View Sent Summary

Valid for versions 82 through the latest version



Last modified: June 13, 2024

Looking for this interface?

Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).


This feature displays the total number of message delivery attempts that each domain on your server made within a specified time and date range. You can view the number of successful attempts, failed attempts, and the total number of bytes that each domain sent.

View information about sent emails

To view information about emails that domains on your server sent within a specific time and date range, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time values to specify the date range for which you wish to view mail.

    The larger the date range, the longer your query requires to process.

  2. Click Run Report.

The results table — Historical View

To display how many messages and how much data each account sent within the date range that you specified, click Historical View. By default, the interface displays the following eight columns in the table:

  • Domain — The domain from which users sent messages.

  • User — The cPanel user who owns the domain.

  • Successful — The number of successful mail deliveries that originated from the domain.

  • Deferrals — The number of deferred mail deliveries that originated from the domain.

  • Failures — The number of failed mail deliveries that originated from the domain.

  • Failed and Deferred — The sum of failed and deferred mail deliveries that originated from the domain.

  • Total Messages — The total number of messages that originated from the domain.

  • Data Sent — The total amount of data that the domain sent.

Click the Table Options icon to select which information appears in the results table.

  • To add a column to the results table, select the checkbox that corresponds to the column that you wish to add.

  • To remove a column from the results table, deselect the checkbox that corresponds to the column that you wish to remove.

The results table — Current View

To view each account’s current status, click Current View. By default, the interface includes the following four columns in the table:

  • Relay per Hour — A green select icon indicates that the domain is within the limit for relayed messages for the current hour (from the beginning of the hour until now). A red X icon indicates that the domain exceeded its limit.

    • The date range that you specify does not apply to this column.
    • The server owner can change the server-wide relay limit with the Max hourly emails per domain option in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » System Configuration » Tweak Settings). The server owner can also change a specific account’s limit for mail that the server relays per hour in WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Modify an Account).

  • Defer+Fail per Hour — A green select icon indicates that the domain is within the limit for deferred and failed messages for the current hour (from the beginning of the hour until now). A red X icon indicates that the domain exceeded its limit.

    • The date range that you specify does not apply to this column.
    • The server owner can change the server-wide limit for deferred and failed mail for all accounts with the Maximum percentage of failed or deferred messages a domain may send per hour option in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » System Configuration » Tweak Settings). The server owner can also change the limit for a specific account in WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Modify an Account).

  • Domain — The domain from which messages originated.

  • User — The cPanel user who owns the domain.

Click the Table Options icon () to select which information appears in the results table.

  • To add a column to the results table, select the checkbox that corresponds to the column that you wish to add.

  • To remove a column from the results table, deselect the checkbox that corresponds to the column that you wish to remove.

To narrow the list of senders, enter your search criteria in the Search… text box. The results remain filtered until you clear the Search… text box.

View all outgoing mail sent by a specific user

To view more information about all of the messages a specific user sent, click the row in the table that contains the user’s name. WHM will redirect you to the Mail Delivery Reports interface (WHM » Home » Email » Mail Delivery Reports).

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