How to Uninstall LiteSpeed Web Server

Last modified: 2024 February 22


This document describes the steps to uninstall LiteSpeed Web Server from cPanel & WHM. These steps will prevent an accidental reinstallation of LiteSpeed Web Server.

Uninstall LiteSpeed Web Server

To uninstall LiteSpeed Web Server, perform the following steps:

  1. As the root user, convert your server to use the Apache web server. To do so, run the following command:
/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ apache
  1. Ensure that Apache is running. You can do so from WHM’s Apache Status interface (WHM » Home » Server Status » Apache Status).

    • The Restart Time header will indicate the time and date when Apache restarted.
  2. Uninstall the LiteSpeed Web server plugin. From the command line, run the WHM plugin uninstallation script:


This action only removes the LiteSpeed Web Server plugin from your server. It does not remove LiteSpeed Web Server from your server.

  1. Remove LiteSpeed Web Server files from your server. The following command removes the LiteSpeed Web Server directory (lsws) from the /usr/local directory:

Users who purchased LiteSpeed Web Server through WebPros International, LLC must complete the following step. Otherwise, you may stop at step 4.

  1. Users who purchased LiteSpeed Web Server through the cPanel Store must create a touch file. This file will prevent the upcp script from reinstalling LiteSpeed Web Server during the next cPanel & WHM update.

To create the touch file, run the following command:

touch /var/cpanel/disable_auto_lsws

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