Tweak Settings — PHP

Valid for versions 112 through 114








Last modified: October 10, 2024

The following settings control cPanel & WHM’s internal PHP. Your web server does not use these settings. To configure your web server’s PHP settings, use WHM’s MultiPHP INI Editor interface (WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP INI Editor).

These settings update cPanel & WHM’s internal php.ini files. Your cPanel & WHM installation will overwrite direct edits to these files.

The PHP section includes the following settings:

Setting Description Values Default
cPanel PHP max execution time This setting specifies the number of seconds that a cPanel PHP script can run before the system terminates it. This limit prevents poor server performance due to poorly written scripts.
  • Minimum value: 90
  • Maximum value: 500
90 s
cPanel PHP memory limit This setting specifies the memory_limit setting in the php.ini file for cPanel’s internal PHP.
  • Minimum value: 128
  • Maximum value: 16,384
128 MB
cPanel PHP max POST size This setting specifies the maximum size in Megabytes (MB) of a POST request.
  • Minimum value: 55
  • Maximum value: 2,047
55 MB
cPanel PHP max upload size This setting specifies the maximum file size in Megabytes (MB) that a PHP script may upload.
  • Minimum value: 50
  • Maximum value: 2,047
50 MB
cPanel PHP loader This setting specifies a PHP loader or loaders through which cPanel & WHM executes internal PHP scripts.
  • ioncube
  • sourceguardian