User Manager

Valid for versions 102 through the latest version



Last modified: 2024 May 29

Looking for this interface?

Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface in WHM's Feature Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Packages >> Feature Manager).


The User Manager interface allows you to manage your Subaccounts. Subaccounts use the same login and password information for email, FTP, and Web Disk services. The system synchronizes the password of each of the Subaccount’s allowed services.

This interface also allows you to merge email, FTP, and Web Disk accounts into a single Subaccount or to link existing service accounts to Subaccounts.

  • The Manage Team feature offers more functionality for cPanel account owners who would like to create team users.
  • The User Manager interface does not allow you to create new cPanel accounts. Hosting providers and system administrators can create new cPanel accounts in WHM’s Create a New Account interface (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Create a New Account).
  • In the accounts list, the cPanel account and logs account include a star () on their icons. You cannot edit or delete these accounts.
  • Server owners and resellers can now disable the User Manager interface through the Feature Manager interface.

Subaccounts can only access FTP, Web Disk, and Webmail. Subaccounts cannot log in to or access cPanel.

If any email, FTP, or Web Disk accounts use the same username, the User Manager interface allows you to merge those accounts into a Subaccount.

  • The User Manager interface groups any service accounts that you could merge.
  • To merge the accounts, click Link.
  • To remove this action for those accounts, click Dismiss.

Add a Subaccount

To add a Subaccount, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Add User.
  2. Enter the user’s name in the Full Name text box.
  3. Enter the username in the Username text box.
  4. If you manage more than one domain, select the appropriate domain from the Domain menu.
  5. Enter a contact email address for the user.
    • You must enter the contact email address to allow Subaccount users to use the Reset Password feature or to allow the user to set their own password.
    • If you do not specify a contact email address, the system will generate a fake email address when a user attempts to reset their password. This action helps protect users’ credentials on an account. This email address appears as a hint in the Contact Email Address text box on the cPanel Login interface.
  6. Select the method to use to set the Subaccount password:
    • To send an email to the user to set their own password, select The user will set the account password.
      • To use this method, you must enable the Reset Password for Subaccount setting in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings). If you cannot access WHM, contact your hosting provider for assistance.
      • When you select this setting, the user must follow the steps in our Subaccount Initial Password Guide documentation in order to set their password.
    • To set the password yourself, select Set the user’s password. Then, enter and confirm the new password in the appropriate text boxes.
      • The system evaluates the password that you enter on a scale of 100 points. 0 indicates a weak password, while 100 indicates a very secure password.
      • Some web hosts require a minimum password strength. A green password Strength meter indicates that the password is equal to or greater than the required password strength.
      • Click Password Generator to generate a strong password. For more information, read our Password & Security documentation.
  7. Select the Subaccount’s services. For more information, read the Services section below.

    If the Subaccount’s username matches the username of another account, the interface will prompt you to link or dismiss the account.

    • To link the account and Subaccount, click Link.
    • If you do not wish to link the account and Subaccount, click Dismiss.
  8. Click Create, or click Create and Add Another User to add another account.



Email allows you to enable the Subaccount’s email address.

You can configure the following email setting:

  • Quota — The amount of hard drive space the Subaccount may use to store email.
    • Due to mail server constraints, you cannot assign quotas that exceed 4,294,967,296 MB (4096 TB or 4 PB). Select Unlimited for quotas that exceed this amount.
    • If your hosting provider defined a maximum email account quota for your account, you can’t select the Unlimited value. Instead, the interface displays the Maximum value. The Quota value cannot exceed this amount.


FTP allows you to manage your website’s files.

  • The interface only displays the FTP menu if your hosting provider has enabled FTP services on your server.
  • SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) uses your cPanel account’s shell access to transfer files. Subaccounts cannot use SFTP. For more information, read our How To Configure Your SFTP Client documentation.
  • To view past FTP connections to your site, navigate to cPanel’s Raw Access interface (cPanel » Home » Metrics » Raw Access).

You can configure the following FTP settings:

  • Quota — The amount of hard drive space the Subaccount user may use in their specified home directory.

    If your server uses the ProFTPD FTP server, you cannot use quotas. Additionally, the User Manager interface will not display the Quota setting. For more information, contact your hosting provider.

  • Home Directory — The Subaccount’s FTP home directory.
    • This directory is the new FTP account’s top level of directory access. For example, if you enter example in the Home Directory text box, the FTP account can access the /home/user/example directory, where user represents the cPanel account username, and all of its subdirectories.
    • The system automatically populates this text box with public_html/domain.tld/account, where account represents the username that you entered in the Login text box and domain.tld represents the domain that you selected from the Domain menu.

Web Disk

The Web Disk utility allows you to manage and manipulate files on your server in multiple types of interfaces (for example, your computer, mobile device, or certain types of software).

You can configure the following Web Disk settings:

  • Home Directory — The Subaccount’s Web Disk home directory.
  • Permissions — The Subaccount’s home directory permissions. You can select either of the following permissions:
    • Read-Write — The Subaccount can read and write files inside the directory.
    • Read-Only — The Subaccount can only read files inside the directory.
  • Authentication — Whether to enable Digest Authentication. You must enable Digest Authentication if you use Windows® Vista, Windows® 7, or Windows® 8, or Windows® 10 and you access Web Disk over a clear text, unencrypted connection. You do not need to enable Digest Authentication if you meet the following conditions:
    • The domain has an SSL certificate that a recognized certificate authority signed.
    • You can connect to Web Disk with SSL over port 2078.

      Do not enable Digest Authentication if the domain uses a signed SSL certificate.

Logging in


If you selected The user will set the account password when you created the Subaccount, the user must follow the steps in our Subaccount Initial Password Guide documentation to set their password.

After you create a Subaccount, you can use several methods to access it:

Edit a Subaccount

To edit a Subaccount, click Edit. You can update the following Subaccount settings:

  • Full name — The Subaccount’s user’s first and last name.
  • Contact Email Address — An alternate email address for the Subaccount’s user.

    You must configure the Contact Email Address setting to allow Subaccount users to use the Reset Password feature.

  • Security Information — The Subaccount’s password.
  • Email, FTP, and Web Disk — The Subaccount’s access to email, FTP, and Web Disk services, respectively.

Delete a Subaccount

To delete a Subaccount, click Delete. Then, confirm that you wish to delete the account.


If you delete a Subaccount, the system will remove all of the Subaccount’s services.

Additional Documentation