How to Install Drush

Last modified: 2019 August 20


This document describes how to install the Drush application, which allows you to manage Drupal, a popular content management system (CMS).

  • You must add Drush on each project via the Composer application.

  • We recommend that you only install Drush on servers with at least 4GB of memory or 2GB of memory with a 2GB swap space.

  • cPanel accounts must possess access to SSH in order to use the Composer application.

Install Drush

Install Composer

To install Composer, read our How to Set Up (PHP) Composer document.

Add Drush as a requirement to your composer.json file

If you have not yet added Drush as a requirement to your project’s composer.json file, run the following command:

composer require drush/drush

The system will return output similar to the following example:

- Installing drush/drush (9.3.0): Loading from cache

Install Drush

To install Drush, run the following command:

composer install

The system will return output similar to the following example:

- Installing drush/drush (9.3.0): Loading from cache

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