Last modified: October 17, 2024
Looking for this interface?
Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).
- If you have not already installed cPanel & WHM on your server, use our Installation Guide to complete the installation process.
- If you are logging in to cPanel & WHM for the first time, read our Getting Started documentation.
The WHM interface provides the server’s root
user and resellers with root
-level privileges to all of WHM’s server administration features.
The WHM interface consists of the following sections:
- Top navigation bar
- Side navigation menu
- Important next steps
- Favorites
- Statistics panel
- Server Monitoring
- Tools
- Footer navigation bar
Top navigation bar
WHM’s top navigation bar remains visible as you navigate through the WHM interface. The top navigation bar contains the following features:
Feature | Description |
Searching for Features and Accounts | To search for a feature or an account, enter one or more keywords in the Search text box. Search results will populate as you enter words. Use the arrow keys or mouse to select the search result that you want to view.
Notifications | WHM will show you notifications of recent activity, problems with the server, and other information of importance. If your Notifications icon is red (), you have a message, warning, and/or an error on your WHM account. Click the Notifications icon to display them. |
User Menu | To change the root password (if you are logged in as the root user) or log out from the account, click the account icon (). |
Username | This feature displays the logged in cPanel account or root username. |
Hostname | This feature displays the server’s hostname. |
OS | This feature displays the server’s operating system, server profile, and environment.
For more information on server profiles and environments, read our How to use Server Profiles documentation. |
cPanel Version | This feature displays the server’s cPanel & WHM version. Click the version number to navigate to WHM’s Upgrade to Latest Version interface (WHM » Home » cPanel » Upgrade to Latest Version). |
Load Averages | This feature displays the server’s one-minute, five-minute, and 15-minute load averages, respectively. Click the averages to navigate to WHM’s Process Manager interface (WHM » Home » System Health » Process Manager). |
Side navigation menu
WHM’s side navigation menu provides access to all of WHM’s interfaces, and allows you to quickly locate specific features. For more information about WHM’s features and interfaces, read our WHM documentation.
We minimize the feature categories by default. You can expand a feature category to see the grouped features by clicking the feature name. You can expand and collapse all feature categories by clicking Expand or Collapse at the top of the side navigation menu.
The Favorites category will contain the tools that you select with the Favorites feature.
To search for a tool, enter one or more keywords in the search text box. Search results will update the options on the side navigation menu to show only those features that match the entered search criteria.
Important next steps
The first time that you log in to WHM, the interface displays an Important next steps section with quick access to important actions for new servers.
- To hide this section of the interface, click Dismiss.
- To restore this section of the interface after you hide it, run the following commands as the
The Favorites section of the WHM Home interface provides immediate access to the WHM features that you select. You can choose which features you prefer and the order in which they appear. You can also choose whether to display the feature descriptions. The tools that you select will appear in the Favorites category in WHM’s side navigation menu.
To add features to the Favorites section, perform the following steps:
- Click Edit Favorites. A star icon () will appear next to each feature.
- Click the star icon () for each feature that you wish to add.
- Click Done Editing to stop adding features.
To reorder features in the Favorites section, perform the following steps:
- Click Edit Favorites.
- Click and drag the features to the position you prefer.
- Click Done Editing.
To remove features from the Favorites section, perform the following steps:
- Click Edit Favorites.
- Click the x icon () for each feature that you wish to remove.
- Click Done Editing to stop removing features.
To enable or disable feature descriptions, perform the following steps:
- Click Edit Favorites.
- Click the Compact or Detailed toggle.
- Click Done Editing.
Statistics panel
In the WHM Home interface Statistics panel, you will find useful information about your server. The statistics panel contains the following features:
Feature | Description |
Hostname | The Hostname section displays the hostname of your server. |
Load Averages | The Load Averages section displays the load average for your server for the past minute, five minutes, and fifteen minutes. It will also tell you if your load is trending down, trending up, or remaining steady. |
Operating System | The Operating System section displays the operating system and version that your cPanel & WHM server runs. |
Product | The Product section displays the version and the license type of your cPanel & WHM server. |
User Analytics ID | The User Analytics ID displays your Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). For more information, read our cPanel Analytics documentation.
This section only appears if the user logged in as a non- |
Server Monitoring
WebPros International, LLC currently provides this feature in a limited release, with plans to expand its availability in future updates.
The Server Monitoring section displays statistics and metrics for your server’s performance at a glance. Here you can see details such as CPU usage, CPU load average, and Top processes. For a more detailed view, click View Reports to be taken to the Server Monitoring (Powered by 360 Monitoring) interface.
The WHM Home interface provides quick access to the features that manage cPanel & WHM servers and accounts. These features are grouped for quick access to functions of a similar type.
By default, we hide Feature Showcase items on new installations until new items are available for the next server update. For more information and steps to view these items, read our Guide to the Feature Showcase documentation.
Footer navigation bar
In the WHM interface footer navigation bar, you will find links to documentation and support sources for WHM & cPanel. The footer navigation bar contains the following links:
Link | Description |
Documentation | Click Documentation to go to the WHM documentation library. |
cPanel & WHM FAQ | Click cPanel & WHM FAQ to go to the cPanel & WHM knowledge base with answers to many frequently-asked questions. |
Support Forums | Click Support Forums to go to the cPanel Community Forums where you can interact with an entire community of cPanel & WHM users, submit support tickets, report bugs, and find other useful resources for managing your WHM servers and accounts. |
cPanel University | Click cPanel University to go to the cPanel University site for training and certification. |
Additional Home interface features
Feature | Description |
Trial license banner | Servers that use a trial license display a banner at the top of the WHM Home interface. This banner displays the server’s trial license status, and you can click Purchase a License to buy a full WebPros International, LLC license. For more information, read our How to Purchase a cPanel License documentation. |
Trial license support chat | If your server uses a trial license and you log in as the root user or a reseller with root -level privileges, a chat icon () will appear on the lower-right side of the interface. Click the icon to display a chat window, where you can chat with cPanel Customer Service. When you upgrade to a paid license, your current chat sessions will remain available until you or cPanel Customer Service end the chat. To request further support, open a technical support ticket. |
Feedback | When you log in as the root user or a reseller with root -level privileges, a feedback icon () will show on the lower-right side of the interface. Click the icon or tab to take a brief survey to let WebPros International, LLC know your thoughts about cPanel & WHM. |
cPanel Analytics | If you have enabled Interface Analytics at the server level, a graph icon () will appear on the right side of the interface. Click the icon to display your account-level Interface Analytics settings. Select Allow to enable Interface Analytics for your account, or select Deny to disable it.
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