How to Manage a Site Quality Monitoring Subscription

Last modified: June 13, 2024


The Site Quality Monitoring interface (cPanel » Home » Metrics » Site Quality Monitoring) offers subscriptions with increased monitoring capabilities to watch your websites for common issues so you can optimize quickly.


Lite subscription provisions

Each Site Quality Monitoring user has access to one free Lite subscription. When you upgrade your Lite subscription, we automatically grant you another one. A Lite subscription allows you to monitor one root domain and one URL associated with that domain.

Maximum subscription number

Each Site Quality Monitoring user can monitor up to ten websites at a time. Your free Lite subscription does not count towards this maximum. However, once you are monitoring ten websites, you will not be able to upgrade your Lite subscription.

How to manage a Site Quality Monitoring subscription

When you add a new monitored website, you can set its subscription type. You can also manage monitored website subscriptions in the following ways:

Upgrade a subscription

You may upgrade a Site Quality Monitoring subscription plan to increase your monitoring capabilities - for example, by adding the configurable monitoring extensions in the Extras tab.


You may only upgrade a Lite subscription. To upgrade a monitored website on a Personal subscription to a Business subscription, you must first remove the monitored website from monitoring, and then add it again and upgrade.

You can upgrade your subscription through the following methods in the Site Quality Monitoring interface (cPanel » Home » Metrics » Site Quality Monitoring):

Downgrade a subscription

To downgrade a subscription, remove the website whose monitoring capabilities you intend to reduce from Site Quality Monitoring, then add it again. We will automatically assign it a Lite subscription. Upgrade this subscription to your desired monitoring tier.

You can remove a website from monitoring through the Site Quality Monitoring interface’s User settings menu (cPanel » Home » Metrics » Site Quality Monitoring).

Assign an unassigned subscription

When you remove a monitored website from monitoring in the Monitored website manager menu in the Site Quality Monitoring interface (cPanel » Home » Metrics » Site Quality Monitoring), you have the option to cancel its associated subscription. If you do not cancel the associated subscription, it becomes unassigned.

To assign an unassigned subscription to an existing monitored website, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the User settings menu.
  2. Click Manage subscriptions. Your subscription list will appear.
  3. Click the Monitor new website button of the subscription you wish to assign. The system will return you to the All monitored websites section and the Monitor new website menu will appear.
  4. Enter the website information that you want to monitor.
  5. Click Save to begin monitoring it with your reassigned subscription’s capabilities.

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