Tweak Settings — Stats and Logs

Valid for version 110








Last modified: October 10, 2024

The Stats and Logs section includes the following settings:

Setting Description Values Default
Allow users to update Awstats from cPanel This setting controls whether cPanel users may update their AWStats software.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Delete each domain’s access logs after statistics are gathered This setting controls whether the system deletes each domain’s access log after it processes statistics. Enable this setting to help conserve disk space.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Archive logs in the user’s home directory at the end of each stats run unless configured by the user. This setting archives logs in the user’s home directory. The system archives the logs at the end of each statistics cycle. If you disable this option, the system will not archive logs unless the user has configured their settings to archive the logs.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Remove the previous month’s archived logs from the user’s home directory at the end of each month unless configured by the user. This setting controls whether the system removes the archived log files from the user’s home directory at the end of each month. If you disable this option, the system retains archived logs unless the user has configured their settings to remove the logs.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Extra CPUs for server load This setting allows you to specify a value to add to the number of physical CPUs in your server. The sum of these two numbers becomes the value at which the cpuwatch, cpanellogd, backups, and CPU statistics daemons consider the system to be in a critical load state.
  • 0 — Don’t add the value.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
Keep master FTP log file This setting controls whether the system deletes the /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ftpxferlog file whenever the system parses FTP logs.
  • On — Keep the file.
  • Off — Delete the file.
Keep log files at the end of the month This setting allows you to keep domain log files at the end of each month in the /home/user/logs directory. If you disable this option, the system deletes these log files.
  • We strongly recommend that you disable this setting. Log files can quickly consume your server’s disk space.
  • You must set the Delete each domain’s access logs after statistics are gathered setting to Off to toggle this setting.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Keep stats logs This setting allows you to retain the statistics log (/usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log) between cPanel & WHM restarts. If you use WHM’s cPanel Log Rotation Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Service Configuration » cPanel Log Rotation Configuration) to archive the log on a monthly basis, the system may delete the log after it archives the log.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Apache log file chmod value This setting allows you to set the chmod value for the files that reside in the /etc/apache2/domlogs directory. The chmod value sets permissions for who can read, write to, and execute a file.
  • For more information about the files that reside in the /etc/apache2/domlogs directory, read our The cPanel & WHM Log Files documentation.
  • For more information on the chmod command, run the man chmod command from the command line interface.
  • For more information about file permissions, read Wikipedia’s File-system permissions article.
  • 0640 — A chmod value of 0640.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
Show bandwidth usage in megabytes by default in WHM This setting allows you to specify whether WHM displays bandwidth usage in Megabytes (MB).
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Stats log level This setting allows you to specify how much information the server should include in the /usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log file. Higher numbers indicate greater detail.
  • 1
  • Select the text box and enter a value between 1 and 10.
Log rotation size threshold This setting allows you to specify a threshold above which the cpanellogd daemon rotates log files. This setting does not apply to the Apache domlogs.
  • 300 MB
  • Select the text box and enter a value of 10 or greater.
300 MB
The interval, in days, to retain Exim stats in the database This setting allows you to specify the number of days during which you wish to keep Exim statistics.

If you set this to a high value and your server has a high volume of email traffic, the Mail Delivery Reports page in WHM may hang or load slowly.

  • 10
  • Select the text box and enter a value between 1 and 365,000.
The number of days to keep records of ModSecurity® rule hits. (Use zero to keep forever). This setting allows you to specify the number of days that you wish to maintain your hits records in the modsec database.
  • 7
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
If you set this option to 0, the system will not purge hits records from the modsec database.
Number of days to retain upcp logs before purging them This setting allows you to specify the number of days that you wish to retain logs from the nightly upcp maintenance script.
  • 45
  • Select the text box and enter a value that is between 3 and 999.