprocd — TaskQueue Processor

The TaskQueue Processor processes the task queue periodically and resides in the /usr/local/cpanel/libexec directory. For more information, read our Task Queue Monitor documentation.

rsyslogd — System Logger Daemon

The system log daemon monitors your web server and logs the system activity.


We strongly recommend that you enable this daemon.

spamd — Apache SpamAssassin™

The Apache SpamAssassin daemon attempts to filter spam messages. If you disable this daemon, make sure that you also disable it in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration »Tweak Settings).


The Database and DNS server profiles disable this service.

sshd — SSH (Secure Shell) Daemon

The secure shell (SSH) daemon allows users to connect to your server in a terminal session via SSH.

syslogd — syslog System Logger Daemon

The system log daemon. This daemon handles your web server’s monitoring and logging system information.

tailwatchd — TailWatch Daemon

The TailWatch daemon monitors a log file for certain activities and then performs an action based on the activity. For more information, read our TailWatch documentation.

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