Nameserver Record Report
Valid for versions 90 through the latest version
Last modified: 2024 June 13
Looking for this interface?
Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).
The Nameserver Record Report interface lists the server’s nameserver information.
Nameserver Record Report
The interface lists information in the following columns:
Nameserver — The name of your system’s authoritative nameserver.
IP Addresses — Your nameserver’s IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Warning:Due to networking requirements, you cannot run an IPv6-only cPanel & WHM server. You must have at least one IPv4 address.
Zones — The number of DNS zones that the nameserver hosts.
Note:You must properly configure the DNS entry for the nameserver’s hostname before the report can accurately supply the nameserver’s IP address information. -
Actions — The actions that you can perform for each of your system’s nameservers. When you click Edit Zones, the DNS Zone Manager interface (WHM » Home » DNS Functions » DNS Zone Manager) will appear.
Note:This information does not always reflect the status of your server’s functional and in-use nameservers or domains. This report returns information based on the server’s local DNS zones, as well as localhost lookups of those records.