Apache Modules
Apache modules add functionality to your Apache web server.
Apache modules add functionality to your Apache web server.
Git™ is a system that tracks and manages changes to files (a version control system). Whenever content changes, Git records it and stores the history of every change. Because of Git's complex functionality, it uses many terms that novice users may not immediately understand.
How to install cPanel & WHM
The rpm.versions system manages many of the packages on your cPanel & WHM server.
cPanel Analytics features collect data about how users use cPanel & WHM's interfaces and how hosting providers configure servers.
Use this document to find the most recent version number of an updated module in EasyApache 4.
You can access all of Git™'s functionality via the command line. This document lists common commands and options that may assist you when you learn Git.
This document describes the system requirements for your cPanel & WHM installation.
This document describes the default configuration that NGINX with reverse proxy uses when you install it on your server.
This document describes how to change the default configurations for NGINX with reverse proxy.
With the appropriate permissions, cPanel accounts can host Git repositories. This tutorial uses the command line to create or clone a new Git repository, update the repository's configuration, and clone the repository locally for updates.
This document describes the system requirements for your cPanel & WHM installation on an AlmaLinux OS server.
This document covers caching with NGINX® with reverse proxy.
This document describes how to set up SSH access so you can clone a local git repository to a privately-hosted remote repository.
cPanel's Git Version Control interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Git Version Control) allows you to configure deployment for your cPanel-managed repositories. While many deployment configurations are possible, this document only outlines two types of deployment that you can configure.
This document describes the system requirements for your cPanel & WHM installation in a CloudLinux™ server.
The Git™ Version Control feature allows you to deploy your cPanel-managed repositories. Generally, deployment sends finished code into production. You can use different configurations to automatically (push deployment) or manually (pull deployment) deploy changes.
This document describes the system requirements for your cPanel & WHM installation on a Rocky Linux™ server.
If you wish to deploy the contents of a cPanel-managed repository on a schedule, you can set up deployment cron jobs. Cron jobs allow you to configure the system to run a specified command automatically at a specified interval.
This document describes the system requirements for your cPanel & WHM installation on an Ubuntu® server.