Initial Quota Setup

Valid for versions 112 through the latest version




Last modified: June 13, 2024

Looking for this interface?

Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).



This feature requires kernel support for quotas on your server. If your server uses a custom kernel that does not include quota support, the initial quota setup process may result in an unbootable system.

The Initial Quota Setup interface scans your server to confirm that it uses disk space quotas on the directories in which your cPanel users store their files. We recommend that you use quota support, and we enable it by default on new installation of cPanel & WHM. Without quota support, the server will not display disk space usage for users and it will not enforce quota limits.

  • Quotas do not limit updates that a user can make to a MySQL®, MariaDB®, or PostgreSQL® database.
  • Quotas that include databases only affect cPanel-related functions.
  • Processes that the system runs, such as PHP scripts that create files, can create user-owned files until the number of files reaches the quota. This situation occurs because the kernel-enforced quota does not access cPanel settings.
  • The backup process for an account near or over its quota may fail because the system cannot write necessary files (for example, a database lock file).

If you run a Virtuozzo® Virtual Private Server (VPS), read our Enable Quotas on a Virtuozzo VPS documentation.

For more information about quota-related issues, read our How to Fix Quotas documentation.

Quota setup

To perform the quota scan, click Proceed.

When you click Proceed, the system runs the /scripts/initquotas script. This script ignores /home directory mount points that use the following options:

  • no
  • no auto
  • loop

To troubleshoot this issue, check the /etc/fstab file for these options.

  • We enable quotas by default on new installations.

  • If you disable and then reenable quotas on servers that use the XFS® filesystem, you must perform one of the following actions for quotas to function properly:

    • WHM interface — Use WHM’s Initial Quota Setup interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Initial Quota Setup) to configure quotas.
    • Command line — Run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script and then remount the file system.
    • Manually fix quotas via command line — For instructions on how to perform the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script’s actions manually, read the Red Hat XFS and XFS Quota Management documentation.
  • If you have enabled the Reboot To Enable Filesystem Quotas Reminder and Filesystem Quotas Ready notifications, the system sends notifications when it is ready to reboot and when the quota scan finishes and quotas are functional.

  • Updates to CloudLinux™ may break quotas. For this reason, after each update of CloudLinux, you must run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script and then remount the file system.

Additional Documentation