76 Release Notes

Last modified: July 11, 2024

Upgrade blockers


New features

MySQL/MariaDB pre-flight check

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added a pre-flight check to WHM’s MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade interface (WHM » Home » SQL Services » MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade) interface which will detect potential unfixable states due to the following issues:

  • If a custom value for MySQLxx installed in the /var/cpanel/rpm.versions/local.version file exists.

  • If a value greater than zero for innodb_force_recovery=<num> exists.

For package management issues with MySQL or MariaDB upgrades, read our How to Set or Unset Package Management documentation.

Preserved PHP-FPM settings when you change the account’s main domain

The system preserves your previously-configured PHP-FPM for Apache settings when you change the account’s main domain. Previously, the system reset these settings when a user changed the account’s domain. For more information on PHP-FPM, read the PHP-FPM documentation.

Enabled Apache PHP-FPM for all new cPanel & WHM installations

In cPanel & WHM version 76 and later, the system enables PHP-FPM for Apache by default in new installations of cPanel & WHM. The system will automatically enable PHP-FPM for all new domains that you add to the server.


This setting requires at least 2 GB of RAM.

  • If the system finds less than 2 GB of available RAM, it will not enable Apache PHP-FPM.

  • If you enable PHP-FPM on a server with less than the required RAM, your server may experience severe performance issues.

The following behaviors affect installations of cPanel & WHM that you upgrade or transfer to version 76:

  • Systems that upgrade to version 76 will retain the Apache PHP-FPM settings from the previous version.

  • Accounts that you transfer to a server with a new cPanel & WHM version 76 installation will use the new installation’s Apache PHP-FPM settings.

Administrators with root-level privileges can disable this feature through either of the following actions:

  • Click Turn Off, under the System PHP-FPM section, in WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface (WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager). This action disables Apache’s PHP-FPM for all domains. To disable an individual domain directly from the domains table, set the PHP-FPM toggle to Off.

  • Execute the WHM API 1 function php_set_default_accounts_to_fpm and set the default_accounts_to_fpm parameter to 0.

For more information, read the PHP-FPM documentation.

New PowerDNS version 4.1

In cPanel & WHM 76, we updated the PowerDNS version to 4.1. This update replaces the pdnssec command with the pdnsutil command. Our How to List Domains with DNSSEC and the How to Rotate a DNSSEC Key documentation reflects this change. For more information, read the PowerDNS documentation.

AutoSSL preflight check for CAA records

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added a preflight check to AutoSSL. This check adds a Certificate Authority Authentication (CAA) record in the domain’s zone file before AutoSSL orders a new certificate for that domain.

For more information, read our Manage AutoSSL documentation.

Ticket system generates secure ID token for support tickets.

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we configured the cPanel support ticket system to generate a secure ID token when you create a support ticket via WHM’s Create Support Ticket interface (WHM » Home » Support » Create Support Ticket). The system uses this secure ID when it forwards you from WHM’s Create Support Ticket interface (WHM » Home » Support » Create Support Ticket) to the cPanel Customer Portal to confirm that the user who creates a support ticket matches currently-logged in user. If the user who created the ticket and the currently-logged in user do not match, the system returns an error.

We also added the secure_id return to the WHM API 1 ticket_create_stub_ticket function, and the secure_id parameter to the WHM API 1 ticket_grant function.

New WHM feature: Server Profiles

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the ability for users to select a server profile. Profiles are a collection of service roles, such as DNS, FTP, or Web Disk, that allow you to easily configure a server for a specific function. To provide these desired services, server profiles disable any non-essential services, as well as their related features in cPanel & WHM. Profiles also disable API calls that do not relate to the server profile’s enabled roles.

For example, a server that uses the Mail Node profile disables most services that do not support mail functions. When you enable this profile, it disables the following roles and related API functions:

  • File Storage

  • FTP

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Web Disk

  • Web Server

The Mail Node profile also removes these roles’ related features from the cPanel and WHM interfaces.

You can configure your server’s profile in WHM’s Server Profile interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Server Profile).

  • When you upgrade or install cPanel & WHM version 76, the system sets your default server profile to the Standard Node profile.

  • You cannot use this functionality if a cPanel account already exists on the server. You must remove all user accounts before you can use this feature. You can back up all of your user accounts and restore them after you change the server’s profile.

  • Certain server profiles disable the web server services, such as Apache. When disabled, the cpsrvd daemon takes over services on ports 80 and 443.

  • You can disable the cpsrvd daemon with the Prevent cpsrvd from serving standard HTTP ports setting in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings). For more information, read our Prevent cpsrvd from serving standard HTTP ports release note.

For more information about server profiles and roles, read our How to Use Server Profiles documentation.

cPanel and WHM API modules are role-aware

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we updated the cPanel and WHM API modules so that they are aware of server profile roles. If a profile has a role that disables a service, that profile also disables the role’s related API functions. For example, the Mail Node profile disables the Web Disk role, so any API calls that interact with this role’s services will fail.


When you upgrade a server to cPanel & WHM version 76, the system defaults existing configurations to the Standard Node profile.

Account Preferences

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added cPanel’s Account Preferences interface (cPanel » Navigation Bar » User Preferences menu » Account Preferences). Currently, you can use this interface to set where on the screen your system’s alert notifications appear in the cPanel interface.


In cPanel & WHM version 76, we implemented a new version of Apache Tomcat® for users that run EasyApache 4. This iteration represents a complete overhaul of our implementation, and provides substantial differences from the EasyApache 3 version. The EasyApache 4 implementation of Tomcat configures a private instance for each user. This increases security and allows the user to manage their own Tomcat services, but increases memory load on the server. We strongly recommend that you consider your server’s configuration carefully before you enable Tomcat for many users.

When you enable Tomcat for a user, the script creates an environment in the /home/user/ea-tomcat85/conf directory that the user can configure for their unique requirements. Users must possess shell access to use Tomcat.

Tomcat users can migrate to EasyApache 4

In cPanel & WHM version 76, users can now migrate to EasyApache 4 if they use Tomcat.

The EasyApache 4 implementation of Tomcat provides substantial differences from the EasyApache 3 implementation. The EasyApache 4 implementation of Tomcat configures a private instance for each user. The system will configure the existing domains to work in the new system and add them to a system.xml file, but we cannot guarantee the existing code’s compatibility with Tomcat 8.5. You must check your configuration manually.

Tomcat Manager

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added WHM’s Tomcat Manager interface (WHM » Home » Software » Tomcat Manager) for systems that run EasyApache 4. This interface allows system administrators to manage the Tomcat status of their users.

cPanel’s Domains interface

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the Domains interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Domains). This interface combines most of the functionality from the following interfaces:

  • cPanel’s Addon Domains interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Domains).

  • cPanel’s Subdomains interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Subdomains).

  • cPanel’s Aliases interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Domains).

Users can now create and manage multiple domains for a single cPanel account in one interface. This streamlines the user experience and simplifies the user’s ability to create and manage domains.


To use this interface, hosting providers must perform the following actions:

  • Allow domain creation in WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Modify an Account).

  • Enable at least one of the following features in WHM’s Feature Manager interface (WHM » Home » Packages » Feature Manager):

    • Addon Domains

    • Subdomains

    • Aliases


The Mail Node server configuration only displays the Domains interface for cPanel accounts. It does not display the Addon Domains, Subdomains, or Aliases interfaces.

The cpuser_port_authority script

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpuser_port_authority script. This script allows system administrators to assign ports to a user’s account.

The cpuser_service_manager script

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpuser_service_manager script. This script allows cPanel users to add and remove user-managed and monitored services. This script also includes the Ubic subsystem, which allows users to easily manage their services.

Updated features

Improved WHM experience

We have made several changes to WHM’s setup process and Home interface, in order to improve users’ initial experiences with cPanel & WHM.

Simplified setup process

We have removed several sections of WHM’s Initial Setup Assistant interface in order to streamline the setup process for new servers.

  • When you log in to WHM as the root user for the first time, the system will require you to accept cPanel, Inc.’s End User License Agreement (EULA) and to enable or disable cPanel Analytics. You can also specify a contact email address and two nameservers.

You can modify all of the removed Initial Setup Assistant interface settings via configuration files or other WHM interfaces:

  • Server Contact Email Addresses
    • Existing WHM Interface — Basic WebHost Manager Setup
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Enter one or more email addresses to contact in case a problem arises with this server.
    • Configuration File — /etc/wwwacct.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — CONTACTEMAIL
  • Subscribe to the cPanel mailing list.
  • Server Contact SMS Address
    • Existing WHM Interface — Basic WebHost Manager Setup
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Enter one or more cellular phone or pager email addresses to message via email in case a problem arises with this server.
    • Configuration File — /etc/wwwacct.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — CONTACTPAGER
  • Server Contact ICQ Number
  • ICQ Number to Send Alerts From
    • Existing WHM Interface — Basic WebHost Manager Setup
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — The ICQ ID that this server should use for login to ICQ when sending alerts.
    • Configuration File — /etc/wwwacct.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — CONTACTUIN
  • ICQ Password
  • This Server’s Hostname
  • Primary Resolver
    • Existing WHM Interface — Resolver Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Primary Resolver
    • Configuration File — /etc/resolv.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — nameserver
  • Secondary Resolver
    • Existing WHM Interface — Resolver Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Secondary Resolver
    • Configuration File — /etc/resolv.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — nameserver
  • Third Resolver
    • Existing WHM Interface — Resolver Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Tertiary Resolver
    • Configuration File — /etc/resolv.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — nameserver
  • Main Network/Ethernet Device
    • Existing WHM Interface — Basic WebHost Manager Setup
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — The ethernet device onto which new IP addresses are added.
    • Configuration File — /etc/wwwacct.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — ETHDEV

  • IP Address(es) to Add
    • Existing WHM Interface — Add a New IP Address
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — New IP or IP range to add
    • Configuration File and Setting — Use WHM API 1’s addips function to set this value.
  • Subnet Mask
    • Existing WHM Interface — Add a New IP Address
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Select a subnet mask for the IP or IPs above to use
    • Configuration File — /etc/ips

  • Nameserver Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface — Nameserver Selection
    • Configuration File — /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
    • Configuration File Setting — local_nameserver_type
  • Nameserver 1, Nameserver 2, Nameserver 3, and Nameserver 4
    • Existing WHM Interface — Basic WebHost Manager Setup
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Nameserver 1, Nameserver 2, Nameserver 3, and Nameserver 4
    • Configuration File — /etc/wwwacct.conf
    • Configuration File Setting — NS, NS2, NS3, and NS4
  • Add “A Entries” for all Nameservers
    • Existing WHM Interface — Basic WebHost Manager Setup
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Configure Address Records
    • Configuration File — /var/cpanel/nameserverips.yaml
  • Add “A Entries” for Hostname

  • FTP Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface — FTP Server Selection
    • Configuration File — /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
    • Configuration File Setting — ftpserver
  • Mail Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface — Mailserver Configuration
    • Existing WHM Interface Setting — Protocols Enabled
    • Configuration File — /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
    • Configuration File Setting — mailserver
  • Configure cPHulk Brute Force Protection
    • Existing WHM Interface — cPHulk Brute Force Protection
    • Configuration File — The /var/cpanel/hulkd/enabled and /var/cpanel/cphulk_enable touchfiles.
  • Provide modules to /usr/bin/perl formerly provided by checkperlmodules

  • Quotas
    • Existing WHM Interface — Initial Quota Setup
    • Configuration File and Setting — Use the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script to enable or disable quotas.


To facilitate this change, we now enable quotas by default on new installations of cPanel & WHM but not on cPanel DNSOnly®. If you wish to disable quotas, you must finish the installation process and then perform the steps in our How to Disable Filesystem Quotas documentation.

Updated WHM Home interface

We have revised WHM’s Home interface to display a list of the most useful interfaces to manage your server and your accounts.

  • We now hide the left-side navigation menu by default.

  • You can access the legacy page, which lists all of WHM’s sections and interfaces, via the View toggle in the top-right corner of the interface.

  • This change added a new description parameter to WHM’s dynamicui.conf file.

Updated Git Version Control functionality

To help users prevent unintentional deletion of data, we have updated the functionality in cPanel’s Git Version Control interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Git Version Control):

  • We removed the Delete action from the list of repositories.

  • We added the Remove action to the list of repositories. When you click Remove, cPanel no longer manages the repository, but the system does not delete any data in the repository directory.


To fully delete repository data, use cPanel’s File Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Files » File Manager) or your preferred method to manually delete the files.

Git SSH host key verification

The system now automatically performs host key verification whenever you clone a new repository or make changes to or update a cloned repository in cPanel’s Git Version Control interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Git Version Control). These checks help to prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks.

WHM’s Backup Configuration interface

We updated the appearance of WHM’s Backup Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Backup » Backup Configuration).

The updates include the following new tabs:

  • The Additional Destinations tab, which includes the Destination table and transport setup.

  • The Validation Results tab, which shows the destinations’ validation success or failure messages. This tab appears after a user verifies the connection to one or more destinations.

cPanel & WHM’s File and Directory Restoration interface

We updated the appearance of the File and Directory Restoration interface in both the cPanel (cPanel » Home » Files » File and Directory Restoration) and WHM (WHM » Home » Backup » File and Directory Restoration) interfaces. We also added the ability to enter the exact path to the file or directory that users wish to restore.


For these restoration features to work appropriately in cPanel & WHM, system administrators must enable account file backups through WHM’s Backup Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Backup » Backup Configuration).

Update a domain’s PHP version and PHP-FPM settings from within the domains table in WHM’s MultiPHP Manager

WHM users can now update an individual domain’s PHP version and PHP-FPM settings from within the domains table in WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface (WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager). Users can choose a PHP version from a menu and toggle PHP-FPM settings between On and Off for individual domains.

Upgraded cPanel (cpsrvd) PHP version to PHP 7.2

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we upgraded the PHP version in cPanel & WHM from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2. This change affects the PHP section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings). See the Removal of Zendguard Optimizer release note for more information.

Added the –fix_corrupt argument to the backups_create_metadata script

The --fix_corrupt argument tells the system to search for all corrupted metadata and fixes it. For more information, read the backups_create_metadata Script documentation.

Apache SpamAssassin™ upgraded to version 3.4.2

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we upgraded Apache SpamAssassin from version 3.4.1 to version 3.4.2. This upgrade does not alter your Apache SpamAssassin settings when you upgrade cPanel & WHM to version 76.

Controls and data suppressed for disabled httpd services

In cPanel & WHM version 76, when you disable the httpd daemon, the system now suppresses its related controls and data in WHM’s user interface. For example, when you disable httpd, the system does not display IP address information in WHM’s Manage SSL Hosts interface (WHM » Home » SSL/TLS » Manage SSL Hosts).

Updated domain selection list

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we updated the domain selection list in the following WHM interfaces so that they could swiftly handle large numbers of domains:

  • Delete a DNS Zone (WHM » Home » DNS Functions » Delete a DNS Zone)

  • Edit DNS Zone (WHM » Home » DNS Functions » Edit DNS Zone)

  • Edit MX Entry (WHM » Home » DNS Functions » Edit MX Entry)

  • Reset a DNS Zone (WHM » Home » DNS Functions » Reset a DNS Zone)

  • Set Zone Time to Live (WHM » Home » DNS Functions » Set Zone Time To Live (TTL))

Block restorations when account exceeds disk quota

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we updated cPanel’s Backup interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Backup) and Backup Wizard interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Backup Wizard) to block restorations when the account exceeds its disk quota. Previously, the system attempted to restore the backup, failed, and did not display an error.

Redirects interface update

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the Regular Expression and HTTP Status Code columns to the table in cPanel’s Redirects interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Redirects).

As of cPanel & WHM version 76, the system adds a symlink to the log data backup file in the user’s /home directory during the archive process. This symlink allows you to access this file while the system archives the file.

The symlink’s name reflects the log file’s name and may contain a .bkup file extension.

For more information, read our The cPanel & WHM Log Files documentation.

Removed open_basedir patch from EasyApache 4 systems

WHM’s PHP open_basedir Tweak interface (WHM » Home » Security Center » PHP open_basedir Tweak) now only appears on systems that run EasyApache 3. This interface did not update the settings on systems that run EasyApache 4.

KernelCare Free Patch Set only functions on CentOS 6 and CentoOS 7

As of cPanel & WHM version 76, WHM’s Security Advisor interface (WHM » Home » Security Center » Security Advisor) only displays the option to install the KernelCare Free Patch Set if your system runs CentOS 6 or CentOS 7.

For more information about the KernelCare Free Patch Set, read the KernelCare documentation.

AutoSSL provider usability scores

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added usability scores in the Providers tab of WHM’s Manage AutoSSL interface (WHM » Home » SSL/TLS » Manage AutoSSL). This score displays the service capabilities of each AutoSSL provider and allows a user to select a provider based on their AutoSSL needs.

A usability score ranks each provider based on the following capabilities:

  • The Domain Control Validation (DCV) methods the provider offers.

  • Whether the provider supports ancestor DCV.

  • The number of unique domains per certificate.

  • The average delivery time a provider requires to issue a certificate.

  • The maximum number of HTTP-based DCV domain redirects the provider supports.

  • The number of certificates registered per domain per week.

  • The interface also displays information for each provider’s AutoSSL delivery method and the validity period of a certificate before it expires.

EasyApache 4 interface

We added the Additional Packages section to WHM’s EasyApache 4 interface (WHM » Home » Software » EasyApache 4). This section displays any available packages that do not fit into another category.

The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/migrate_ea3_to_ea4 script

We added the --allow-unsafe-amount-of-tomcat-users flag to the migrate_ea3_to_ea4 script. This flag allows you to migrate a system that possesses more than five Tomcat users.

Rename proxy subdomains to service subdomains

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we renamed proxy subdomains to service subdomains. This name more clearly describes the subdomains’ purpose rather than a specific implementation. This updates the following settings in the Domains section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings):

  • Service subdomains

  • Service subdomain creation

  • Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support (enables service subdomain and SRV record creation)

  • Overwrite custom A records used for service subdomains

  • Service subdomain override

For more information, read our Service Subdomains Explanation and Renaming Proxy Subdomains documentation.

The Prevent cpsrvd from serving standard HTTP ports Tweak Setting

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the Prevent cpsrvd from serving standard HTTP ports setting to the Systems tab of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings). This setting prevents the cpsrvd daemon from taking over the standard HTTP ports when you disable the system’s Web Server role. This action renders any cPanel & WHM features that depend on the standard HTTP ports partially or entirely unusable. These features include service subdomains, AutoSSL, Mailman, and BoxTrapper.

OV and EV certificate status information

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we added the status of an SSL certificate request to cPanel’s SSL/TLS Wizard interface (cPanel » Home » Security » SSL/TLS Wizard). This interface displays actionable URLs for users to expedite the validation process, if available.

WHM’s MariaDB/MySQL Upgrade interface moved

As of cPanel & WHM version 76, WHM’s MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade interface (WHM » Home » SQL Services » MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade) resides in the SQL Section of the WHM interface.

Reduced greylist default deferral time to five minutes

In cPanel and WHM version 76, we reduced the greylist default deferral time to five minutes, down from ten minutes. This reduces time during which greylisting defers email from an unknown triplet. This time begins when the server receives the first email from an unknown IP address.

For more information, read our Greylisting documentation.

The FTP user interfaces are service-dependent

In cPanel & WHM version 76, the following interfaces are only available when the server has FTP services enabled:

For more information, read our Service Manager documentation.

PowerDNS manual migration notification

In cPanel & WHM version 76.0.5, we added the following entry to WHM’s Contact Manager interface (WHM » Home » Server Contacts » Contact Manager):

Migrate PowerDNS Configuration Upon Upgrade

To customize system notifications, read our Notification Templates documentation.

Service subdomain and port combination displays the correct log in interface

In cPanel & WHM version 76, users can log in via the service subdomain, associated port, or a combination of both. For example, a cPanel user would navigate to the same login interface if they enter any of the following websites into their browser:

  • cpanel.example.com

  • example.com:2083

  • cpanel.example.com:2083

Previously, cpsrvd would provide the default SSL certificate for service subdomain requests, which usually prompted domain mismatch warnings in browsers.

Terminal resource usage limitations

In cPanel & WHM version 76 and later, the Terminal feature imposes the same process resource limitations that the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) imposes on login sessions. This ensures consistency for users who connect via SSH or the Terminal feature. In cPanel & WHM version 74 and earlier, the Terminal feature inherited resource limitation settings from the cpsrvd service.

Deprecated and removed items

SquirrelMail deprecation

By default, new installations of cPanel & WHM will not include SquirrelMail. This change will not currently impact enabled SquirrelMail installations on existing cPanel & WHM servers.

  • We plan to remove SquirrelMail entirely in a future version of cPanel & WHM. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan documentation.

  • As part of this deprecation, we have removed the Enable Squirrelmail webmail setting from the Mail section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings) and the skipsqmail setting from the /var/cpanel/cpanel.config file.

Removal of SSL Sharing

In cPanel & WHM version 76, we removed the ability to share SSL certificates. This change affects the following interfaces:

  • In cPanel, we removed the Manage Certificate Sharing interface (cPanel » Home » Security » SSL/TLS).

  • In WHM, the Manage SSL Hosts interface (WHM » Home » SSL/TLS » Manage SSL Hosts) and the Apache mod_userdir Tweak interface (WHM » Home » Security Center » Apache mod_userdir Tweak).

Removal of Zendguard Optimizer

We removed zend (Zendguard Optimizer) as an option for the cPanel PHP loader setting in the PHP section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings). This PHP loader only supports PHP up to version 5 and thus is incompatible with cPanel & WHM’s upgrade to PHP 7.2. For more information, read Zend’s documentation.

Legacy Dovecot authentication removed

  • We removed the legacy /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dovecot-auth and the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dovecot-wrap binaries. The system now uses the more efficient DICT lookups.

When you upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 76, the system invalidates the .local Dovecot configuration template (for example, /var/cpanel/templates/dovecot2.2/main.local) that references the deprecated /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dovecot-wrap binary. If a system’s .local Dovecot configuration template references this binary, the system saves its .local template then rebuilds the .local file with the standard template. You must reapply your customizations to the new .local template. For more information about Dovecot customizations, read our Mailserver Configuration documentation.

  • We strongly recommend that you back up any .local template customizations before you upgrade.

  • If you use the /var/cpanel/templates/dovecot2.2/main.local file to override the default Dovecot configuration template, you must merge the changes in the /usr/local/cpanel/src/templates/dovecot2.2/main.default file when you upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 76; otherwise you will lose your customizations.

  • You should verify that your prior customizations will function version 76. For more information, read our Mailserver Configuration documentation.

Appendix A: Third-party applications


cPanel & WHM version 76 includes the following third-party applications:

PHP Modules

cPanel & WHM version 76 includes the following PHP modules:

Perl modules

cPanel & WHM version 76 includes the following Perl modules:



We use CentOS servers to generate these lists. The specific version numbers and packages may vary slightly on CloudLinux™ and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux servers.

cPanel & WHM uses the following operating system-provided third-party applications:

Appendix B: New and modified API functions

New UAPI functions

New WHM API 1 functions

  • accept_eula — This function records acceptance of cPanel & WHM’s legal terms.

  • backup_list_transported — This function lists backup files that the system sent through a specified additional backup transport.

  • get_available_applications — This function returns the contents of a dynamicui file.

  • get_available_profiles — This function returns a list of available server profiles.

  • get_current_profile — This function returns details about the server’s current profile.

  • is_role_enabled — This function returns whether a specific role is currently enabled.

  • update_contact_email — This function updates the contact email address in the wwwacct.conf file.

  • update_nameservers_config — This function updates nameservers in the wwwacct.conf file.

  • ea4_tomcat85_rem — This function removes a user from the Tomcat 8.5 configuration.

  • ea4_tomcat85_add — This function adds a user to the Tomcat 8.5 configuration.

  • ea4_tomcat85_list — This function returns a list of the users that run Tomcat.

  • start_profile_activation — This function activates a server profile.

Modified UAPI functions

We modified the following UAPI functions to accommodate the new Server Profile feature:

Modified cPanel API 2 functions

We modified the following cPanel API 2 functions to accommodate the new Server Profile feature:

Modified cPanel API 1 functions

We modified the following cPanel API 1 functions to accommodate the new Server Profile feature:

Modified WHM API 1 functions

  • backup_user_list — This function lists users with a backup file, stored locally or on additional backup destinations, on a specified date.

  • backup_date_list — This function lists all dates that contain backup files, whether stored locally or on additional backup destinations.

  • backup_set_list — This function lists backup files for the server’s accounts, whether stored locally or on additional backup destinations.

  • query_file_info — Added the optional exists parameter and the exists return.

  • ticket_create_stub_ticket - Added the secure_id return.

  • ticket_grant — Added the secure_id parameter.

We modified the following WHM API 1 functions to accommodate the new Server Profile feature:

Modified WHM API 0 functions

Deprecated WHM API 1 functions

  • configureservice — We modified this function. If a server profile disables a service, this function returns an error message.

  • servicestatus — We modified the service return. If a server profile disables a service, the system returns a 0 value for the enabled, installed, and monitored returns.

Deprecated UAPI functions

  • SSL::check_shared_cert — We removed this function in cPanel & WHM version 76.

  • SSL::set_ssl_share — We removed this function in cPanel & WHM version 76.

Removed cPanel API 2 functions

Removed cPanel API 1 functions

Removed WHM API 0 functions

Additional Documentation