Copy a Locale

Valid for versions 106 through the latest version



Last modified: June 13, 2024


This interface allows you to duplicate a locale in to a standard locale or a non-standard locale.


Copy a locale into a standard locale

To copy a locale into a standard locale, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the original locale from the Duplicate Locale menu.

  2. Select Standard locale.

  3. Select a locale from the Standard locale menu.


    Don’t see your language of choice? Take our Language Support Feedback Survey to let us know your preferences.

  4. Click Duplicate. The system will redirect you to a new interface.

  5. Click Click here to download to download the duplicate in XML format, or click upload it here to edit the copy’s XML.

Copy a locale into a non-standard locale

To copy a locale into a non-standard locale, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an original locale from the Duplicate Locale menu.

  2. Select Non standard locale.

  3. Enter a name for the copy, prefixed with the i_ tag, in the appropriate boxes.


    An i_ tag is a standard way to create, identify, and work with a non-standard locale. It consists of a code prefixed with the letter i, followed by an underscore ( _ ).

  4. Select the options from the Fallback Locale, Number Formatting, and Character Orientation menus.


    When an i_ tag’s lexicon does not have a phrase, the tag will reference the locale that is set to Fallback to find the phrase there.

  5. Click Duplicate. The system will redirect you to a new interface.

  6. Click Click here to download to download the duplicate in XML format, or click upload it here to edit the copy’s XML.


If a desired locale is not present, click rebuild the locale databases to update the list of locales.

Additional Documentation