NGINX® with Reverse Proxy
This document explains how to install NGINX® with reverse proxy on a server that runs cPanel & WHM and EasyApache 4.
This document explains how to install NGINX® with reverse proxy on a server that runs cPanel & WHM and EasyApache 4.
This collection of features allows you to configure Apache.
Apache handlers control how your site’s Apache web server software manages certain file types and file extensions.
This interface allows you to disable the Apache `mod_userdir` module's functionality for your users.
This interface displays the status of your Apache server.
The DirectoryIndex Priority interface allows you to specify the filenames that Apache recognizes and displays as index pages.
The interface displays up to 300 of the most recent entries in your web server's error logs, in reverse chronological order.
This feature allows you to adjust several of the Apache® web server's advanced features.
This interface allows you to add other configuration files to your Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) through Apache's Include directive.
This interface allows you to select Apache log files for the cpanellogd daemon to compress and archive.
This interface calculates and sets a new memory limit for Apache processes.
This interface allows you to configure ModSecurity's global settings.
This document explains how to install NGINX Standalone on a server that runs cPanel & WHM and EasyApache 4.
This document covers common troubleshooting for NGINX with reverse proxy.
This document explains how to implement symlink race condition protection on systems that run EasyApache 4.
The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ea-nginx script manages your NGINX configuration.
This document explains how to install and configure Apache's httpd-guardian script, which allows you to use ModSecurity's SecGuardianLog directive.
The splitlogs binary optimizes your resources and performance when you create Apache logs.
This document explains the SSL installation and precedence logic.
This document explains how to use Passenger applications with the ea-apache24-mod-passenger package.