Valid for versions 110 through the latest version
Last modified: December 10, 2024
Looking for this interface?
Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface in WHM's Feature Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Packages >> Feature Manager).
Use this interface to create and manage multiple domains from a single cPanel account.
Some settings only appear if your hosting provider enables them.
Domain DNS and registration
To update your domain’s DNS records, use cPanel’s Zone Editor interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Zone Editor). Contact your hosting provider to change any records that do not appear in cPanel’s Zone Editor interface.
You cannot update or renew a domain’s registration in cPanel. To find out how to update or renew a domain’s registration, contact your hosting provider or read our How to Identify Your Registrar documentation.
Create a New Domain
To create a new domain, click Create a new Domain. A new interface will appear. It displays the domain creation settings, as well as your account’s quota status. For more information, read our Create a New Domain documentation.
The List Domains table
This interface lists your domains and allows you to perform several actions. For example, you can create a new domain, modify a domain, or force HTTPS redirects.
This interface provides the following information about your domains:
Item | Actions |
Domain |
Document Root |
Redirects To | If the listed domain redirects to a different domain, the destination will appear here. Click a domain to visit the public-facing website. A new tab will appear. To manage redirects, use to cPanel’s Redirects interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Redirects). |
Force HTTPS Redirect | Use the Force HTTPS Redirect toggle to automatically redirect a domain’s visitors from the insecure version of the website to the version secured by your SSL certificate. HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP and ensures that communication between a user and your webserver is secure.
Actions |
Show Associated Subdomains | To show subdomains that the system automatically creates, perform the following steps:
Manage the Domain
To manage an individual domain, click Manage next to the domain in the Actions column. This will open the Manage the Domain interface. Use this interface to manage the domain’s document root directory, remove the domain, or perform other actions. For more information, read our Manage the Domain documentation.