The upcp Script

Valid for versions 84 through the latest version



Last modified: July 28, 2022


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp script lets you update cPanel & WHM on the command line.

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp [options]


Use the following options with this script:

Options Description Example
bg Run the update as a background process. The system stores the output of the update in a log file in the /var/cpanel/updatelogs directory. The file uses the update.DATE format, where DATE is a timestamp, in Unix time format. --bg
cron Configure the system to update using the settings in the /etc/cpupdate.conf file. For more information, read our cPanel & WHM Update Configuration File documentation. --cron
force Force the system to reinstall all files, even if the system is up to date.
You cannot pass this option with the sync option.
log Override the default log file and use log file in the defined file path. --log=/path/to/file
sync Update the system’s installed version of cPanel & WHM and do not download a newer version. This option ensures that the current version installed has the correct files.
You cannot pass this option with the force option.
help Displays additional information. --help

Additional Documentation