Optimize Website

Valid for versions 82 through the latest version



Last modified: 2024 May 29

Looking for this interface?

Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface in WHM's Feature Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Packages >> Feature Manager).


This interface allows you to configure your server to automatically compress specified types of content when visitors access that content.


Your system administrator must enable the mod_deflate Apache module for this interface to appear in cPanel.

Manage compression

To disable compression of your website’s content, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Disabled.
  2. Click Update Settings.

To compress all of your website’s content, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Compress All Content.
  2. Click Update Settings.

To specify a list of types of content to compress, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Compress the specified MIME types option.

  2. In the MIME Types text box, enter a space-separated list of the types of content that you wish to compress (for example, text/html text/plain text/xml).

    • Image file formats (for example, .jpg and .png) already compress data. Do not include any image file formats in the list.
    • Apache will compress PHP content if you enable the zlib.output_compression setting in cPanel’s MultiPHP INI Editor interface (cPanel » Home » Software » MultiPHP INI Editor).
    • For more information, view Wikipedia’s list of internet media types.

  3. Click Update Settings.


cPanel saves your settings to a .htaccess file in your home directory. Your system administrator customizes these settings with the Apache FileMatch directive.

Additional information

For more information about the mod_deflate module, which handles website content compression, read the documentation for your server’s version of Apache:


The Stats sidebar in cPanel’s Home interface displays your server’s version of Apache.

Additional Documentation