Manage Team — Create a Team User

Valid for version 110






Last modified: 2024 May 31

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Manage Team is an experimental feature. We do not recommend using this feature in production environments. It is currently under development and is only available to a limited number of cPanel & WHM customers. It will be available for testing in future releases. For more information about the development of Manage Team, read our Manage Team roadmap.

The Create a Team User interface lets you create a new team user. It is part of the cPanel Manage Team interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » Manage Team).

To create a team user, click Create Team User in the List Team table (cPanel » Home » Preferences » Manage Team). A new interface will appear. It displays the various settings for a team user, such as their username, password, role, and other settings.

Create a Team User

To create a new team user, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Basic Information section, enter the username for the new team user in the Username text box. The username will always precede the cPanel account’s primary domain (for example, [email protected]).
  2. In the Notes text box, enter any notes related to the team user. The text box can contain up to 100 characters. This text box is optional.
  3. In the Security Information section, select The user will set the account password to send the team user an email to allow them to set their password. Or, select Set the user’s password to set the team user’s password. For information on requirements for secure passwords, read our Password & Security documentation.
    • If desired, click Generate to let the system create a secure password for you. The system will reveal this password. You can also click the more icon (More) to select password complexity settings. The system will use these settings when it generates a new password.
  4. Enter the team user’s email address in the Contact Email text box.
  5. In the User Settings section, select the desired options from the menu to assign roles to a team user. Roles are a set of privileges, features, files, or tasks that a team user can use.
    Role Description
    Administrator This role enables a team user to access high-level tools and modify files in the team owner’s cPanel account. It includes all privileges connected to each of the other roles.
    Database This role enables a team user to access tools and modify files related to database management for the team owner’s cPanel account, such as MySQL Manager.
    Email This role enables a team user to access tools and modify files related to email administration for the team owner’s cPanel account, such as email routing and mailing lists.
    Web This role enables a team user to access tools and modify files related to website functionality, such as Wordpress Toolkit and bandwidth.

Click Create to create the new team user and return to the Manage Team interface. The system will send an activation email to the new team user. You can click Go Back to cancel this action and return to the Manage Team interface.

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