Tweak Settings — cPAddons Site Software

Valid for versions 112 through 114








Last modified: October 10, 2024


This section does not appear on servers running the Ubuntu® operating system.

The cPAddons Site Software section includes the following settings:

Setting Description Values Default
cPAddons Site Software admin email This setting specifies a contact email address that receives cPAddon moderation requests. The system also notifies resellers if they choose to configure their contact email address in the cPanel interface.
  • A moderation request is a request from a user who wishes to install or upgrade a cPAddon. You must approve the request before the user installs or upgrades a cPAddon.
We have deprecated the moderation feature and will remove it in the future. You cannot enable moderation for any cPAddons. Any cPAddons that currently use moderation will continue to function, but if you disable this setting you cannot reactivate moderation.
To specify the cPAddon administrator’s email address, enter the email address that you wish to use in the text box. None
cPAddons Site Software source automatic updates This setting specifies whether you wish for cPanel & WHM to automatically update all of the cPAddons’ source files.
  • On — Enable
  • Off — Disable.
Max cPAddons Site Software installation requests This setting specifies the maximum number of moderation requests that a single user can make at one time. To specify a new value, enter the number of requests that you wish to allow in the text box.
  • Minimum value: N/A
  • Maximum value: N/A
Max cPAddons Site Software installation requests per addon This setting specifies the maximum number of moderation requests per cPAddon that a single user can make at one time. To specify a new value, enter the number of requests that you wish to allow per cPAddon in the text box.
  • Minimum value: N/A
  • Maximum value: N/A
cPAddons Site Software moderation notification This setting allows you to select whether the cPAddons administrator receives notifications about pending moderation requests.
  • On — Enable
  • Off — Disable.
Allow cPAddons Site Software installations from non-cPanel sources This setting allows you to install third-party scripts on your server.
  • On — Enable
  • Off — Disable.
Allow cPAddons Site Software installations from modified sources This setting allows users to install previously-altered cPAddons. You may wish to enable this item when you test custom cPaddons.
  • On — Enable
  • Off — Disable.
Notify reseller of cPAddons Site Software installations This setting notifies resellers whenever their users must update their cPAddons.
  • On — Enable
  • Off — Disable.
Notify root of cPAddons Site Software installations This setting notifies the cPAddons Site Software administrator whenever their users must update their cPAddons.
  • On — Enable
  • Off — Disable.
Notify cPanel users when they need to update their cPAddons Site Software installations This setting notifies cPanel users whenever they must update their cPAddons.
  • Allow users to choose — This option allows cPanel users to specify whether they wish to receive notifications about out-of-date cPAddons.
  • always — This option allows cPanel & WHM to automatically notify users when their cPAddons are out-of-date.
  • never — This option allows you to specify that users should never receive notifications when their cPAddons are out-of-date.
Allow users to choose