System Reboot
Valid for versions 82 through the latest version
Last modified: June 13, 2024
Looking for this interface?
Your hosting provider can enable or disable this interface for resellers in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).
- We recommend that you upgrade your operating system to use KernelCare, a live kernel patching service that ensures your system runs the most up-to-date kernel. This service includes security patches and symlink protection. If your system supports KernelCare, you may receive an upgrade notification in this interface. For more information, read KernelCare’s documentation.
- We recommend that you only reboot your server to troubleshoot an issue that occurs when you start your server or when you disable SELinux.
- We strongly recommend that you use the Graceful Reboot method rather than the Forceful Reboot method, because a Forceful Reboot can cause data loss.
Forceful Server Reboot
Use the Forceful Server Reboot interface to shut down your server regardless of any errors that the server encounters. To begin this process, navigate to the Forceful Server Reboot interface and click Proceed.
- We recommend that you reboot your system with this method instead of with the physical reset switch (a hard reset).
- Use this method only if the Graceful Reboot function does not work.
Graceful Server Reboot
Use the Graceful Server Reboot interface to close any user-level processes and then store their data before the reboot. To begin this process, navigate to the Graceful Server Reboot interface and click Proceed.
- This method does not result in data loss.
- We strongly recommend that you use this method whenever possible.