Service Status

Valid for versions 100 through the latest version



Last modified: 2025 January 14

Looking for this interface?

Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).


This interface displays a list of services that WHM monitors to ensure that they are functional.


The current server profile in WHM’s Server Profile interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Server Profile) determines which services appear in this cPanel interface.

Service Information

The Service Information table will display one of the following statuses for each service:

  • up — The service is operational. This status displays a checkmark icon ().
  • down — The service is non-operational. This status displays a triangle warning icon ().
  • pending — WHM has suspended monitoring for the service, though it has not suspended the service itself. cPanel & WHM uses this status during service restarts or installations. After, the system will automatically restart monitoring. This status displays a triangle warning icon ().

Select the tab that matches your cPanel & WHM server:


cPanel & WHM servers monitor the following services by default:

  • cpanellogd
  • cpdavd
  • cpsrvd
  • crond
  • dnsadmin
  • exim
  • ftpd
  • httpd
  • imap
  • ipaliases
  • lmtp
  • mailman
  • mysql
  • named
  • nscd
  • pop
  • queueprocd
  • rsyslogd
  • spamd
  • sshd

cPanel DNSOnly® servers monitor the following services by default:

  • cPHulk Daemon
  • Cron daemon
  • cPanel DNS Admin Cache
  • Exim Mail server
  • Exim Mail Server (on another port)
  • IP Aliases
  • LMTP Server
  • MySQL Server
  • DNS Server
  • Name Service Cache Daemon
  • SSH Daemon
  • rsyslog System Logger Daemon

System Information

This section lists the server’s load, the current memory used, the current swap space used, and the status for these items. The status can be as follows:

Status icon Icon description Status meaning
A checkmark icon. You are using less than 80% of the available resource.
A triangle warning icon. You are using between 80% and 89% of the available resource.
An X icon. You are using 90% or more of the available resource.

Disk Information

This section lists the disk devices, their mount points, their current usage, and their status. The status can be as follows:

Status icon Icon description Status meaning
A checkmark icon. You are using less than 80% of the disk device’s space.
A triangle warning icon. You are using between 80% and 89% of the disk device’s space.
An X icon. You are using 90% or more of the disk device’s space.
  • To monitor disk space usage, you must enable the System disk space usage warnings setting in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configruation » Tweak Settings).
  • To disable notifications for specific mount points, add them to WHM’s /var/cpanel/chkservd_ignored_mounts file.

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