Quota Modification

Valid for versions 100 through 110




Last modified: July 17, 2024


This interface allows you to change an account’s disk space quota. This quota specifies the maximum amount of disk space that an account can use on your server.

  • We enable quotas by default on new installations.
  • If you disable and then reenable quotas, servers that use the XFS® filesystem and run AlmaLinux 8, Rocky Linux™ 8, CentOS 7 and 8, CloudLinux™ 7 and 8, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) 7, and Ubuntu® require additional actions for quotas to function properly:
    • WHM Interface — Use WHM’s Initial Quota Setup interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Initial Quota Setup) to configure quotas.
    • Command Line — Run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script and then remount the file system.
    • Manually via the Command Line — For instructions on how to perform the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script’s actions manually, read the Red Hat XFS and XFS Quota Management documentation.
  • If you have enabled Quota System Administration notifications, the system sends notifications when it is ready to reboot and when the quota scan finishes and quotas are functional.
  • CloudLinux 7 and 8 updates may break quotas. For this reason, after each CloudLinux 7 and 8 update, you must run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas script and then remount the file system.

Set appropriate quotas for each account on your server. For example, users who wish to host video content need more disk space than a user who only hosts a blog.

  • Quotas do not limit changes to MySQL® or PostgreSQL® databases.

  • Quotas that include database space only affect cPanel-related functions.

  • Processes that the system runs, such as PHP scripts that create files, can create user-owned files until the number of files reaches the quota. This situation occurs because the kernel-enforced quota does not access cPanel settings.

  • The backup process for an account near or over its quota may fail because the system cannot write necessary files, such as a database lock file.

  • If a discrepancy exists between quotas and the results of the du -sh /home/username command, the user’s UID may own other files on the system. To find the locations of the user’s files, run the find / -user username -ls command, where username is the username.

Change quotas

To modify a quota, navigate to the Quota Modification (WHM » Account Functions » Quota Modification) interface. The table displays a list of your accounts. The Search text box allows you to search by user or domain. You can also choose to display the list by All, Users, or Domains.

To assign a new quota to an account, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • To change a single quota, select the desired account and click Modify at the bottom of the interface. The bandwidth information for the selected account will appear.
    • To view all of your users’ quotas, click Show all Accounts at the bottom of the interface. The bandwidth information for the accounts will appear. If you chose to view all of your accounts, click Show Only this Reseller’s Accounts under a reseller’s username to view only that reseller’s accounts.
  2. Enter the new quota for each account in the appropriate text box, in megabytes (MB), or select Unlimited to grant the user unlimited disk space.
  3. Click Save.

If all of your accounts’ quotas incorrectly display as 0, rebuild your system’s quota files. Click the click here link, or, if the interface does not display a link, use WHM’s Initial Quota Setup interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Initial Quota Setup).

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