Module Installers
Valid for versions 82 through the latest version
Last modified: 2024 June 13
Looking for this interface?
Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).
This WHM feature provides access to four interfaces that you can use to find and install modules for PHP, Ruby, and Perl. You can use the modules that you install, for example, in custom scripts.
- PHP PECL — Install and manage PHP extensions from PECL (PHP Extension Community Library).
- Ruby Gem Installer — Install and manage Ruby Gems from RubyForge.
- PHP Extensions and Applications Package — Install and manage PHP extensions from PEAR (PHP Extensions and Applications Repository).
- Install a Perl Module — Install and manage Perl modules from CPAN (The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network).