Tweak Settings — System

Valid for version 110








Last modified: October 10, 2024

The System section includes the following settings:

Setting Description Values Default
Accounts that can access a cPanel user account: This setting allows you to specify which users can log in to a cPanel account. If you disallow root or reseller logins to cPanel accounts, the disallowed root user or reseller cannot access the cPanel icon in WHM’s List Accounts interface (WHM » Home » Account Information » List Accounts), which provides access to the user’s cPanel account.
  • Root, Account-Owner, and cPanel User — Allow the root user, the owner (the root user or reseller), and the cPanel user.
  • Account-Owner and cPanel User Only — Allow the owner (the root user or reseller) and the cPanel user.
  • cPanel User Only — Allow only the cPanel user.
Root, Account-Owner, and cPanel User
Allow server-info and server-status This setting allows you to specify additional IP addresses and hostnames that can access the page, where represents a domain’s name.
  • If you install the mod_info Apache module, this setting also applies to the page.
  • cPanel & WHM does not install the mod_info Apache module by default. To use this module, you must install it in EasyApache 4.
  • Note:
    We strongly recommend that you use caution when you allow access to these pages. They display sensitive information about your server.
Enter the desired IP addresses or hostnames in the text box, one IP address or hostname per line. N/A
Allow cPanel users to install SSL Hosts. This setting allows you to specify whether to allow cPanel users to install SSL hosts. If you disable this setting, cPanel users can’t enable the Force HTTPS Redirects option for any domain in cPanel’s Domains interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Domains).
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Apache non-SSL IP/port This setting allows you to specify a new port or IP address that Apache uses to listen for requests and serve web pages over an unsecured connection.
This setting can deny HTTP traffic the ability to route correctly, which renders your site inaccessible to visitors.
  • — Cause Apache to use port 80 to serve content on an unsecured connection for all of your server’s IP addresses.
  • Select the text box and enter a port or IP address. Enter an IP address to prevent Apache’s ability to listen on all other IP addresses.
Apache SSL port This setting allows you to specify a new port or IP address that Apache uses to listen for requests and serve web pages over a secure connection.
This setting can deny HTTPS traffic the ability to route correctly, which renders your site inaccessible to visitors.
  • — Cause Apache to use port 443 to serve content on a secured connection for all of your server’s IP addresses.
  • Select the text box and enter a port or IP address. Enter an IP address to prevent Apache’s ability to listen on all other IP addresses.
cPanel & WHM API shell (for developers) This setting allows you to add the following interfaces, which allow the root user and resellers to test API functions directly:
  • WHM’s API Shell interface (WHM » Home » Development » API Shell)
  • cPanel’s API Shell interface (cPanel » Home » Advanced » API Shell)
To enable this feature for cPanel, you must grant the API Shell feature to the desired root user and resellers in WHM’s Feature Manager interface (WHM » Home » Packages » Feature Manager), then refresh your browser window.
  • On — Allow.
  • Off — Deny.
DNS server reload deferral time This setting allows you to define a time, in seconds, that the dnsadmin service waits before it restarts the DNS server. The system silently discards additional restart requests in this time period.
  • You cannot set a value greater than 300 seconds.
  • For busy servers, we recommend a higher value. A higher value will help to prevent multiple subsequent restarts.
  • If your system experiences very few DNS changes, we recommend that you use a setting of 5.
  • DNS changes will not take effect until the DNS server reloads.
  • 2 s — Two seconds.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
2 s
HTTPD deferred reload time This setting allows you to specify the number of seconds that the system waits before it restarts the web server. The system silently discards additional restart requests in this time period.
  • 0 s — Don’t wait.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
0 s
The number of seconds between ChkServd service checks. This setting allows you to specify the number of seconds between each chkservd daemon service check. If you choose to set a value below 300, we recommend that you first use the /var/log/chkservd.log file to verify the length of your system’s chkservd checks. The settings that you choose in WHM’s Service Manager interface (WHM » Home » Service Configuration » Service Manager) affect the length of these checks.
  • Minimum value: 60
  • Maximum value: 7200
The number of times ChkServd allows a previous check to complete before termination. This setting allows you to specify the number of times that the chkservd daemon allows a check to complete before termination.
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Maximum value: 20
The option to enable or disable ChkServd HTML notifications. This setting allows you to enable or disable HTML notifications from the chkservd daemon.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
The option to enable or disable ChkServd recovery notifications. This setting allows you to enable or disable recovery notifications from the chkservd daemon.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Conserve memory This setting allows you to specify whether to conserve memory (RAM) at the expense of more CPU usage and disk I/O.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
cpsrvd username domain lookup This setting allows you to specify whether WHM automatically supplies a username (based on the account name) when a cPanel user enters a login password.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Prevent cpsrvd from serving standard HTTP ports This setting prevents the cpsrvd daemon from taking over the standard HTTP ports when you disable the system’s web server role.
This action renders any cPanel & WHM features that depend on the standard HTTP ports partially or entirely unusable. These features include service subdomains, AutoSSL, Mailman, and BoxTrapper.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Cache disk quota information This setting allows you to specify whether WHM caches disk usage information.
  • If you enable this setting, the cache process may result in disk-usage information that is up to 15 minutes out-of-date.
  • If you disable this setting, your server may experience a large performance degradation.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Recursive DNS query pool size This setting restricts the maximum number of currently active recursive DNS queries. Use this setting if your firewall imposes rate limits on DNS queries. These rate limits can degrade recursive DNS queries in applications such as AutoSSL.
  • Unrestricted — Disable.
  • 10 — Restrict to 10 currently active recursive DNS queries.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
Reverse DNS lookup upon connect This setting allows you to specify whether cPanel & WHM attempts to resolve a client’s IP address to a domain name whenever a user connects to a cPanel service.
If you enable this setting, it may degrade your server’s performance.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Maximum age, in days, of content to keep when automatically emptying the users’ File Manager Trash This setting determines how many days to keep files in the .trash folder of user home directories. These folders contain deleted files from cPanel’s File Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Files » File Manager).
  • Disabled — Disabled.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
    A value of 0 configures the server to purge all files from every user’s .trash folder, regardless of age.
Enable optimizations for the C compiler This setting allows you to specify whether the compiler optimizes code for your system. On some systems, compiler optimizations can trigger a bug in system libraries.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Max HTTP submission size This setting allows you to specify the maximum file size in Megabytes (MB) that a user can upload to your server. This setting applies to all uploads and form submissions in cPanel & WHM, which includes Webmail, cPanel’s File Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Files » File Manager), and phpMyAdmin.
  • Unlimited — Allow any file size.
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 1 and 10,240.
File upload required free space This setting allows you to specify the minimum filesystem quota space that the system requires after a file uploads to your server. This setting applies to all uploads and form submissions in cPanel & WHM, which includes Webmail, cPanel’s File Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Files » File Manager), and phpMyAdmin.
  • This helps ensure that users do not meet or exceed their quota limits.
  • We enable quotas by default on new installations.
  • 5 MB — Allow a minimum of 5 MB of free disk space.
  • Select the text box and enter a number.
5 MB
Interval, in days, between rebuilds of the FTP quota and disk usage data (applies to Pure-FTPd only) This setting allows you to specify the number of days between rebuilds of the FTP quota and disk usage data for Pure-FTP. This interval allows the system to consider account disk usage information for files that other processes modify or add to a user’s root FTP directory.
  • A higher setting reduces disk I/O, but lowers the accuracy of the usage data.
  • A lower setting improves accuracy, but consumes more disk I/O.
  • 30 — 30 days.
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 1 and 365,000.
Depth to recurse for .htaccess checks This setting allows you to specify the maximum number of directories deep to look for .htaccess files when you change the PHP handler.

For example, if the /home/user/public_html/ directory is your document root, and 2 is the value for this setting, the system searches the following directories for .htaccess files:
  • /home/user/public_html/
  • /home/user/public_html/directory1/
  • /home/user/public_html/directory2/
The system does not search the /home/user/public_html/directory1/directorya/ directory.
This setting also comments out any AddHandler directive lines in your users’ .htaccess files that change how the system handles PHP.
  • 2 — Two directories.
  • Select the text box and enter a number that is greater than 0.
We strongly recommend that you do not enter a value that is higher than 10. A value that is higher than 10 can degrade your server’s performance.
Account Invites for Subaccounts This settings allow cPanel account users to send invitations to new Subaccount users via cPanel’s User Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » User Manager). An invitation includes a link to a time-sensitive page where the Subaccount user can set their own password rather than rely on the cPanel account user to set their password.
When you disable this option, the system disables the Send login link to alternate email address. setting in cPanel’s Create an Email Account interface (cPanel » Home » Email » Create an Email Account).
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Listen on IPv6 Addresses This setting causes the cpsrvd daemon and other cPanel & WHM services to listen on IPv6.
  • If you do not enable this setting, WHM, cPanel, Webmail, and Web Disk will not function via IPv6.
  • After you enable this setting, you must rebuild Apache and run the following scripts from the command line:
    • /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_apache
    • /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_cpsrvd
    • /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_cpdavd
    • /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_nsd
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
I/O priority level at which bandwidth usage is processed This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority for bandwidth log processing.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 6
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which stats logs are processed This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority when it processes statistics logs.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 7
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which nightly backups are run This setting allows you to specify the disk’s I/O priority for nightly backups.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 6
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which cPanel-generated backups are run This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority for cPanel-generated user backups.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 7
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level for user-initiated processes This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority for certain user-initiated processes. This setting applies to a few especially I/O-intensive user functions, such as actions for cPanel’s File Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Files » File Manager).
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 6
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which quota checks are run This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority for quota checks.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 6
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which FTP quota checks are run (when Pure-FTPd is enabled) This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority for FTP quota checks for Pure-FTPd.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 6
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which email_archive_maintenance is run This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority level for the email_archive_maintenance script, which cPanel & WHM uses to support email-archiving functions.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 7
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
I/O priority level at which dovecot_maintenance is run This setting allows you to specify the server’s I/O priority level for the dovecot_maintenance script, which cPanel & WHM uses to maintain mailboxes.
  • Your operating system’s kernel must support ionice, and ionice must exist on the server, for this setting to function properly.
  • This setting specifies the “best effort” priority.
  • 7
  • Select the text box and enter a number between 0 and 7. A value of 0 grants the highest priority, while a value of 7 grants the lowest.
Use cPanel® jailshell by default This setting allows you to configure accounts to use the cPanel® jailshell by default. Jailed shell systems, by default, mount all filesystems with the nosetuid option. The nosetuid option blocks the operation of setuid and setgid commands, such as the ping command. However, this does not apply to Exim’s /usr/sbin/ directory. For more information, read our How to Create Custom Jailed Shell Mounts documentation.
  • On — Enable. We strongly recommend that you enable this setting.
  • Off — Disable.
Jailed /proc mount method ( * Choosing this option will create a limited /proc mount for legacy operating systems.) This setting allows you to permit the use of the /proc virtual filesystem in a jailshell. For more information, read our VirtFS Jailed Shell documentation.
  • Always mount a full /proc — The /proc virtual filesystem has full privileges.
  • Full /proc for supported operating systems and xenpv
    • In the CentOS 6, CloudLinux 6, and RHEL 6 operating systems, the system limits the /proc virtual filesystem to the processes in the user’s jailshell session.
    • In the AlmaLinux OS 8, Rocky Linux 8, CentOS 7, CloudLinux 7 and 8, and RHEL 7 operating systems, the /proc virtual filesystem includes all processes.
  • No /proc for supported operating systems and xenpv
    • In the CentOS 6, CloudLinux 6, and RHEL 6 operating systems, the system limits the /proc virtual filesystem to the processes in the user’s jailshell session.
    • In the AlmaLinux OS 8, Rocky Linux 8, CentOS 7, CloudLinux 7 and 8, and RHEL 7 operating systems, the system does not mount the /proc virtual filesystem inside the jail.
Full /proc for supported operating systems and xenpv
Jailed /bin mounted suid This setting allows you to permit the use of the setuid option in the /bin directory in a jailshell. System administrators who wish to run setuid commands, such as the /bin/ping command, may wish to use this setting. This setting does not affect servers that run the AlmaLinux OS 8, Rocky Linux 8, CentOS 7, CloudLinux 7 or 8, or RHEL 7 operating systems.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Jailed /usr/bin mounted suid This setting allows you to permit the use of the setuid option in the /usr/bin directory in a jailshell. System administrators who wish to run setuid commands, such as the /usr/bin/crontab command, may wish to use this setting. This setting does not affect servers that run the AlmaLinux OS 8, Rocky Linux 8, CentOS 7, CloudLinux 7 or 8, or RHEL 7 operating systems.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Max cPanel process memory This setting allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that a cPanel & WHM process can use before the system automatically kills it.
  • Unlimited — No memory limit. Select this if you do not want to impose a memory limit on cPanel & WHM processes.
  • 4096 MB — A memory limit of 4,096 MB.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
4096 MB
Max cPanel/WHM/Webmail service handlers This setting allows you to specify the maximum number of concurrent connections for the cpsrvd daemon.
Keep this setting as low as possible to limit potential denial-of-service attacks.
  • 200 — 200 connections.
  • Select the text box and enter a value between 200 and 16,384.
Minimum time between Apache graceful restarts. This setting allows you specify the number of seconds Apache will delay before it initiates a restart. This only applies to graceful restarts that are deferrable.
  • 10 — 10 seconds.
  • Select the text box and enter a value between 10 and 600.
Send language file changes to cPanel This setting configures your system to send any changes to language files to WebPros International, LLC so that we can improve our translations of interface text.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Remote WHM timeout This setting allows you to specify the number of seconds to allow a connection between this server and other remote WHM servers to remain idle before it times out.
  • 35 — 35 seconds.
  • Select the text box and enter a value greater than 35.
35 s
Disk usage/quota bailout time This setting allows you to specify the maximum amount of time in seconds during which the system may attempt to retrieve disk usage and quota information before it considers the data unavailable.
  • 60 — 60 seconds.
  • Select the text box and enter a value.
60 s
Reset Password for cPanel accounts This setting enables the Reset Password feature for cPanel account users. The Reset Password feature uses the account’s contact email address to verify a password-reset request. The email contains a security code that verifies whether the user can access the Subaccount’s contact email address as part of the password-reset verification process.
  • The link to request this email displays in the cPanel login interface.
  • To use this feature, the cPanel user must set the contact email address in cPanel’s Contact Information interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » Contact Information).
  • For more information, see our How to Reset a cPanel Account Password documentation.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Reset Password for Subaccounts This setting enables the Reset Password feature and new Subaccount invitations for cPanel Subaccount users. The Reset Password feature uses the Subaccount’s contact email address to verify a password-reset request. The email contains a security code that verifies whether the user can access the contact email address as part of the password-reset verification process.
  • The link to request this email displays in the cPanel login interface.
  • To use this feature, you must set the Subaccount’s contact email address in cPanel’s User Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » User Manager).
  • For more information, see our How to Reset a cPanel Subaccount Password documentation.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Enable Linux kernel update during nightly maintenance. This setting allows you to specify whether to allow nightly updates to your Linux kernel. If you enable this setting, the nightly updates will update the Linux kernel. If your kernel updates, the system will notify you when you log in that you need to reboot your system.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Server Locale This setting allows you to specify the locale that the system uses whenever a user selects a cPanel locale that does not exist. This setting also allows you to specify the locale that the system uses whenever a user’s web browser requests an invalid locale in the HTTP Accept-Language header.
  • Set this value to a locale that administrators, resellers, and users can understand.
  • When you modify this setting and click Save, the system applies the new language to your WHM interface immediately.
Select an available locale from the menu.

Don’t see your language of choice? Take our Language Support Feedback Survey to let us know your preferences.

Send a notification when a user’s backup has errors This setting allows you to specify whether the server notifies you when a user’s cPanel backup file contains errors.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
Allow other applications to run the cPanel and admin binaries This setting allows you to specify whether cPanel and admin binaries run from applications other than the cPanel server daemon (cpsrvd). This setting is useful for advanced administrators who are familiar with Perl scripting and who wish to run cPanel from their own custom programs.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.
ChkServd TCP check failure threshold This setting allows you to specify the number of times that a chkservd daemon TCP check must fail before the system restarts the service and sends a notification. On heavily loaded systems, these types of service checks fail occasionally, which produces erroneous indications that services are down.
  • Disable notifications and restarts from TCP checks — Disable this.
  • 3 — 3 seconds.
  • Select the text box and enter a value. We recommend a value of 3 or higher for most systems.
Number of seconds an SSH connection related to an account transfer may be inactive before timing out This setting allows you to specify the number of seconds of inactivity after which account transfers’ SSH connections time out.
  • 1800 seconds — 1,800 seconds.
  • Select the text box and enter a value between 1,800 and 172,800.
1800 seconds
Do not make changes to the firewall during account modification. By default, the system makes changes to the firewall when an account is modified. If you enable this setting, the system does not make the corresponding changes to the firewall. These firewall modifications are important for Tomcat and the cpuser_port_authority script. The server administrator will need to perform any necessary firewall changes.
  • On — Disable firewall changes.
  • Off — Allow firewall changes.
Do not make changes to the firewall via scripts/configure_firewall_for_cpanel. By default, cPanel adds firewall rules to ensure that cPanel ports are open. If you enable this setting, the system does not add these cPanel port rules to the firewall. These firewall modifications are important for remote access to the cPanel services. The server administrator will need to perform any necessary firewall changes.
  • On — Do not add cPanel firewall rules.
  • Off — Add cPanel firewall rules.
Enforce user account limits for resellers with the “Account Modification” ACL. The Account Modification ACL privilege allows resellers to bypass their user account limits. Enable this setting to prevent users from bypassing their user account limits.
  • On — Resellers can bypass their user account limits.
  • Off — Resellers cannot bypass their user account limits.
Copy default error documents to docroot for new accounts, addon domains, and subdomains When enabled, the system copies the default error documents to the document root directory when you create new accounts, addon domains, and subdomains. By copying the default error documents to the document root, this ensures that the global ErrorDocument configuration has the files it needs to prevent generating additional errors.
  • On — Enable.
  • Off — Disable.