The transfer_accounts_as_root Script

Valid for versions 94 through the latest version



Last modified: 2022 July 28


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/transfer_accounts_as_root script transfers one or more cPanel accounts from a remote (source) server to the local server.

  • When using this script, the system disables the Live Transfer feature in WHM’s Transfer Tool interface (WHM » Home » Transfers » Transfer Tool) by default. To enable the Live Transfers feature, use the --enqueue=live_transfer=1 option with the script.
  • To transfer as a authenticated cPanel account on the remote server, use the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/transfer_account_as_user script.

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/transfer_accounts_as_root [options]


Use the following options with this script:

Options Description Example
--host Required
The remote (source) hostname or IP address.
--user Required
The name of the cPanel account to transfer from the remote server to the local server.
Make certain that you input the correct username. The script will enqueue a transfer for a cPanel account that does not exist on the source server.
--sshkey The root user’s SSH key to log in to the remote server. The system prompts for the SSH key’s passphrase via STDIN).
If you do not use this option, the system will prompt for the root user password via STDIN.
--enqueue Pass a parameter to the WHM API 1 enqueue_transfer_item function. You can use this option multiple times. --enqueue=live_transfer=1
--help  Print the script’s help information. --help
--session  Pass a parameter to the WHM API 1 function create_remote_root_transfer_session. You can enter this option multiple times. --session=comm_transport=ssh

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