You can use the Autofixer script collection to fix some common issues from a web browser that you cannot otherwise access from the command line.
You can use the Autofixer script collection to fix some common issues from a web browser that you cannot otherwise access from the command line.
This interface allows you to specify remote mail server and nameserver IP addresses that the system will then consider as local addresses.
This document describes how to disable a service.
This document describes several methods to restart the services (often daemons) on your server.
This interface allows you to manage the AutoSSL feature, which automatically installs domain-validated SSL certificates for the ApacheĀ®, Dovecot, Exim, Web Disk, and cPanel Server services for users' domains.
Use these interfaces to restart services within the WHM interface.
This interface displays information about your account and the server that hosts your account.
Service subdomains provide access to cPanel & WHM interfaces and services.
This interface lists your server's services and it allows you to enable and monitor them.
Service proxying configures local services to proxy requests for a cPanel account's domains to a remote server.
This interface displays a list of the server's monitored services.
This document provides the supported MySQL and MariaDB versions for each operating system that cPanel & WHM supports.
This document lists the various system user accounts that your cPanel & WHM server contains.
The TailWatch driver monitors a log file for certain activities and then performs actions based on the activity.
This document lists the services (daemons) that exist on cPanel & WHM servers.
The cpuser_service_manager script adds and removes user-managed and monitored services for your cPanel account.
This script checks all services to determine whether they require a restart.
This script checks how long a script's current PID has run, and can notify a WHM user or kill the process.
This script restarts a service.
This script lets you to create DNS records for service subdomains.