SQL Services

Additional MySQL Access Hosts

This interface allows you to permit remote hosts (servers) to access MySQL® databases on your server, or to access a remote MySQL server that you configured via WHM's Manage MySQL Profiles interface.

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Configure PostgreSQL

This interface allows you to complete the PostgreSQL® installation process, create PostgreSQL users, and update the PostgreSQL password.

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Database Map Tool

This feature allows server administrators to grant ownership of database objects (databases and database users) to a cPanel user.

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Manage Database Users

This interface allows server administrators to retrieve a list of database users, each user's database, and which account owns each database user.

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Manage Databases

This interface allows you to list cPanel-managed databases on your server, each database's engine, and which user owns each database.

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MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade

This interface allows you to manage MySQL® or MariaDB® version upgrades (for example, when you upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7).

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