WHM Scripts

Valid for versions 108 through 110






Last modified: 2024 July 2


The cPanel & WHM installation process adds important scripts to your server’s /usr/local/cpanel/scripts and /usr/local/cpanel/bin directories. To run a script, enter its location on the command line. For example, to run the upcp script, run the following command:


Unless otherwise noted, use the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts file path for the scripts in this list.

  • When you run a script, you must use the script’s full file path, even if you run the script in the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts or /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.
  • Do not use scripts in the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts or /usr/local/cpanel/bin directories that we do not list in this document. You may damage your server if you run an unlisted script.



This script creates an email account.


This script updates the following MySQL® settings in the SQL section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings):

  • Allow cPanel & WHM to determine the best value for your MySQL open_files_limit configuration?
  • Allow cPanel & WHM to determine the best value for your MySQL max_allowed_packet configuration?
  • Allow cPanel & WHM to determine the best value for your MySQL innodb_buffer_pool_size configuration?

For more information, read our The auto-adjust-mysql-limits Script documentation.


This script performs a single AutoSSL check. You can run this script for a single user, or for all users. After the script runs, the system will remove any out of date AutoSSL log files.

For more information, read our autossl_check script documentation.


This script runs a manual backup in WHM via the command line.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our backup script documentation.


This script removes the metadata for backup files that a user has manually removed from the system.

For more information, read our The backups_clean_metadata_for_missing_backups Script documentation.


This script creates metadata files for all backup types.

For more information, read our The backups_create_metadata Script documentation.


This script locates a user’s files in compressed, uncompressed, or incremental backups. It returns all files in the backups in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.

For more information, read our The backups_list_user_files Script documentation.


This script manages the backup restoration queue.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The backup_restore_manager Script documentation.


This script lets you enforce disk use quotas for distributed cPanel accounts.

For more information, read our balance_linked_node_quotas script documentation.


This script sets limits on the amount of email that users can send from domains on your server.

For more information, read our The build_maxemails_config Script documentation.


This script builds the default MySQL configuration file.

For more information, read our The build_mysql_conf Script documentation.


This script lets the Calendar and Contacts Server (CSS) plugin run using your server’s SSL certificate.

For more information, read our The ccs-check Script documentation.


This script scans every installed package file on your server for problems.

For more information, read our The check_cpanel_pkgs Script documentation.


This script monitors the state of WHM’s Security Advisor. If the state changes, the script will send a notificiation to the system administrator.


This script runs as part of the nightly maintenance script.

For more information, read our The check_security_advice_changes Script documentation.


This script checks cPanel accounts for any invalid ~/.my.cnf files and renames them. This lets you view any settings in the invalid files that you may want to copy to new files.

For more information, read our The check_users_my_cnf Script documentation.


This script installs or updates a cPanel-signed hostname certificate.

For more information, read our The checkallsslcerts Script documentation.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.


This script performs a simple configuration check of MyDNS.

We removed the MyDNS nameserver in cPanel & WHM version 106 and later. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan.

This script removes orphaned and duplicate DNS zone definitions.

For more information, read our The cleandns Script documentation.


This script removes various session files for the following applications:

  • phpMyAdmin
  • phpPgAdmin
  • Webmail applications

It also removes the following expired files:

  • cPanel Password Reset session flood protect files.
  • cPanel Subaccount Invitation session and flood protect files.

This script removes temporary wheel group users that cPanel Support no longer requires.


When you use WHM’s Grant cPanel Support Access interface (WHM » Home » Support » Grant cPanel Support Access) and Create Support Ticket interface (WHM » Home » Support » Create Support Ticket), the system will create temporary wheel users for cPanel Support.


This script purges expired PHP session files from a secure temporary directory.

For more information, read our The clean_user_php_sessions Script documentation.


This script compares the contents of two Card DataBase (CDB) format files. Specify the two CDB files that you wish to compare. For example, run the following command, where file1 and file2 represent the two files that you wish to compare:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/comparecdb file1 file2

This script sets up your IPv6 firewall. Run this script if either of the following statements are true:

  • You do not manage your IPv6 firewall rules with any other tools or utilities.
  • You cannot connect to your IPv6 addresses or IPv6-enabled websites on port 80.
  • Only users with root privileges can run this script.
  • The rules that this script creates remain active even if you reboot the server.
  • If your server runs the AlmaLinux OS 8, CentOS 7, CloudLinux™ 7 or 8, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) 7, Rocky Linux™ 8, or Ubuntu® operating systems, we do not recommend that you use this script due to the way in which these operating systems manage firewalls.

This script opens the following ports:

  • Port 22 for SSH.
  • Port 53 for DNS.
  • Port 80 for HTTP.

This script copies a cPanel account’s mail to or from a remote server as the root user.

For more information, read our The copy_user_mail_as_root Script documentation.


This script copies a cPanel account’s mail to or from a remote server as the account.

For more information, read our The copy_user_mail_as_user Script documentation.


This script converts a WHM user’s access hash to an API token.

For more information, read our The convert_accesshash_to_token Script documentation.


This script converts mailboxes from mdbox format to maildir format.

For more information, read our The convert_mdbox_to_maildir Script documentation.


This script converts mailboxes from maildir format to mdbox format.

For more information, read our The convert_maildir_to_mdbox Script documentation.


This script converts the Roundcube database from MySQL to SQLite.

For more information about this script, read our How to Convert Roundcube to SQLite documentation.


This script updates the cPAddons service. This script does not run on servers that use the Ubuntu operating system.


This script rebuilds your Apache Solr™ index files if they become corrupt.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/scripts directory.

For more information, read our The cpanel_dovecot_solr_rebuild_index Script documentation.


This script backs up all cPanel accounts.


This script performs a DNS query with cPanel & WHM’s DNS resolver. This script’s result should equal the dig +trace command’s end result. For example, run the following command, where www.example.com is a domain and AAAA is a type of domain record:

cpdig www.example.com AAAA

This script assigns one or more five-digit port numbers for a user’s exclusive use.

For more information, read our The cpuser_port_authority Script documentation.


This script grants ownership of databases and database users to a cPanel account.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The dbmaptool Script documentation.


This script synchronizes MySQL user’s grants for the YAML and JSON files in the /var/cpanel/databases/ directory.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The dbstoregrants Script documentation.


This script removes an email account.


This script syncs and revokes currently active DNSSEC keys in a DNS cluster.

For more information, read our The dnssec-cluster-keys Script documentation.


This script performs the following tasks:

  • Purges deleted messages from mdbox users who have logged in after the last time the script ran.

  • Purges expired Apple® Push Notification service (APNs) registrations.


This script runs while the nightly maintenance script runs.


This script displays the contents of a CDB file. Specify the CDB file that you wish to view. For example, run the following command, where file represents the file that you wish to view:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/dumpcdb file

This script installs EasyApache 4.


This script removes the tracking file for email hold on mail to release or delete from the mail queue.


This script purges expired files from .trash folders in user home directories. To set the expiration time, use the Age of content to purge from users’ File Manager Trash setting in the System section of the WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings).

  • This script runs while the nightly maintenance script runs.
  • This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

This script enables SPF and DKIM for every cPanel user on the server. Then it creates SPF and DKIM records for all of these users’ domains.

For more information, read our The enable_spf_dkim_globally Script documentation.


This script scans the eximstats database and counts the number of emails that every domain on the server has sent in the previous hour. If a domain exceeds the preconfigured threshold of unique outbound messages (excluding mailing lists), the system will log an alert. Use the following settings in the Mail section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings) to configure this script:

  • Number of unique recipients per hour to trigger potential spammer notification — Configure the threshold value of unique outbound messages.
  • Select the action for the system to take on an email account when it detects a potential spammer — Configure the script to take no action, hold, or reject additional outbound messages if the domain exceeds the threshold value.

This script exports Horde calendars to files in .ics format. You can then import these files into Roundcube.

For more information, read our The export_horde_calendars_to_ics Script documentation.


This script exports Horde contacts to files in .vcf format. You can then import these files into Roundcube.

For more information, read our The export_horde_contacts_to_vcf Script documentation.


This script exports zones from MyDNS for BIND and NSD to use.

We removed the MyDNS and NSD nameservers in cPanel & WHM version 106 and later. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan.

This script detects issues with your server’s package database and, if problems exist, rebuilds the database. This script does not run on servers that use the Ubuntu operating system.

For more information, read our The find_and_fix_rpm_issues Script documentation.


This script checks all services to determine whether they require a restart. An outdated service is any service that depends on a library that is no longer present on the system.

For more information, read our The find_outdated_services Script documentation.


This script adjusts the permissions on cPAddon-specific files that contain sensitive information. This script only adjusts cPAddons that follow cPanel & WHM’s tight security model.


Some cPAddons possess security-sensitive files, such as files that contain passwords in clear text. cPAddons that exist on servers that do not use the mpm-itk, mod_ruid2, or mod_suphp modules require additional file permission adjustments to prevent security issues between users. For security reasons, we do not recommend that you install any cPAddons on shared hosting servers without one of these modules.


This script fixes problems with TTL values in DNS zone files.

For more information, read our The fix_dns_zone_ttls Script documentation.


This script repairs permissions for all mailing list files and directories.


This script resolves ndc connection refused errors. To use this script, run the following commands:


You must run the /scripts/fixndc script twice.


This script scans each user’s web virtual host (vhost) configuration files and removes excess alias names from the serveralias parameter.

For more information, read our The fix-web-vhost-configuration Script documentation.


This script executes standardized hooks.

For more information, read our The hook Script documentation.


This script imports zone information into NSD from MyDNS or BIND.

We removed the MyDNS and NSD nameservers in cPanel & WHM version 106 and later. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan.

This script manages the cPAddon third-party software packages.

  • This script runs while the nightly maintenance script runs.
  • This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/ directory.
  • This script does not run on servers that use the Ubuntu operating system.

This script installs the cPanel Analytics plugin.


This script enables Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Full-Text Search (FTS) Indexing (powered by Aparche Solr™). This service provides fast search capabilities for IMAP mailboxes.

For more information, read our The install_dovecot_fts Script documentation.


This script installs a cPanel plugin.


Only the root user can run this script.

For more information, read our The install_plugin Script documentation.


This script installs PostgreSQL®. This script does not run on servers that use the Ubuntu operating system.


This script checks how long a script’s current proces ID (PID) has run. It can also notify a WHM user or kill the process.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The is_script_stuck Script documentation.


This script performs system updates. It also terminates the processes that you specify in WHM’s Background Process Killer interface (WHM » Home » System Health » Background Process Killer).


This script runs while the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp script runs.


This script manages the Greylisting service.

For more information, read our The manage_greylisting Script documentation.


This script allows you to import and export MySQL profiles.

For more information, read our The manage_mysql_profiles Script documentation.


This script updates the theme for specific accounts on the server.

For more information, read our The modify_accounts Script documentation.


This script updates the theme for specific packages on the server.

For more information, read our The modify_packages Script documentation.


This script manages the vendors in your server’s ModSecurity® installation.

For more information, read our The modsec_vendor Script documentation.


This script runs any scripts that exist in the /var/cpanel/on_boot and /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/on_boot directories.

  • The system runs scripts that exist in /var/cpanel/on_boot and /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/on_boot automatically when it reboots.
  • This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/ directory.

For more information, read our The onboot_handler Script documentation.


This script installs configuration files when you manually edit the PHP-FPM configuration files.

For more information, read our The php_fpm_config Script documentation.


This script creates a backup file for a cPanel account.

For more information, read our The pkgacct Script documentation.


This script updates configurations on a system created from an image. This script automatically runs upon the first boot for images created using the snapshot_prep script.


For images created using the --no-post-service option for the the snapshot_prep script, you must run this script manually.

For more information, read our The post_snapshot Script documentation.


This script processes template files and user-provided data to create a Site Publisher website.

For more information, read our The process_site_templates Script documentation.


This script removes stale records from the modsec database.


This script automates the installation of Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) modules.


This script rebuilds Apache®’s main configuration file.

For more information, read our The rebuildhttpdconf Script documentation.


We renamed this script from rebuild_available_rpm_addons_cache to rebuild_available_addons_packages_cache in cPanel & WHM version 102.

This script rebuilds the available package-based cPAddons cache in the /var/cpanel/available_addons_packages.cache file.


This script rebuilds a user’s corrupted database map.

For more information, read our The rebuild_dbmap Script documentation.


This script manages your server’s default PHP version and PHP handlers in EasyApache 4.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/ directory.

For more information, read our The rebuild_phpconf Script documentation.


This script rebuilds the PHP cache of the WHM interface’s header and footer (chrome) files. This includes the WHM’s interface’s left navigation panel. When you run the script, it processes these files for the root user and all resellers, then saves the results to files you can use to develop third-party plugins.


When you run this script, the system will remove the previous save files before it recreates them.

For information about WHM plugins, read our Guide to WHM Plugins documentation.


This script copies the main system and user logs from a server to a remote backup destination you set in WHM. For more information, read our The remote_log_transfer Script documentation.


This script removes the Dovecot index logs and cache files from cPanel email accounts.

For more information, read our The remove_dovecot_index_files Script documentation.


This script removes a cPanel account.

For more information, read our The removeacct Script documentation.


This script performs a full text search (FTS) scan on a cPanel account’s mailboxes.

For more information, read our The rescan_user_dovecot_fts Script documentation.


This script restarts a specific service.

For more information, read our The restartsrv Scripts documentation.


This script lets you restore a cPanel account from a backup file.

For more information, read our The restorepkg Script documentation.


This script updates all user statistics.


This script updates a user’s statistics. To run this script, use the following command, where username is the cPanel account username:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/runweblogs username

This script secures permissions on your server.

For more information, read our The secureit Script documentation.


This script secures a cPanel account’s MySQL configuration.

For more information, read our The securemysql Script documentation.


This script mounts the /tmp partition to a temporary file for extra security.

For more information, read our The securetmp Script documentation.


This script manages server queue tasks. cPanel & WHM’s task queue system uses this script.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The servers_queue Script documentation.


This scripts allows you to create service subdomain DNS records for a cPanel, WHM, or Webmail account from the command line.

For more information, read our The servicedomains Script.


This script adjusts the memory_limit directive value for all versions of PHP in the /opt/cpanel/ directory. It uses the server’s available memory to determine an appropriate value.


You must use the --run flag to execute this script.

For information about the memory_limit directive, read our MultiPHP INI Editor interface (WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP INI Editor) documentation.


This script manages a server’s Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) cipher suites and protocols. You can use this script to configure the following services:

  • Web Disk (cpdavd).
  • The cPanel & WHM server (cpsrvd).
  • Exim (exim).
  • The Dovecot mail server (dovecot).

This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The set-tls-settings Script documentation.


This script allows you to select your server’s FTP server, configure anonymous FTP services, or disable FTP services.

For more information, read our The setupftpserver script documentation.


This script creates the greylist SQLite database. It also allows you to add common email services to the trusted hosts list.

For more information, read our The setup_greylist_db Script documentation.


This script creates the modsec MySQL database and user.


Running this script does not clear any existing MySQL database or user data.


This script lets you select a mail server.


cPanel & WHM only ships with the Dovecot mail server.

For more information, read our The setupmailserver Script documentation.


This script allows you to switch between DNS servers.

We removed the MyDNS and NSD nameservers in cPanel & WHM version 106 and later. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan.

This script imports all unarchived Exim exim_mainlog data in the /var/log/ directory into the eximstats database.

For more information, read our The slurp_exim_mainlog Script documentation.


This script prepares your server to create a deployment image.

For more information, read our The snapshot_prep Script documentation.


This script adds SPF records to all of a user’s domains’ zone files.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The spf_installer Script documentation.


This script suspends a cPanel account.

For more information, read our The suspendacct Script documentation.


This script lets you update a domain’s IP address in the zone file. It will update the domain’s source IP address with the destination server’s IP address.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The swapip Script documentation.


This script synchronizes a distributed cPanel account between a parent node and its child nodes.

For more information, read our The sync_child_accounts Script documentation.


This script creates default MySQL or MariaDB users for any cPanel users that require them.


When you enable MySQL or MariaDB, the system automatically performs this function. In most cases, you do not need to run this script.


This script transfers a cPanel account from a remote server to the local server. When you run the script, it authenticates as the cPanel account on the remote server.

For more information, read our The transfer_account_as_user Script documentation.


This script transfers one or more cPanel accounts from a remote server to the local server.

For more information, read our The transfer_accounts_as_root Script documentation.


This script executes a user-defined check command at a specified interval. If the check command returns an error, it retries as often as the max-retries option allows. When the check succeeds, a user-defined action command runs.

For more information, read our The try-later Script documentation.


This script uninstalls the cPanel Analytics plugin.


Only users with root privileges can run this script.


This script uninstalls a cPanel plugin.

For more information, read our The uninstall_plugin Script documentation.

This script restores a service account to an unlinked state.


This script unsuspends a cPanel account.


Unsuspending an account also removes service proxying.

For more information, read the the unsuspend script script documentation.


This script updates cPanel & WHM.

For more information, read our The upcp Script documentation.


This script determines whether the upcp script is currently running.

For more information, read our The upcp-running Script documentation.


This script will update the quota for all existing email accounts for a given user or for all users on the system.

For more information, read our The update_existing_mail_quotas_for_account Script documentation.


This script updates the system software for all users.


We renamed this script from rpmup to update-packages in cPanel & WHM version 102.


This script will update the /etc/userdomains entries based on the /var/cpanel/users directory.


This script verifies and upgrades the Subaccount database table schemas for each cPanel account.


This script lets you view the logs for a transfer or restore session.


This script exists in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin directory.

For more information, read our The view_transfer Script documentation.


This script optimizes the Maximum Children settings for Apache SpamAssassin™ for the amount of memory on your server.

For more information about the Maximum Children setting, read our Spamd Startup Configuration documentation.


This script generates a single-use session login URL for WHM.


This script creates a cPanel account.

For more information, read our The wwwacct Script documentation.

Additional Documentation