Apps Managed by AppConfig

Valid for versions 110 through the latest version



Last modified: June 13, 2024


This interface displays applications that you have installed and registered with AppConfig. You can also view AppConfig application information if you run the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/show_appconfig script on the command line.

Interface tables

This interface displays the following tables:

  • Registered Web Host Manager Applications — WHM applications registered through AppConfig
  • Registered cPanel Applications — cPanel applications registered through AppConfig
  • Registered Webmail Applications — Webmail applications registered through AppConfig

If you have installed WP Squared on your server, this interface also displays the Registered WP Squared Applications table.

The Registered Web Host Manager Applications table

The Registered Web Host Manager Applications table displays the application information in the following fields:

  • Name — The name of the application.
  • ACLS required — The Access Control Lists (ACLs) that the application requires to run.
  • System User — The user that runs the application.
  • URL(s) — The Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) the application uses.
  • Origin — The origin of the application. This field displays either internal for cPanel & WHM applications or the configuration file name for non-cPanel & WHM applications.
  • PHP Config — The path component of a PHP application’s php.ini file.

    By default, PHP-based AppConfig applications use the /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini file.

  • Display Name – The name of the application in the WHM interface.
  • Entry URL — The URL to access the application in the WHM interface.

Non-Web Host Manager application tables

The tables for non-Web Host Manager applications display the application information in the following fields:

  • Name — The name of the application.
  • Features required — The features the application requires to run.
  • System User — The user that runs the application.
  • URL(s) — The Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) the application uses.
  • Origin — The origin of the application. This field displays either internal for cPanel & WHM applications or the configuration file name for non-cPanel & WHM applications.
  • PHP Config — The path component of a PHP application’s php.ini file.

    By default, PHP-based AppConfig applications use the /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini file.

Additional Documentation